Supporting actress Becomes the Heroine

C75 puzzle solving

"Let's find one first." He quickly stuffed it into Tan's hands.

Lou Zigui puffed up his cheeks.

This was too depressing.

Bet too! We'll talk about it when the results come out.

Right now, it was not as simple as he thought it would be if he made a promise after finding it.

Alright, in that case, she had no interest in participating!

Looking at her expression of avoidance, Baili Xuanrui could tell that he was in a bad mood.

"This King can agree to one of your requests."

"Really?" She took the bait immediately.

"Tell me about it."

"Then …" Lou Zigui took the opportunity to get close to him. "Your highness has taken me as his sister!"

The older sisters and adopted daughters were not like the modern era, where they had already become derogatory.

He was happy, but when she said it, he instantly turned cold.

It was not a joke. Lou Xinyue, who was standing by his side, could feel the oppressive pressure.

He thought that this emotion was just a description, how could it be possible to suppress someone's emotions in real life? He never thought that it was actually true!

"Heh heh, Qin Yue has gotten ahead of herself. Just pretend Qin Yue didn't say anything!" She quickly found her own way out, then went to get the note, pretending to be puzzled. "Eh, what does that mean?"

It was just that she wanted to get away with it, but someone would not let her off so easily.

He directly grabbed her hand. "Lou Zigui, if you continue to act this way, I'll have to resort to extraordinary means."

"Wh …" "What?" Don't stutter, Lou Xinyue.

"Don't use any mental scriptures. Lou Zigui, I've already made a bet with you, so you should just follow me. Don't think about anything else!"

He seemed very certain that she would lose the bet.

It also meant that he was determined to win against Lou Zigui.

She didn't want to do something like a head-on clash. There was no need to hurt herself, not to mention whether it was a head-on clash. She feigned ignorance and said, "Prince, the strength is too great. You're going to break my hand!"

He let go.

She pretended to pinch her wrist, then stiffly changed the subject. "Let's take a look at these lines."

He did not respond.

She didn't dare to look at his expression and only said, "I have to study it carefully."

He was still silent.

Startled, she turned to look at him, only to see him staring at her.

Subconsciously, she covered her face with the paper.

The actions of the little girl finally made him feel a little relieved.

He reached out his hand and patted her head, "Qinyue, good. Don't force me to destroy your freedom, you know? "

She pursed her lips and her expression changed slightly.

He did know her.

Knowing that she was making that request to the Emperor, she just wanted to be free.

And indeed, if he were to make a move, it would be able to destroy her previous efforts.

He only said that he wanted her to be his woman, and didn't say that he wanted to marry her. However, if he wanted to make a move, he could make her into a side concubine or whatever, then she really wouldn't have any freedom.

No matter how unhappy she was, she could only swallow her anger.

"Hmm?" She was doubtful, so she took down the Xuan paper, "Your Royal Highness, do you think that the first sentence will remind us of the time we need to find the treasure?"

Every time she changed the subject, it was very awkward.

Fortunately, Baili Xuanrui had stopped suppressing her.

He reached out and took the xuan paper.

"Why do you need time to find the treasure?"

"It's probably the other party's design." She explained, "Look at the sun here, it should be at a certain time point. After it appears, it should be able to solve the following problem."

"In that case, what do you mean by 'three suns'?"

"En..." Three suns? " She didn't mean it.

"How can there be three suns in this world?"

Indeed, she nodded. Although this was a world of novels, it wasn't a world of legends.

There are no descendants here to shoot the sun.

There were only nine suns there.

Then, what did the three suns mean?

They couldn't figure it out, so they could only put it off for now.

"Your Highness, let's keep watching. There is also a reference to Moon Lake and the herdsman riding on the ox. We can first find this place and this herdsman."

she pointed out.

If she didn't have a clue now, then she was indeed talking about a good method. Every step she took was one step at a time.

Baili Xuanrui called over the local officials and asked him about the Moon Lake.

However, the other side had told them.

However, I do not know which one it is. As for the shepherds, although this place is a rural area, there shouldn't be any shepherds nearby. This place was originally Niu Jia Village, so I can't think of any other reason that has anything to do with the shepherds.

When the two of them heard this, they felt a little discouraged.

However, since it was so easy to crack, then this thing was too meaningless!

They had already transported the corpses down the mountain, so it was meaningless for them to stay here. The sun was about to set as well.

"Let's go, we'll come back tomorrow." Baili Xuanrui instructed.

She looked at him quizzically.

"Since you say that it is time for the sun to rise, then come back tomorrow to take a look."

she thought, nodding in agreement.

The group slowly descended the mountain.

After a day of hunger, she proposed to fill her stomach first.

He frowned slightly. "You still have an appetite?"


It was only when her brain cleared up that she realized what was going on.

"Does Your Highness have anything to be afraid of?" She was horrified.

"It's not fear, it's disgust." He had to admit it.

After all, he was also human.

That scene just now, as the noble prince, he did not often see it. Even if he wanted to kill someone, there was no need to face the corpse.

