Super Great Fortune Teller

Chapter 3218

"Oh, three years, so slow," said Wang Qian.

He also wants to change the subject.

The scene was quiet again.

Gu Taiyi couldn\'t help saying, "master, three years is just a flick of the finger for the strong people in the immortal realm."

Wang qianen said, "Oh, it took me less than three years to practice in man\'s fairyland."

The demon monk lowered his head in silence.

Nine demon dragons keep their faces closed.

The Wannian corpse King firmly held his fist.

Wang Qian\'s words are the acme of Versailles.

"You go on."

Feeling the atmosphere a little dull, Wang Qian said with a smile.

Yuwen Hualong made an expression that he didn\'t want to talk to Wang Qian. Just then he continued: "at the moment when they reached the immortal, two terrible plane channels appeared."

"However, my two masters did not choose to be promoted, but found their best friend, the second evil emperor from beimangshan Dongtian."

Speaking of this, the old man looked at his second dream with complex complexion.

"Why did you find the second evil emperor?"

Everyone present was stunned.

Wang Qian also frowned at the old man.

"Because one of my masters is proficient in divination. He knows that he has calculated his own life and that the world behind the face channel is not as simple as they think. Once they go in, they will be in danger."

"So... They both made a crazy plan, that is to let only one of their three souls enter the world." Yulong said.


At this moment, all the people present were staring at Yuwen Hualong.

The plan is not only crazy and bold, but also extremely dangerous.

What kind of madman can come up with this plan?

Even Wang Qian couldn\'t help feeling cold.

He knew that the pain of tearing his soul apart was more than ordinary people could bear.

Although it is said that there are skills that can complement the three souls and seven souls.

But there is no comfort from your own soul.

"Their method was inspired by tongyouzi."

Yuwen Hualong said, "on that day, when the two plane channels appeared, their souls and spirits flew into the plane channel."

"Leaving only the body, I didn\'t expect the sudden change at this time. They entered the plane channel with one soul and one soul. In less than three breath, one soul and one soul escaped from the secret path."

"Just at this time..."

Speaking of this, Yuwen Hualong also showed a look of fear in his eyes.

Everyone\'s mood could not help but get nervous.

"Two shadows followed behind them."

"The two shadows were thin and long, and their faces were dark. The shadow attached to the two immortals. The second evil emperor launched the array prepared before and sealed the two immortals."

"Then pull out the souls of the two antennas so that their souls will not be occupied by two foreign evil spirits."

"Wait a minute." Wang Qian suddenly said, "do you mean that the two foreign evil spirits came to Kyushu through the plane channel?"

Wang Qian\'s eyes were very serious.

"Yes, and the foreign evil spirit is about to refine the master\'s body."

"My two masters only had time to let their souls escape. The master said that if they don\'t appear this year, I must return to Luofu Mountain."

"Hide Luofu Mountain and start the nine day purgatory array to completely destroy Luofu Mountain."

"To open the seal of Luofu Mountain, you need 81 human immortals." Yuwen Hualong looked at Gu Taiyi and said faintly, "even if the Xuanmen doesn\'t appear, you can\'t keep this hanging island."

Gu Taiyi\'s face was pale.

"It\'s difficult to get together 81," Wang Qian said.

"And there is a key point. Are the two flight channels still there?"

Wang Qian looks at Xiangyu cultural dragon.

The latter nodded: "still."

"The immortal aura in the face channel is still spreading."

"I\'ve been to an overseas Fairy Island before, where I got the eyes of ancient gods and demons. It\'s not Luofu Mountain?" Wang Qian asked.

"How could it be Luofu Mountain? It\'s just where Luofu Mountain servants live." Yulong said.

Hearing this, Wang Qian couldn\'t help but gasp.

"It turned out that place was the staff dormitory in Luofu Mountain."

"How to talk?" Yu wenhualong glared at Wang Qian with dissatisfaction.

"You guys, if you want to be immortal or get the secrets of the fairy world, you can find the two great evil spirits. They must have secrets."

At this moment, the Wannian corpse King licked his lips and said, "if I find the bodies of those two immortals, can I eat their brains?"

Yuwen Hualong nodded and said, "of course."

"Our goal is to eliminate those two extraterritorial evil spirits. It has been 20 years. If the plane channel is expanded again, there may be many extraterritorial creatures."

"Foreign creatures, I don\'t know if their flesh and blood taste will be sweeter than those in Kyushu." the Wannian corpse king looked greedy.

The nine heads of the nine demon dragon also nodded and said, "the secret of the immortal... Wang Qian, are you going?"

"If you go, I\'ll follow you."

"I know you still have cards on your boy. I haven\'t seen such an exciting place for a long time."

Among the three giants, only the demon monk Jikong has not made a statement.

Ji Kong looked at Wang Qian and said, "Wang Qian, are you going?"

"No, why do you people always ask me for advice? Of course I want to go. I want to see how many things come out of foreign channels, immortals? I\'m looking forward to it." a flash of divine light flashed in Wang Qian\'s eyes.

The second dream nodded and said, "I have to go, too."

"My father is probably still in the secret land of Luofu Mountain."

After the big three and Wang Qian agreed, the others had to nod their heads if they dared to say anything

As for the ancient Taiyi yuan Tiance, there are Wanmo days who have no choice.

If people promise, they can only promise.

"But, Yuwen Hualong, you said you wanted to find 81 human immortals. The human immortals in the world have gathered here. Where else do you want to find human immortals?" Wang Qian said.

Hearing Wang Qian\'s words, Yuwen Hualong smiled and said, "of course, there are other hidden immortals."

"As far as I know, huangquanzong has three immortals."

"There are also hidden immortals in the other ten cave days."

"If you collect all these human immortals, it is likely to exceed 80, but this is already all the human immortals in the world."

When Wang Qian heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

If he wants to revive Wang Sihai and others, he needs to find clues to Huang quanzong.

"Do you know where Huang quanzong is?" Wang Qian got up and said., the fastest update of the webnovel!