Supreme God King

Chapter 3849

Eight king universe, town defense hall.

Su Lian is writing about the exchange procedures of immortal crystal.

At present, there are 35 apostles in the eight kings cosmopolitan town Defense Office, and there are hundreds of apostles who name themselves to assist the town Defense Department. No matter whether they are willing or not, they must work for the town defense department under Meng fan's policy.

However, the work of the town Defense Department is not easy to do, and we must be careful everywhere.

The hostility of the eight kingdoms to Meng fan has also affected their attitude towards the town Defense Department.

In particular, in the past ten years, Zhiyi, relying on Meng fan's umbrella, has made a lot of things in the eight kingdoms, including assassination, espionage, manipulating the market of immortal crystals, etc., which made the eight kings' Universe panic.

At present, the apostles of the town Defense Department are dissatisfied with the most important work, the measures of Weiyang palace, and Meng fan's shielding.

But there is nothing they can do.

Fortunately, Meng fan has a clear stand on people. As long as he works in the town Defense Department, his treatment is not bad. Sometimes he makes some mistakes. As long as it is not a big mistake, Meng fan never cares.

Su Lian is such an example.

He was a senior apprentice of the town Defense Department. He was recruited during the period of Hei yuankui. After he left, he left a few people. As the king of nine robbers, he worked in the town defense hall for tens of millions of years. He trusted him very much. After Meng fan took over, although Su Lian was dissatisfied, he still did what he should do.

Meng fan of course can see his dissatisfaction, but never care about it. Instead, he is responsible for many affairs of the town Defense Department. In the past decade or so, the exchange of immortal crystals of the town Defense Department has been fully represented by Weiyang palace. This year, the town Defense Department has taken back some of its powers. Of the 3000 immortal crystals, 500 of them are in the charge of the town Defense Department itself. This fat job has been handed over to Su Lian.

Su Lian met Zhiwei several times.

Zhiweiyi was polite to him, and every time he met, zhiweiyi would give Su Lian many gifts.

It's hard for Su lian to imagine that zhiweiyi, who was engaged in assassination, espionage, manipulating the market and extending his hand to the territory of the eight divine kingdoms, was the same person as the one he saw.

But after a long time, Su Lian knew that Zhiwei was a man of many aspects.

The multifaceted is frightening.

In her spare time, Su Lian would hear several old disciples talking about Meng fan and the supreme one in private. Now, Meng fan's origin is not a secret. Everyone knows that the disciples must show obedience because of Meng fan's strength and power. Because they are members of the town Defense Department and have to do their own things well, they have been very stable. However, there is no lack of resentment in his heart How do we evaluate them, we have to admit that Meng fan, the supreme one, and the God King universe behind them, seems to be very powerful.

No matter how strong the word is, it's always on the side of the tongue.

Although Meng fan made the universe of the eight kings in a panic, the eight kingdoms of God who had no cooperation and no contact with Meng fan did obey Meng fan's orders. It seems that Meng fan doesn't care. Since it is impossible for him to do so voluntarily, coercion is the best choice.

Although the things he had done for the first time made him a terrible tyrant, now everyone must admit that the great Hidden Reef, a newly established force which has not been established for many years, is rising at an amazing speed. Although the comprehensive strength and the details are not comparable to those of the eight divine kingdoms, and in many aspects, compared with the time when Zhiwei No. 1 did not come more than ten years ago However, no one dares to look down on today's big reef.

Because today's great Hidden Reef has been completely centralized. The former factional forces, such as haodang mountain, dewuzong, QianChuan and jindinglou, have disappeared. Weiyang palace is the only one family. The mobilization power of Weiyang palace is amazing. Most importantly, the great Hidden Reef has become a piece of iron. It is rumored that the great Hidden Reef has completely eradicated the exploration of the Faen pillar in the territory Son, I don't know whether it's true or not, but some of the spies who used to roam around the big reefs in the eight kingdoms of God have indeed disappeared.

After more than ten years of ups and downs, officials and commanders from all over the Reef have been washed. It is said that all the new people have come out of the Weiyang palace. Their realm and strength are not as good as those of their predecessors, but their loyalty to Weiyang palace is terrible.

Su Lian shook his head and threw away all these messy things in his mind. Now he is steadfast and quiet in his work. How to distribute these 500 immortal crystals is still a big problem. The power is so great that five of the eight divine kingdoms have sent people to visit him, hoping to give some preferential treatment.

Why give him this power? What is it?

Those old apostles with the same qualifications as Su Lian became silent after learning about this.

When these colleagues talk about Meng fan in private on weekdays, Su Lian never takes part in it. He is a very clean person.

Su Lian understood.

There is only one reason for giving him this power.

He never talked about Meng fan in private with his colleagues.

Five hundred immortal crystals reward him for his clean tongue and directly block the mouth of several other old apostles.Big money.

It's great, too.

At this moment.

Su Lian suddenly noticed that there were some changes in the surrounding Qi.

For the king of nine robbers, the power of Qi is still illusory, which can only be felt by the king of ten robberies. However, Su Lian is not far away from the ten robberies, so he is aware of some of them.

He put down his pen, got up and went to the back of the town hall.

Walking along, I found the tidal surge of the gas engine.

Unconsciously, he came to the front of the library.

The gas engine is surging like the tide, and the source is the document library.

It has been a month, Meng fan has been in the Archives Library, dealing with the affairs of the town Defense Department, but also in the Archives Library.

Su Lian thought about it for a moment and turned to leave.

In the archives.

So far, Meng fan has cultivated 129600 means of great evolution, and has cultivated 300 of them to great success!

This speed, of course, is very fast.

Among the 129600 means of grand evolution, the weakest one is also a prefecture level method according to the division of the divine king universe. It can be said that it is one of the most powerful methods in the highest school. Most of them are between the earth level and the heaven level.

As for the Dharma sect equivalent to heaven level, there are few, but there are also some. Even Meng fan, even Meng fan, has some difficulties in practice.

For example, "Dayan number" and "nine machine method" are all equivalent to the heaven level Dharma. According to the division of the divine king universe, heaven level Dharma cannot be practiced. Only one person can master it, others can only imitate it. The heaven level method in great evolution is similar to this. , the fastest update of the webnovel!