Supporting actress Becomes the Heroine

C74 Case

The group walked towards the peak of the mountain.

Lou Zigui laughed bitterly. She had been "kidnapped" just like that.

"Your Highness, Qin Yue is weak, she should not be moved."

"It's fine. This King will get someone to help you."

"Your highness, Qin Yue is not well, we cannot accompany Your highness to enjoy the scenery."

"It's alright. I won't let Qin Yue feel such regret."

In any case, she had no way of getting out. Not only that, she was also forced to follow him to the investigation.

Although it was called a mountain peak, it was actually a mountain peak.

The original owner of her body still had some martial arts skills, and she often practiced those modern martial arts, so her body was still rather 'solid'.

Therefore, Baili Xuanrui had originally planned to let her sit in the palanquin, but she refused it after thinking.

Think of it as climbing a mountain.

Baili Xuanrui said in all seriousness: "Yes, crawling and dodging is good for your recovery."

Look at what he's saying, really!

He didn't even know how he chased a girl, and didn't know how to show mercy to the fairer sex?

"Qin Yue wants to know what case the Japanese king is investigating today?" Seeing that she was bored, he even tried to find a topic to talk about.

Since she was going to climb the mountain anyway, she was so bored that she had to listen to him say, "Mmm."

"Then This King will tell you."

He was right, he even brought his own prelude to what he said.

However, he had indeed begun to speak.

This is a murder investigation.

Of course, if a prince like him were to make a move, it would definitely not be an ordinary murder case.

The deceased was suspected of being one of the thieves who had stolen the most valuable treasures of the imperial government. The imperial government had been after these people the entire time, but they had never found them.

And the dead man, a woodcutter who had come up to chop wood, wanted to rest in the hut. He had been found dead on the wooden bed in the hut.

"Then how can we confirm that he was one of the Thieves from that time?" Isn't everyone already dead? " she asked as soon as she had finished listening to the explanation.

In the past, when she followed the old policeman to investigate cases, she also liked to ask why.

Baili Xuanrui looked at her and really didn't disappoint him, who wanted to say what he wanted to to to her. Most girls would hear this explanation, but no matter what, it shouldn't be with her reaction.

"There's a pattern on his back." "According to the surviving guards, he saw some patterns on the backs of some of the bandits."

Well, that's possible.

She didn't ask anymore, and it had nothing to do with her.

After a while, they finally reached the top of the mountain.

No matter how strong she was, she was still a little out of breath.

If it was really like climbing a mountain, she would really throw a tantrum and beg to leave the mountain.

Baili Xuanrui was still gasping for breath and did not blush, thus he said, this was the gap, he guessed that she was tired, and now he said worriedly: "If you are tired, go sit over there on the rock for a while, that, is the hut where the murder occurred."

She followed his instructions and saw that there were already a lot of soldiers surrounding the thatched cottage.

She took another deep breath. "Alright, I'll go with the prince to take a look."

"…" He raised his eyebrows at her and couldn't help but to say, "Inside, there is a corpse. Moreover, it is a highly rotten corpse."

"Mm, don't worry, it's not like I haven't seen it before."

she said, heading that way before him.

It was just that Baili Xuanrui was even more puzzled by her words.

What she said just now meant that she had seen a lot of corpses?

Where did she get to see so many bodies?

Doubtful, Zhang Xuan continued walking in that direction.

Whether he was trying to be brave or not, he would soon know.

Also, this Lou Xinyue was becoming harder and harder to see through.

From the moment she said that she had been saved, it had been completely different from what everyone had previously said about Lou Zigui.

"Prince, what are you doing? Why aren't you coming over?" She looked back and saw him standing there, greeting him.

Baili Xuanrui walked over, she had already asked the coroner for the rotting leaves.

Also, the thing that hides the mouth.

She gave Baili Xuanrui her equipment along with a portion of it.

"The wisdom of humans is truly amazing." She was sighing to herself.

In ancient times, when technology was not developed, people were able to take advantage of natural resources.

This place was relatively simple and crude, and the protective equipment were also quite casual. However, the two of them didn't need to examine a corpse even though they didn't need to; they wouldn't be too far off from each other.

"Don't try to be brave. You'll lose face if you cry in fear." he finally reminded her.

Even a normal man might not be able to hold on, much less a woman like him.

She was probably suffering from an "occupational disease" and did not look for things to be unhappy about. She tugged on Baili Xuanrui's arm, "Alright, your highness, don't be so long-winded, hurry up, let's go in."

The way she pulled him, the way she spoke made the people around her frightened them quite a bit.

Although they did not know why a prince was in charge of this case, they knew that the prince was definitely worthy of respect.

But not only did this woman want her to go in with her, she even spoke as she pleased.

While they were in shock, the Prince himself didn't care at all. He was just looking at her in amusement. He was a bit helpless, but no matter how he looked at her, how could he condone her.

The two of them finally entered the house.

As expected, the smell was extremely unpleasant.

The coroner had already finished his examination before Baili Xuanrui arrived, and would report the results to him immediately.

Judging from the degree of decay, the time of death should be from three to five days. The cause of death should be from a knife wound. A very straightforward knife skill had cut off the neck of the deceased.

Fortunately, there were no wild birds or beasts that came to eat.

The reason why the king wanted to see him in person was because he had stolen something from the government. Before he died, he seemed to have found some clues.

