Supreme God King

Chapter 3846

Before a chess piece falls, even the best chess player in the world can not determine the real value of the chess piece.

Because the chessboard is changeable.

The world, even more so.

The man who has a powerful hand can only guess the value of seven or eight points of a chess piece.

At a certain moment, I don't know why. Yi housheng thinks that the value of Meng fan's chess piece is not small.

Yi housheng begins to tell Meng fan some secrets of the world of significance intentionally, and tells him everything without concealment.

The concept of God is the most important secret.

"Today's meaningful world, the twelve main families, the eight pillars, the group of 100 people, can't tell you how to smash the vacuum."

In the library, the books are flying and spinning, and the voice of Yi housheng reverberates.

"Because, in the world of meaning, the most powerful Taoist is the second ladder of small immortality, which is nothing but the summit of demigod and eternal in flesh.

You have been speculating about my realm. I can tell you today.

I am the first step to immortality.

Immortal spirit.

The real smash vacuum, see God not bad, reverse the past, change the present.

Meng fan, I don't want you to submit to me, and I have never let anyone submit to me, and you, no matter when and where, can't submit to anyone.

But you are really one of my pieces, a very important piece.

So, you have to prove to me the significance of your chess piece.

And I, too, will tell you everything you want to know

Yi housheng grabs Meng fan's palm.


In Meng fan's mind, countless words, such as sea water pouring into Meng fan's spirit!

This is a set of methods!

A vast set of methods!

It was Yi housheng who created the great evolution.

One hundred and twenty-nine thousand kinds of means, such as copper rings, are connected with each other, orderly and dense, and become a whole.

This set of methods was soon branded in Meng fan's mind.

Half an hour later.

Yi housheng released Meng fan.

All the flying books in the Archives Library are slowly falling, not disorderly, but orderly.

Meng fan lay on the ground panting.

Yi housheng: "the great evolution was completely formed hundreds of millions of years ago. At that time, I just stepped into the middle immortality. Relying on the immortal spirit power, I completed the great evolution. In your present state, it is very difficult for you to master this set of methods, but step by step, you will always be faster and better understand the meaning of immortality 。”

Meng fan reached out to support the floor and stood up slowly.

Yi housheng just told Meng fan about the formula, methods and cultivation methods of 129600 means of great evolution.

But just these things, the vast text has some let Meng fan can not eat!

We should know that the power of Meng fan's spirit is not equal to that of a strong man in the same realm.

Many years ago, when Meng fan and the great emperor of the central government fought against each other, he once devoured thousands of human culture with a very low level.

After stepping into immortality, Meng fan can only rely on the power of the spirit to kill many people. His spirit and calculation ability are dozens of times higher than those of Taoist giant sails. His strength also surpasses all the small immortal first steps that Meng fan has seen so far.

But Yi housheng just told Meng fan in detail about the cultivation method of great evolution, which was imprinted in Meng fan's mind, and Meng fan could not eat it. We can see how powerful the spirit of "virtual God" is!

Meng fan is not grateful to Yi.

Although he knew that he practiced the great evolutionism one by one and benefited a lot. Just as Yi housheng said, he could speed up people one step, win a move, and always take the lead. Moreover, the great evolution was not created by Yi housheng in a day. Yi housheng created the great evolution technique after several billion years, which was also Yi housheng's step-by-step step step step into the realm of virtual God For billions of years, there are many footprints and traces in the great evolution. With Meng fan's practice, you can understand many mysteries about immortality.

This advantage is enough to make any immortal crazy.

But Meng fan did not have any gratitude.

As Yi housheng said.

He regards Meng fan as a chess piece.

Do not hide, do not hide, tell Meng fan frankly, he is Meng fan as a chess piece.

But Yi housheng's behavior, is not Meng fan can guess, so Yi housheng does anything, Meng fan can not clearly know his purpose.

But there must be a purpose, and it must be a big game.

Yi housheng reaches into his arms and takes out a piece of paper.

It was handed over to Meng fan.

"This is the mission of the world of meaning to you."

…………Eight king universe, boundary.

Yi housheng looks back at the giant universe of eight kings.


The voice of heishouyi rings in Yi housheng's ear.

"Just because of great evolution?"

"That's enough. The accuracy rate of the great evolution to deduce the change of specific things is more than 80%, and the success rate of deducing the change of group things is more than 99%. It has never been missed. "

"But in your deduction, is the role played by Meng fan good or bad?"

"I don't know, but I have to do it if I want to change the situation."

"I think he has already known too much. Although the matter of the remains of the prophet is not a secret, few people know it outside the meaning world. Even many Taoists in the meaning world don't know it. Nowadays, this alien Meng fan knows the remains of the prophet, knows the immortal God, smashes the vacuum, and gets the mantle of your great evolution, but he is right The meaning world is very hostile. "

"In order to get out of the habit of thinking, what we are doing now is to completely change the world.

Before going back to Meng fan in the Shenwang universe, I used the grand evolution to infer the Qi number of the meaning world. It was a very shallow deduction. During the deduction, I found that the Qi number of the meaning world had a sharp decline in recent years, so I went to see the silence clock.

The silent bell never communicates with anyone. It just beats lonely. I don't expect to hear anything from the silent Bell's mouth. I just hope to feel something from his silence.

Not only me, but also Chen Sitong.

Many leaders of Taoist families have already felt a sense of crisis.

But what I didn't think of was.

The silent bell, beating again

"What? After the war of immortality, the frequency of the silent clock is indeed much faster than that before the war of immortality, but at its present rate, the next beat should be 80 million years later. "

"At that time, I had a sense of powerlessness. It seemed that no matter what I did, I couldn't change the pace of final extinction.

So after I came back from the divine king universe, I did not move for more than a decade. I separated 1700 avatars and used grand evolution to reverse the time and deduce the future.

This time, I have never done a large-scale deduction, including all things.

In the end, I pushed 1700 complete results.

One thousand six hundred and thirty-five results are normal results and do not contain variables. "

A moment's silence.

Black first meaning: "what result."

"In the next 100000 to 400000 years, the final extinction will begin." , the fastest update of the webnovel!