Super Heavy Artillery

Chapter 552

Sometimes the so-called goal is very simple. As long as you think you should do it, that's fine. For thunder, the past decade has been moving toward a goal. That's the championship. For most of the thunder players, it doesn't matter whether there is a championship or not, but it is especially important for stars like Westbrook and Paul George who want to make a name in the league history. If you want to be higher, you need more!

Westbrook's eyes were ablaze with the flame of last summer. ANLO knows it's a burning desire for a goal. He has everything now! Money, status, glory, but it's not enough to put this team on its own brand. He doesn't have the ability to conquer the league with players like Jordan, Kobe and James, but he wants to conquer the city completely. He wanted all Oklahoma people to talk about themselves without questioning whether anyone else could do better than him.

"Yes! Billy, we need the championship. We are the championship

Paul George is lucky, and he's really lucky compared to the other stars who were crushed by James in the East a few years ago. Not only won the championship, but more importantly, he beat James to win the championship. There is no question of the passage of time. After all, judging from the other side's performance, James is still the first person in the league. At this point, even if those guys in the East have their day in the next few years, they won't be able to beat James in person!

But that doesn't mean Paul George is satisfied. In fact, he and thunder reached a contract renewal so quickly, but also had the intention to rebuild his career. People like him can lose, but they don't want to always be behind others. Especially in the current situation of the league, the role of frontline players in the team has become more and more important, even these years the MVP of the finals are mostly this group of people. James, Leonard, igordala, Durant, and the trend is more and more obvious. Even in the regular season, the guards who can score explosive points are paid more attention to, but the really difficult game will always become a match between the front line players.

Paul George never thought he was weaker than anyone, but he did not have much personal honor to win over those guys. The fastest-growing player in the season can't take it! So he needs more opportunities, a more central position. For him, thunder is really a very suitable place. Westbrook's decentralization and Anluo are not yet growing up.

Oklahoma, however, is not Indiana. He can't rush! Without this championship, he might have thought otherwise, but now they've done it. So Paul George wasn't in a hurry. But it's not the same now! After talking with George nowan, he was calm again. In fact, most of the time, people's inner thoughts can be easily aroused. Those who are bewitched are still haunted by their own desires.

ANLO is pure. Few people are luckier than him, getting what most NBA players don't get at the beginning of their careers. But he was not satisfied. He is not satisfied that he is just a top 3D player. He knew that if the thunder and lightning remained the same, he might have a chance to win the championship, but he would always be a helper for Westbrook, or Westbrook would become Paul George, or someone else. Brooke, he hopes to be a city of his own.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. For any all star player, no one doesn't want to be the boss of a team. Anluo knows that he is still a lot worse, so he hopes to win more championships while the thunder retains the championship strength, so that he can get more points and improve his ability. If he wasted a few years, he naturally did not lack the place to play, but ultimately regretted.

Therefore, on the whole, Donovan's conversation had a more positive effect on thunder. In the following training, we slowly recovered the kind of state before the start of last season. Of course, Donovan is still busy! Not everyone has been training like ANLO, Westbrook and Paul George this season. He has to get everyone back to play before the season starts.

Time slowly entered October, and the NBA, which had been suspended for three months, began to rejuvenate. All teams have completed the preparations before the start of the new season. After experiencing the draft and trade, they have completed the basic running in. As for the effectiveness of this summer's work, it has to be tested through the competition.

Thunder's players after the system of closed training, showed the spirit of the champion should have. From the fixed makeup of the new season, their lineup is basically unchanged. For a team that is determined to defend the title, nothing changes is the most reliable thing.

In the face of reporters, thunder appears very confident. In their words, the thunder team has been preparing for the new season all summer, and the team has made great progress in all aspects. That's the most obvious advantage of thunder over the teams that make big moves in the free market. Donovan, as the head coach, did not hide his attitude in some pre-season interviews."The pattern of the league has changed a lot this season. But for us, it doesn't have much impact. Every team that aspires to the championship will experience the most difficult game. We are well prepared for this. "

"I don't think this year's warriors are as strong as I don't think last year's warriors are weak. Every team that wants to win is our opponent, and we will keep the best form to face every possible opponent just like last season. We have experience and we know how to win

"No matter last year, or in the past, for Oklahoma City Thunder Team, the goal of each season is only one, that is the championship. We have been working on this for 10 years, and we will continue to do so. Our goal has never changed in this regard. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!