Because the position of his death was to kneel before the wall. When his body became stiff, he would use his head to lean against the wall.

After the guard had lifted the corpse up, he discovered that there were a few suspicious words written on the wall that he had covered up.

"Your Highness, look, this is the word."

The words seemed to have been carved with a knife, but it could also be seen that this person's martial arts was quite high.

"Alright, extend the word down to This King." Baili Xuanrui instructed.

He had already seen it. Now, he could leave.

He turned back to look for Lou Zigui and saw that she was actually inspecting the body. She had even inspected the body four times.

From the looks of it, it really did not seem like the "first time".

He frowned slightly.

The local parent, who had been checking his expression at any moment, had of course noticed him immediately. He followed Lou Zigui's line of sight and guessed what the prince was thinking. "Hey, I'm talking about you. Don't touch me!"

Lou Zigui looked up.

Baili Xuanrui frowned, "Master Liang."

He called to him slowly.

Lord Liang quickly turned his head and smiled at him.

"Does Lord Liang have any clues as to how to solve this case?"

"Eh, this …" Lord Liang did not know why, but just by saying a few words, his forehead began to drip with sweat. He wiped it with his sleeve and said, "This official will do his best. I will definitely do my best!"

"Hmph." He sneered, "How are we supposed to do our best? Do you think we can just hide as far away from the corpses as we can?"

He didn't know how to offend this Lord Liang, but he could only constantly wipe away his sweat. He didn't even know how to reply.

Baili Xuanrui looked at Lou Zigui.

Lou Zigui blinked his eyes and smiled. She didn't know that he was protecting her, but she wanted to say: This prince really has a great dignity.

She had almost forgotten about this person, who had a completely different personality from her own.

"Go out." He walked over to her.

She looked at the interior of the room. It was so empty that it was obvious at a glance that there was nothing to investigate, so she nodded.

When the two of them went out, someone already prepared some fragrant leaves to pat them.

He had seen the scene before, but it seemed like he had no intention of leaving.

Not far away, his omnipotent subordinate had already prepared a place for him to rest, so the two sat there.

"Oh right, when we came, didn't we see Qin Feize? "Where is he?"

"Why did you ask him?"

As expected, a person is a person. It's just a random mention of a man's name, so this prince had to pay attention to it.

"Nothing, just a casual question." Of course she was just asking.

Since he was just asking, there was no need for him to answer. "You looked at it carefully just now. Now, do you have any ideas?"

Lou Zigui shrugged. "No …" But, didn't they leave behind a message of death? "

"What is this information before death?"

"It's a message left behind by a person before he dies." "There's a good chance it will tell you who did it."

"I don't think so. According to the strength of the words carved on it, and the level of color, they don't seem like they were carved in the past few days."

"Oh …" She was not disappointed. "Can I see what it says?"

Baili Xuanrui discovered that she was very enthusiastic.

This kind of enthusiasm did not seem like it was a scheme, nor was it faked. It was just pure interest.

"Someone, come!" "Go," he ordered.

The guard on the other side, who had already completed his task, hurried over.

Maybe it was because the layout of the words were afraid, or because there were hidden secrets in the small details, so they didn't just copy them down, but directly constructed them according to the words on the wall.

I'm afraid it's some kind of hidden poem, hidden tail poem, etc.

There were four sentences in total, and according to the ancient history, each sentence was written in a vertical line from the left to the right. They were as follows:

Sunrise of the Moon Pool of the Three Suns

The Shepherd Child Riding on the Cow

The Goddess of Heaven Descends on the Land of Fortune

A sudden change in the situation

"So exaggerated!" Lou Zigui couldn't help but mutter under his breath.


She tapped the words above, "Look, what do you mean 'dominating the world'? What kind of drastic change is this? You need to hide a nuclear weapon in order to possess such might."

"What is a nuclear weapon?"

"Eh, it's a very powerful weapon. In this era, there's no way to resist it!" She explained casually.

He naturally still had questions, but he did not pursue them.

She had already surpassed the range of his knowledge.

"Your Highness, what do you think?" She asked him, on the other hand, what nuclear weapons were used for, and there was nothing to explain.

Baili Xuanrui stared intently.

He read the words one by one.

However, no matter how he read, or how he tried to hide his head and tail, it was all useless.

Lou Zigui also joined in. She was actually quite interested in this kind of decryption. According to ancient times, she shouldn't be too responsible.

"Your Highness, since you said that these people are treasure hunters, then they would definitely die because of this item. This must be the location of the hidden treasure, don't you think?"

This was based on common sense.

Obviously, Baili Xuanrui thought the same way, but that was also the most basic idea.

The crux of the matter was how to crack it.

"Your Royal Highness, let's discuss this. Sometimes, a lot of inspiration is inadvertently generated."

He smiled. She was really an incomprehensible woman. "Alright."

"Then, Your Highness, let's make it clear first. If we really find a treasure, how about fifty percent?"

He looked at her in amusement.

"No?" She thought he wouldn't, "Four six? I, the Fourth Marquis, am six? … Still not enough? thirty seven, it cannot be any lower! "

She pretended to be angry.

However, her suggestion only brought a light smile to his face, as well as a smile to his eyes.

"At most twenty-eight or so. Your highness, I've also put in a lot of effort. It shouldn't be too much for you to give me some!" She was angry.