Supreme Naruto

Chapter 678

Master servant contract!


In the gambling fight, if the big barrel hut man loses to the whirlpool Naruto, the big barrel hut man will serve the Naruto all his life.

During the period of slavery, unconditionally obey any order given by the master, even suicide.

"Whirlpool Naruto!"

The man in the big wooden hut roared at the Naruto.

Naruto scoffed, "as long as you win, what are you doing so excited?"

"Besides... You should thank me."

"Without this contract..."

Naruto leaned down, his smile became playful, and stared at the big wooden house: "do you think I can let you live?"

The aura of Naruto changed in an instant, and his killing intention was like the cold wind in winter, which made the people in the big barrel wooden house shiver.

At the same time, the dark clouds are on the top and the sun is out of sight.

Can man\'s will affect the sky?

No, only God can.

Visions come and go quickly. When Naruto changes into a kind smile again, the situation changes only in the blink of an eye.

The sky is clear and clear.

"Let\'s go. See you in 14 days."

After Naruto left, the man in the wooden hut sat down on the ground with a "plop!".

Can he defeat such a person?

For the first time, the people in the big wooden house doubted what they wanted to do.

His heart shook.

"Must be!"

After a brief confusion, the expression of the man in the big barrel wooden house suddenly twisted, his fist was tightly clenched, and his teeth were "creaking".

Suddenly burst up and kicked the bag of dog food to pieces.

Soldiers\' grain balls smelling of pig bones were scattered into flowers and exploded to the ground.

He also has soldiers\' food pills. He doesn\'t need to accept this insult at all.

While thinking, the man in the big wooden shed touched his pocket.

I didn\'t touch it the first time.


Where\'s the stuff?

The big barrel of wood felt deeper.


It\'s empty!

"Whirlpool Naruto!"

The man in the big wooden hut roared at the top of his voice.

The only thing that makes sense is that Naruto took it away.

This is forcing him to eat dog food!

On the first day, the people in the big wooden house didn\'t eat.

The next day, the people in the big wooden house still didn\'t eat.

On the third day, the hungry man tried to gnaw the roots of the tree in the beginning ball space.

However, the root of the tree is harder than steel and can\'t bite at all, let alone digest it.

On the fourth day, the hungry man with green eyes stared at the soldiers\' grain pills on the ground for several hours.

Without eating, the evolution of reincarnated eyes is likely to be affected.

"Naruto! I remember!"

As soon as the man in the big barrel wooden hut gritted his teeth, he picked up a soldier grain pill and swallowed it with an extremely disgusting expression.

It tastes surprisingly delicious.

However, the unbearable sense of shame made him kick the word delicious out of his mind.

The soldier grain pill made by Naruto is very different from the ordinary soldier grain pill.

General soldiers only need to take one grain pill, so they don\'t have to eat for three days.

Naruto was hungry after only an hour.

So... Do you still eat?

People in big wooden houses don\'t want to eat.

But thinking that one is also eaten anyway, what about eating more?

So I ate another one.

When the man in the big wooden hut ate the fifth, the golden mist suddenly burst out of the soldier grain pill.

Then the people in the big wooden house began to fart

"Naruto! I # ¥%!! you & *%!"

Seven days later.

After three fetal movements, the white eye of Hatfield completely evolved into reincarnated eye.

On the same day, the people of Datong wooden house fled from the starting ball space created by Datong muhuiyeji.

Mingdu Empire, as the current owner of the starting space, Narutos can naturally feel the changes.

"Did you run away? Just run away. Anyway, it will be delivered to the door automatically in two days."

Then Naruto spent a leisurely time.

During this period, Yu Zhibo weasel never came to trouble, whether it was a big wooden hut man, or liudao old man, or Yu Zhibo with soil.

Mingdu empire is full of tourists and bustling.

Everyone came to Naruto\'s wedding.

Among these people, two people with particularly luxuriant hair are particularly conspicuous.

"Ban, I didn\'t expect that we still have time to go shopping together."

Qianshoufanjian bought a windmill on the street and played like a child.

Yu zhiboban looked around coldly and looked at the city where every street, every building and house were in order.

It\'s very busy here.

People are very harmonious. No one makes trouble, and no one pulls a knife at each other.

Even if two people who are obviously enemies meet in the street, they will exercise extra restraint, glance at it as if they didn\'t see it and pass by.

The ground of this city is very strong, which seems to be paved with bluestone slabs. However, when the clogs step on it, they only make the same knock, neither higher nor lower, which shows that... Although the feet seem to be spliced together, they are actually a natural piece.

There are too many incredible things in this city.

Inexplicably reminded him of the ideal city he had imagined.

