Super Heavy Artillery

Chapter 553

At the end of September, the NBA, which had been quiet for several months, came to life again.

Of course, the regular season is not so fast. It's going to be in the middle and late October. In the first half of the month, the League will arrange a number of pre-season games to warm up the whole season. Although not included in the official competition, but this period of time for the league and the team is also very important. Through this warm-up, the NBA can focus on itself again. But each team, may seize the time to examine own this summer's result. At the same time, it can also be a good run in the lineup, so that players quickly find the state of the game. After all, actual combat is the best way to train.

On September 26, the pre-season of nba2018-19 began with the 76ers playing against Melbourne United. However, in the past few days, Anluo and others can only stand on the sidelines. This season, thunder has been scheduled for four preseason games before the regular season starts. Their first game is October 3, when they meet the Detroit Pistons in Oklahoma.

As thunder in the free market are all small repairs, the lineup change is not big. All of a sudden, the team is not particularly interested in these pre-season games. In this case, Westbrook and Paul George didn't show up. However, ANLO played. In Donovan's words, ANLO needs more time to consolidate his gains. Coincidentally, piston's core player Griffin also missed the game, led by its inside line big general de Drummond.

It's just a preseason game, but the atmosphere at the Chesapeake energy arena is no worse than the regular season. Especially when thunder's players rush out of the players' tunnel, everyone is very happy. There was also a very interesting episode. When the DJ at home introduced the pistons players and coach, he named his coach Stan van Gundy. You know, in the off-season, the pistons fired van Gundy and signed last year's best coach, Devon Casey. To say that this is also a very strange thing, just won the best manager was fired, it is indeed some unexpected.

At the beginning of the game, thunder soon gained the upper hand. Despite the absence of Westbrook and Paul George, the thunder was still very strong after anlow took over the offensive power.

ANLO's first sporting goal was still his signature three-point shot. After several passes in the thunder player's hand, the basketball returns to his hand. Faced with Reggie Baroque, who is similar to him, he retreats, widens the distance, and then dribbles constantly in his crotch, looking for opportunities. Baroque saw that Anluo was far away from the three-point line, so he did not stick it up. Just standing a meter away from ANLO, hunched over, staring at him. Feeling that the time was almost right, Anluo made a breakthrough at his feet. Baroque saw this and retreated, but Anluo left his right foot and brake directly outside the three-point line. After the distance, ANLO pulled up easily and threw the ball at random.

Decisive, confident! This kind of ball is more and more familiar to ANLO. Of course, he is also very sure.

Like Westbrook's dunk, ANLO's three-point shot can easily ignite the enthusiasm of the Chesapeake energy arena. Amid the cheers, ANLO waved to the fans. He loved the sound of all the cheering for himself.

The piston's response is to hit in. Drummond dropped his weight this summer. Now in this league, big men have to be more flexible. However, it is also a double-edged sword. After all, a player like him has a great deterrent under the basket. Most of all, this guy obviously hasn't made a reliable long shot. But in this game, he dominated the inside. Pistons in his stable and excellent play, has always maintained the hope of winning the game.

ANLO only played 20 minutes, but it was amazing enough. He didn't show much of his new abilities, and the pistons couldn't hold on to his three-point and mid-range pitching jumper. No one can stop him from scoring. At least, not in this game.

More often, Donovan is still honing his rotation. Grant, Kant, Felton, these players are longer than Anluo, this year's new joined Diallo, Noel and others also got a lot of playing opportunities. There are also a few players with temporary contracts and pre-season is a very important opportunity for them. In the end, the performance of these games is very important.

After easily beating the pistons, the thunder moved to Minnesota. After seeing off Butler, who had a good time in the team last season, the Timberwolves are basically out of the playoff sequence. Even if they signed the former MVP Ross, no one is optimistic about them. Westbrook was still not on the list for the game, and he didn't even go to Minnesota with the team. It wasn't just him. ANLO stayed in Oklahoma. However, thunder under the leadership of Paul George, or easily beat the other side.

In the third stop, thunder returned to Oklahoma to meet the Atlanta eagles. This time, Westbrook finally appeared. In Donovan's words, if it wasn't for the expectations of fans and the pressure from NBA officials, he would have played with his rotation players throughout the preseason.No one let you down, although Westbrook, like ANLO and Paul George, played only 20 minutes, but he was in excellent condition. His all-around reach enabled him to average triple doubles for two consecutive seasons, and now it seems that the miracle will continue.

Three wins in a row in pre-season doesn't mean anything. After all, there's nothing special about it. But the state and momentum of thunder still make people feel quite surprised. The defending champion! It's easy to win every game.

After these three games, thunder has only one preseason left. But this preseason is a little special! With the development of cooperation between NBA and international basketball, some games are held outside the United States every year. These games are basically focused on the pre-season. Of course, the regular season is occasionally arranged overseas.

Thunder's next preseason game will not be held in the United States. Their opponents are no longer NBA teams. , the fastest update of the webnovel!