Supreme God King

Chapter 3850

Some of the methods in the great evolution are martial arts in the ancient world, but most of them are created by Yi Huo Sheng himself or modified according to some methods.

As for those heavenly level methods, they are all created by Yi housheng. For example, Meng fan created the Tiandao method, the old devil emperor's magic way method, and the incarnation of the emperor of the central government, and so on. It is impossible for others to learn from them. At most, they can only imitate them. Because in the divine king universe, only Meng fan has one day, so as long as Meng fan is still there, no one else can inherit the core mantle of heaven In order to display the Dharma that can be displayed only when we fully control the way of heaven.

Meng Xiannian was able to use a few of the ways of heaven. Although he was not as good as Meng fan, he had seven or eight points. This is a genius. The main reason is that Meng Xiannian's blood is so pure.

Among the 129600 kinds of great evolution, there are only a few Heaven level methods. Meng fan has probably seen them, that is, 780 kinds.

In fact, there are 70 or 80 kinds of them.

At that time, Meng fan created three thousand kinds of heavenly level Dharma. In fact, some people who really understand people, such as the supreme academy and some powerful people in the future, all know that Meng fan did not create 3000 kinds of Dharma. The methods he created were exact, named and traceable, that is, more than a dozen.

The so-called "three thousand heavenly ways" is because there are three thousand true meanings in the way of heaven, and Meng fan can manipulate the true meanings of the three thousand ways of the divine king universe at will. Any kind of true meaning of the Tao is manipulated to the extreme, and the power released is very powerful, which is not inferior to those of the prefecture level Dharma gates. Only Meng fan can do this, but other people can't, which is in line with the heaven level Dharma gate The two most important definitions are: one is powerful, the other is that other people can't master, so there is a saying of 3000 day level Dharma.

But to really say, there should be less than 15 kinds of heaven level methods created by Meng fan. Among them, Meng fan uses the most, such as the invincible walker, the sword of the sky, the spear of destiny, the torrent of time and space, the cutting of yin and Yang, the grand millstone, and the boundary river of life and death.

Interestingly, the names of other Dharma sects are not named by Meng fan except for the invincible traveler.

Meng fan didn't even deliberately create these Dharma sects, just because he was too skillful in the use of Dharma. When he reached a certain state, he condensed countless laws into one and exerted this powerful means.

It was named by Meng fan exactly. In addition to this, others were named by the highest school.

After all, these are the original works of Meng fan, who never realized that he had created the Dharma, and Meng fan was very lazy to name things.

The sword of the sky is a pale sword with the world's law as its core, urging it to the extreme and refining thousands of laws.

The spear of fate only condenses the true meaning of fate, but the meaning of destiny itself condenses thousands of rules.

The torrent of time and space is relatively simple. It only urges the two laws of time and space, but these two laws are also to the extreme. After Meng fan, no one in the divine king universe can push these two laws to the extreme. In Meng fan's hands, the flow rate of time can be 100 million times faster. Except Meng fan, almost all of the Shenwang universe's most skillful use of laws are Meng family The strongest among them is Meng Xiannian, who can only speed up time by two million times at most.

In fact, yin and Yang cutting, the great grinding plate technique, and the two boundary rivers of life and death are all relatively superficial methods. However, these methods generally condense more than ten kinds of true meanings of the road.

It can be seen from this that these Dharma sects used at will in Meng fan's hands are so profound and complex in the eyes of other gods and kings in the universe, just like mountains, which can only be looked up to.

This is the meaning of heavenly level Dharma.

God, there's only one.

Just like an emperor, there is only one country.

Only one person can master the heavenly level Dharma.

This is true of the 9981 heavenly level methods in the great evolution.

Those Dharma gates at the prefecture level, or those between the earth level and the heaven level, are easily mastered by Meng fan.

These Dharma doors are like wooden slips, while the spirits of Meng fan are like lava. When these Dharma doors fall into the spirit of Meng fan, they will melt and be mastered immediately.

But it's hard for those heavenly level methods.

Meng fan has practiced for more than ten days and mastered 300 kinds of Dharma. It seems that his speed is very fast. In fact, among the 300 kinds of Dharma, Meng fan mastered 299 kinds of Dharma in one day. Later, with the brand of these Dharma sects in Meng fan's body, he gradually became a great success. This process does not need Meng fan's participation, his body itself You can do it.

For the remaining ten days, Meng fan was only doing one thing.

Conquer the "nine machine method"!

Jiuji method is not only a kind of mathematics, but also a kind of metaphysics. What's really terrible about this method is that it can make the invisible Qi machine visible!

That's terrible.

After stepping into immortality, Meng fan has a keen perception of Qi, and can pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages. He even does things by intuition. However, Qi Qi only has some shadow in his spirit, which is not tangible.Intangible things can't be mastered.

Tangible things can be mastered at will.

The nine machine method is powerful here.

Through the algorithm, the nine machine method first grasps the flow of Qi, then measures the fixed number and variable, and then sublimates it. Stepping into the category of metaphysics, the visible numbers become visible. The whole process is simple, but very difficult. After all, it is the original creation of Yi housheng. He did not see the process of Yi housheng's creation of this method. It was very difficult for Meng fan to master this method 。

And to practice this method, Meng fan also needs to consume amazing physical and mental strength.

Meng fan has not experienced such a thing for many years.

Since he engulfed the emperor of heaven, he has come to the world of meaning. There has not been any kind of Dharma. Meng fan needs to practice so hard, and in the process of cultivation, he has to consume mental strength and physical strength greatly.

Meng fan needs to rest for an hour when he practices the nine machine method. After each practice, he is panting, and his spirit becomes weak and even sleepy. He wants to sleep. There are two reasons. One is that the algorithm of the nine machine method is too vast and complex, and even slightly exceeds the limit of Meng fan's calculus ability!

You know, now Meng fan's calculation ability is very terrible.

Fortunately, Meng fan has known daoshu Jufan for such a long time and knows many algorithms for calculating the universe. Through these algorithms, Meng fan can also adapt to the nine machine algorithm quickly.

But transforming algorithm into metaphysics is just like turning Shu into Tao. This process is more difficult.

Not only the spirit but also the body of Meng fan is consumed.

This kind of consumption is so big that Meng fan can't bear it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!