Many people here didn\'t put down their hatred, but they didn\'t dare to do it because of fear.

This is very similar to his past ideas.

Instead of the bullshit world that people understand and love each other, which is impossible to appear.

"I was curious about the people who built the city."

Yuzhi Boban looked up into the distance.

At the end of the main road, there is a Imperial City higher than all buildings.

There, the master who lives here.

That\'s what everyone here says.

Yu Zhibo also thinks so.

A thousand hands looked at the imperial city.

Shook his head, "it\'s too high there. It should be very tired to climb up."

"Wait till tomorrow."

Then he shrugged his nose and followed the taste to see a hot pot shop.

Surprise: "good smell."

"Let\'s go to that shop."

Yuzhi Boban looked deeply at the towering imperial city and looked down at the shop mentioned by qianshoufa.

If you don\'t refuse, you agree.

This day is the day before Naruto\'s wedding.

Naruto stood on the tower and suddenly smiled.

He saw a pair of brothers walking to the hot pot shop.

"Unexpectedly, the six old men who jumped over the wall brought these two guys back to life."


"These two people plus yuzhibo weasel, plus yuzhibo with soil, and big barrel wooden shed people."

"This lineup is really interesting."

"But where are Yu Zhibo weasel and Dai Tu now?"

Naruto didn\'t notice that yuzhibo weasel and yuzhibo took soil.

Liudao seemed to think of a way to block Naruto\'s perception.

This time, if he hadn\'t seen Yu Zhibo ban and qianshouzhu with his own eyes, Naruto didn\'t know that they were resurrected.

Naruto thought of another thing, "by the way, maybe Zhujian knows the whereabouts of the big snake pill."

Naruto\'s eyes lit up.

System prompt: "you have received a video call application from whirlpool water users."


Whirlpool Shuihu\'s Petite appearance appeared in front of Naruto.

"Naruto! I cracked the structure of reincarnation eye."

"Quickly write me a reincarnation eye. I want to form a large reincarnation eye!"

Forced solution?

Only a few days later, Naruto was ashamed of his talent in array.

"All cracked?"

"So now you can manipulate the reincarnation eye?"

The whirlpool water user\'s happy expression stiffened and shook his head, "that road hasn\'t been."

"That involves a deeper forced solution. I haven\'t tried yet."

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief. If it was completely cracked, he would suffer too much from gambling with the people in the big barrel wooden house.

Then he asked, "what have you cracked?"

The big wooden water user poked his fingers in front of his chest. He was not as confident as he was just now.

Quietly said: "I cracked the general structure of white eye and reincarnated eye, and some principles..."

"This... Although not completely cracked, it\'s also very powerful."

"I can use the cracked structure to write the wheel eye, so that I can deduce the theory by studying the formation process of the large reincarnation eye."

"In short, if you want to succeed, it can not only greatly shorten the research time, but also make you have more large reincarnation eyes."

Naruto nodded, but did not dampen the enthusiasm of whirlpool water users.

He replied, "well, I\'ll give you the wheel eye when my wedding is over."

"Tomorrow is my wedding, and you have been staying in the laboratory."

Whirlpool Mito\'s eyes widened in surprise: "tomorrow is your wedding? I don\'t remember more than ten days?"

Naruto\'s thought moved and pulled the whirlpool water user out of the world inside the preserved egg.

When the two met, the video call was turned off.

Naruto jokingly rubbed the head of whirlpool Mito: "yes, there were more than ten days ten days ago, but now it\'s only one day short."

Whirlpool Mito winked lovably, "so I... Studied the big eyes for 13 days?"

"I thought I only studied for one day."

"It\'s over. I haven\'t prepared your wedding gift yet."

Naruto waved his hand: "that doesn\'t matter, whether it\'s there or not."

"By the way, your ex husband has been resurrected and is now in Mingdu empire. Do you want to see him?"

Whirlpool Shuihu pointed at himself in surprise and said, "my ex husband said his brother?"

Naruto nodded in response.

Whirlpool Mito lovably scratched his chin and asked, "is he handsome?"

Naruto raised his hand and recorded the scene he had just seen from his mind to show the whirlpool water user.

In the picture, an old man is blowing a windmill between the thousand hand pillars

Naruto created a windmill with Yin-Yang evasion. He was about to hand it to whirlpool Shuihu. He heard whirlpool Shuihu stare at the picture and shake his head and say, "are you young? Such a big man still plays windmills? Is he mentally retarded?"

Naruto awkwardly took the windmill and explained, "er... I was going to give it to you..."

Whirlpool Mito saw the windmill in Naruto\'s hand and quickly took it over. He was very happy and said, "thank you. This windmill is so beautiful."

Naruto joked, "didn\'t you say childish just now?"