"That's true. Our clothes aren't clean either. Alright, let's all go home first."


Although Baili Xuanrui wanted to eat with her, he felt that it would be better if the two of them went back to bathe and get dressed in their current situation.

Send her to the general's estate.

"The King of Japan will come and pick you up."

"Alright!" She agreed readily.

He looked at her, amused, and she seemed to forget for a moment that she was very much against being with him.

However, it was true that they had encountered a mystery.

She also wanted to try undoing it.

He had a nagging feeling that this might have something to do with him.

Of course, this was just a feeling.

In any case, her sixth sense shouldn't be very accurate.

Moreover, she was only waiting for the auspicious day when the Lady Hall's class would start.

Returning to the courtyard, Xi'er asked her a lot of questions. She thought that since she was not coming yet, she might as well stop being afraid.

Because her young lady was too unlucky, she had to be caught in all sorts of ways every time.

How could Lou Zigui have the heart to tell her anything? After bathing and changing clothes, she took out the piece of xuan paper Baili Xuanrui had asked his subordinates to write down for her.

She looked left and right, occasionally folding the paper in half, but she did not dare to do anything about it. It was just words.

"Alright, I don't understand. My head hurts." she said.

Too anxious to know the answer.

How could someone like her, a dregs with no brain cells, solve a riddle so easily?

Let's talk about it when we get there.

Well, since the note was found there, he would have to go there to find the clue.

Go to bed.

The night passed without any unease, and his mind was in a state of disarray.

The next day.

Baili Xuanrui came to pick her up very early. At that time, she was still struggling with Zhou Gong.

Xi'er hurriedly woke her up and washed her face and then sent her to the carriage.

Today was different from yesterday. Yesterday, she was suddenly taken away. Today, she had to cooperate with him.


"What is this?" Baili Xuanrui pointed to the big box, there was someone carrying everything up there …

"Eating, drinking, and even some mosquito repellent stuff." "No," she replied.

This was the first time Baili Xuanrui felt a little speechless.

Thus, he decided not to talk about it anymore.

She really liked a street vendor's biscuit like tofu brain. It was a rare chance to wake up early, not when the Xi'er bought them to eat, but when they realized that she was going to eat the hot cake, she felt happy.

"Your Royal Highness, aren't you coming along?"

He frowned.

"Don't worry, your highness. If you go out now, this commoner will only take you as a good-looking guy and won't know that you're a prince."

When she saw his hesitation, she impatiently said, "Then wait for me, your highness. I'll finish …" "Forget it, I'll buy it and we'll eat together on the road."

She felt she was considerate enough.

Perhaps he had also seen how considerate she was, so he finally "thought it through" and quietly got off the carriage.

Although he didn't know how he was willing, it was still good to be able to sit and eat.

He quickly found the shop Xi'er was talking about. "Boss, give me three cakes and two bowls of tofu brains."

She politely wiped the chair with a handkerchief and let Baili Xuanrui sit down.

After she shouted, Baili Xuanrui said to her, "Two is enough."


"Two pancakes is enough. This King isn't that hungry." He didn't eat much by the roadside.

Lou Zigui thought for a moment. "Your highness, you want one too?"


"Oh, boss, add another scone." she shouted.

Baili Xuanrui looked at her figure in silence.

Although she did not look weak like a willow tree, she was not fat. How could she eat so much?

Sensing his gaze, she understood and explained: "This family's bread is not big, you will know once you see it, Your Highness!"

Soon, the enthusiastic boss brought the cake to their table.

It was indeed small, but it was enough for one person.

Baili Xuanrui laughed.

Speaking of interest in her.

He knew that it was just his interest.

The few times he had interacted with her had always made him feel a sense of novelty, and she had always made him feel puzzled. Naturally, this kind of behavior would easily arouse a man's interest.

Especially since she always avoided him, intentionally or not.

However, this sort of mood wasn't enough to make them wonder what would happen in the future.

"Your Highness, why aren't you eating? All the beans in this house are really very good. "

she said.

"Yes." "Yes," he said.

Although he agreed, he didn't make a move, so she guessed, "Does Your Highness think that it's dirty?"

"…" He pushed the bowl towards her. "If you want to eat it, I'll give it to you."

She laughed helplessly, "Prince, are you kidding me? How can I eat so much? What I order is the amount of food I can finish!"

After she finished explaining, she asked, "By the way, Your Highness, have your subordinates eaten yet?"

"Naturally, they … "I woke up earlier than you did."

"Oh." She thought for a moment. "Then, Your Highness, you …"

You should have already eaten it, right?

No wonder.

Then it really wasn't easy for him to accompany her to eat breakfast even like this.

After learning this, she hurriedly buried her head into her food, "My lord, I will finish eating very soon. Wait for me in a while!"

"Slow down." He frowned.

Sometimes, her actions really didn't sound like her age, but now, she behaved like a child.

She looked up.

He smiled and reached out as if to wipe her face.

However, Lou Zigui's style wasn't that of a young girl. The moment he reached out his hand, she leaned back to avoid his hand.