Supreme God King

Chapter 3845

"What do you mean?"

Meng fan's expression suddenly became dignified.

Yi housheng said faintly: "literal meaning."

There was a dead silence in the archives.

Only the breeze blowing in from the door, touching the book cover.

"When everyone steps into immortality, they will see something that should not appear." Yi housheng said patiently. "Some people meet things that they have never seen in their lives, some people will fall into a state of mental silence and can't leave for a long time. Others will wander between nothingness and reality, such as you.

Law is the basic principle of the operation of the world. Stepping into immortality, breaking the rules and ignoring the rules, it is very mysterious at that moment.

The images you see are between nothingness and reality. They are real, but when you turn away, they disappear forever. They don't exist in the past, they don't exist in the present, they don't exist in the future, they only exist in your memory.

Many years ago, I asked my brother whether what I saw was real or what I had imagined.

The elder brother said, of course, I imagined it.

But why can't something imagined be real? "

After a few words.

Meng fan's heart seems to be pinched by someone.

Intense contraction!

After a long time, Meng fan reached for a chair beside him and sat down.

Yi housheng is right.

Especially in retrospect, there is no mistake at all.

When Meng fan stepped into immortality, he could not tell whether everything he saw was true or not. However, Meng fan's original intention, subconsciously, thought that it was false.

Anyone would think so.

At that time, Meng fan thought that he had tried thousands of times, tens of thousands of times, all of which were just self deception. Even if he could really change the "past", it was just a fantasy past, and there would be no change in reality.

But now.

Meng fan raised his head, some powerless looking at Yi housheng.

There is a little pity in Yi's eyes.

"No matter what you saw at that time, some of them were real things, some were just illusions in your heart, but those were all true."

It's all true.

That is to say, the Baibu immortal that Meng fan saw at that time was real, not his fantasy.

Everything he saw was real.

At that time, Meng fan only relied on his own experience and intuition to judge whether a thing was true or not. For example, when he saw that Bai Yuze was teaching a group of uncivilized creatures in a distant world, he thought it was true.

He met the emperor of Honghuang, and this man, Meng fan had never seen, could not have been his fantasy. Therefore, he also thought it was true, and later proved that it was true.

But when he saw the dead Baibu immortal, he thought it was fake.

All living beings have a habit of simplifying everything.

Therefore, there will be right and wrong, there will be true and false.

A mortal may one day understand that there is no right or wrong in this world.

But it is hard for any powerful creature to understand that there is no truth or falsehood in this world.

Meng fan certainly understands this truth.

But he still can't escape from his subconscious cage.

That is to say, if Meng fan was willing at that time, he could revive the hundred step immortal.

In other words

If Meng fan had continued to try, it would have been possible to revive Ruoshui Yi!

But he thought everything was vain, so he gave up!

Meng fan's fingers began to tremble.

His lips began to shake.

His eyes began to tremble.

At this moment, he is like a lonely child, weak and helpless!

Yi housheng said: "I know that when you step into immortality, you see some history. I guess you also try to change those history. After repeated failures, you think it is just an illusion, so you leave the gap between life and immortality and become a real immortal. I can tell you that you really want to change the past, change history, and change has happened It's very difficult, it's very difficult. Maybe you can't succeed if you try 100 billion times. "

"A trillion times." Meng fan asked.

Yi was stunned.

"A trillion times." Meng fan asked again.

His eyes were full of longing for an answer.

Yi housheng sighed: "many people have experienced this kind of thing when they step into immortality. We call it smashing vacuum and seeing that God is not bad. Vacuum, an ancient term in the world of meaning, refers to complete emptiness, pure nothingness, without any laws, breath, light, etc., nothing. This is just an old concept, belonging to the category of philosophy.

But after the war of immortality, as more and more Taoists became immortal, we knew for the first time that there was a vacuum.The Taoist masters of the knowledge pillar got this result through theoretical deduction.

There must be a vacuum in this world.

But where the vacuum is, what it is, or whether it is a state, are still unknown.

But there must be a vacuum.

As some people walk into immortality, wandering between the real and the false, we know that it is a vacuum.

Of course, only a corner of the vacuum, a little dust, no one can peep into the full picture of the vacuum.

But it must be a vacuum.

Vacuum, nothing, total nothingness, pure emptiness.

That means, infinite possibilities.

After stepping into immortality, the way forward is to try to touch vacuum, smash vacuum and step into vacuum.

It is easy to understand that God is not bad.

The meaning world refers to the ten plundered gods in your mouth as the peak creatures, which means that they are already the peak of living beings.

But immortality is no longer life.

In any world, in any civilization, the so-called gods are not real gods. As long as they are still living beings, they are not gods.

But after stepping into immortality, with the constant progress, gradually omnipotent, is the real God.

It is the true God who can do everything and subvert one's own cognition and prophets. Therefore, stepping into the moment of small immortality is to contact the true God and to be immortal forever, that is to say, to see that God is immortal.

But it was just a moment.

If we can really do it, we can smash the vacuum at any time. We need a higher realm and a stronger force.

To tell you the truth, at first I knew that your hometown was called the God King universe. When there were countless gods in your hometown, I thought it was ridiculous.

As long as you are called a God in the universe.

But in the world of meaning, the concept of God is very narrow, and my father, himself, once said it.

God is real.

God is different.

There are four gods in the world.

Demigod, empty God, true God, and supreme God.

I still can't understand what my father said about the four gods.

But my father once said that only those who live with time and immortality can be called gods, but not pure, that is, demigods.

Immortality of spirit and soul transcends all limits and can easily pass the reincarnation and extinction, but it is still not omnipotent, or it is a virtual God.

God can do anything.

And the Supreme God, the father never described.

Well, according to this division.

Little immortality is the demigod.

Immortality is the empty God.

Higher existence, I can not explain to you, because I do not understand.

What I can tell you is.

If one day, you can step into immortality and become a virtual God, at that moment, you have only one thing to do.

Constantly knocking on the edge of everything.

The limit that the law of constant trial can reach.

Keep going, smashing the vacuum.

Meng fan, I know that you have been speculating about my realm.

I am an empty God.

I can crush the vacuum.

Although it will cost me a lot, I can resurrect you like water.

You have to prove that you are worth it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!