Whirlpool Shuihu naturally said, "I\'m a child."

Naruto didn\'t say any more.

Pointed to the bottom of the tower: "he\'s in the hot pot shop in front. If you want to see him, I\'ll take you."

Whirlpool water household immediately shook his head and said, "no, he\'s too ugly."

Naruto feels that qianshouzhu is still very handsome.

The age of this resurrection is also like twenty-three or four, an absolute peak.

He helped qianshouzhu say, "it\'s not ugly... It\'s very handsome. When you see him walking past in the video, many girls secretly look at him."

The whirlpool water household didn\'t care, shook his head and said, "without you, handsome is ugly."

Well, Naruto suddenly doesn\'t know what to say.

"Since you don\'t want to see me, you can\'t see me. Go and play."

The whirlpool didn\'t go away, blowing the windmill and saying, "you said you would revive me when you get married, right?"

Naruto nodded.

Whirlpool Mito, holding a windmill in both hands, said pitifully, "you\'ll get married tomorrow, isn\'t it a day? Will you revive me today?"


Does... Whirlpool water user actually want to see between thousand hand pillars?

Just don\'t want to see you as a dirty reincarnation?

The girl\'s mind can\'t guess.

But according to Naruto\'s understanding of the girl, the girl must want to show her most beautiful appearance to her beloved.

"Well, I promise you."

Naruto disappeared in place with the whirlpool.

When it reappeared, it was the altar under the palace.

This altar was prepared by Naruto for the external samsara heavenly sound technique, which helps to reduce the difficulty of resurrection and reduce the loss of chakra.

"Stand in the Dharma array and put the windmill aside first."

Whirlpool Water Households obediently do it.

Naruto waved and a condemned prisoner appeared in his hand.

Shake your hand and still on the ground.

"Poor fellow, tomorrow is the day of amnesty, but you can\'t seem to wait."

"Finally, I\'ll give you a chance to obey."

The prisoner looked at Naruto and stepped back in fear.

"You let me go. You really caught me wrong. I didn\'t come to assassinate. I was framed."

Naruto looked at the prisoner. The prisoner "plopped" knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

Naruto\'s reincarnation writing wheel saw thoroughly. The prisoner seemed to be kneeling on the ground. In essence, he bent his legs to accumulate strength, and this guy didn\'t really kneel down.

At the moment of the completion of energy accumulation, the prisoner suddenly burst into a rage, rushed to the vortex water user, grabbed the vortex water user in his hand, and said with a wild laugh: "let me go, or I\'ll kill her!"

This scene... Seems to have happened before

Naruto took a deep breath and looked at the prisoner with pity.

Whirlpool Shuihu is also interesting. It\'s clear that the body reincarnated from filthy soil can\'t be threatened, but she still looks frightened. She\'s almost crying. She looks at Naruto pitifully. Her face is full. Come and help me.

"Do you hear me!"

"Get me out of here! Let me out!"

"Or I\'ll break the little girl\'s neck!"

The prisoner shouted hysterically.

Naruto encouraged, "if you have the ability, try it."

The prisoner\'s hand around the neck of the whirlpool water door slowly clenched.

Whirlpool water users struggled, holding their hands on the prisoner\'s hands and sticking out their tongue.

Naruto watched the performance of whirlpool Mito.


The life activities of the body in the reincarnation of filthy soil have stopped, and there is no need to breathe at all.

That means it\'s no use sticking your neck.

But the little girl of whirlpool water is really in place.

It\'s hard to understand. Have you seen too many virtual reality movies?

Or are girls all playwrights?

Whatever the reason, Naruto thought it was very interesting, so he continued to watch it.

Waiting for a while, the prisoner\'s wonderful expression when the whirlpool Edo\'s neck was cut off and then connected.

Should be scared to death?

Naruto looked forward, and the strength of the prisoner staring at Naruto\'s hand continued to increase.

But before his neck was broken, whirlpool water suddenly turned around and hit the prisoner\'s crotch with a fist.

The prisoner\'s eyes widened and even protruded.

Naruto: "poof!"

This is not a smile. The prisoner\'s broken egg expression and the little girl\'s hearty movements make Naruto feel a chill under his crotch.

Then, at the moment when the prisoner released her hand in pain, the little girl came and fell upside down over her shoulder.

The prisoner hit his head and his neck was nailed directly into his chest

The picture is cruel and can\'t bear to look directly.

"You didn\'t save me!"

"Hum! I\'m angry!"

Naruto smashed it. He took a small step back from his mouth for fear that the little girl would come and give him a try.

"Well, when he\'s not dead, use the waste to sacrifice him," he said

The neat knot on Naruto\'s hand.

External reincarnation!