Super Great Fortune Teller

Chapter 3217

"You won\'t even reveal your name or your identity. Today, if you don\'t tell me why, I\'ll kill all the people present." Wang Qian sneered


At this moment, everyone present took a cold breath.

However, no one dared to show an angry expression to Wang Qian.

The face of Wannian corpse king and nine demon dragons is also very ugly.

But there was no way. I had a fight with Wang Qian before, and they lost the fight very badly.

The second dream looked at the old man and said, "since you want to cooperate, you always have to show your identity. Also, what conditions do you want to put forward for everyone to sit here and negotiate? Wang Qian\'s temper is really bad. If you don\'t say it, I\'m afraid none of us can get well."

The bad old man said carelessly, "why should I tell Wang Qian? Kill if you want. Anyway, if there are fewer of these people present, you will never have to solve the secret."

Wang Qian couldn\'t help but squint slightly.

Good guy, how dare this old thing threaten him?

The other people present knew that the oil and salt of this old thing would not enter.

One can only stare at him.

Just then, the monk sitting on one side felt very bored when he heard these people\'s negotiations.

He is very relaxed. Anyway, he will hit whoever Wang Qian hits.

Others can\'t beat Wang Qian.

The monk took out a bottle of wine made of Jinyang pill.

The yellow liquor exudes a smell of wine.

This is a special Qiongjiang wine made by Xuanmen.

Wang Qian saw that when the monk took out the wine, his nose twitched twice, and his pupils began to shrink.

It turned out that the old guy was not without weaknesses. Wang Qian thought to himself, and then took out two bottles of nectar made by himself.


Wang Qian slowly opened the lid of Qiongjiang Yuye, poured the liquor into the cup and said, "let\'s talk."

"You\'re not in a hurry, and I\'m not in a hurry. Let\'s just spend it like this. I have plenty of time."

The strong aroma of wine emanated from the nectar.

Old man Zao held out his hand like lightning and touched Wang Qian\'s glass.

However, Master Wang was already on guard against him.


Wang Qian took the glass of nectar to one side and drank it into his mouth.


Wang Qian couldn\'t help sighing comfortably.


Everyone present couldn\'t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

They have experienced a long time, and some religious doors have long disappeared.

Some have been locked up here for too long and have lost contact with their relatives.

Where do prisoners who have been locked up for thousands of years smell such a strong aroma of wine?

Wang Qian distributed the nectar to the monk and said, "monk, go and pour a cup to everyone present."

"Oh, except the old man."

The monk smiled, picked up the bottle and took out the glass. I poured a cup to everyone present.

At this time, even the demon monk Ji Kong had nine demon dragons. The face of the Wannian corpse king was like a flower with a smile.

The Wannian corpse King drank the wine and the saliva flowed down for a long time. His eyes lit up.

"Good wine would be better if it had meat."

The demon monk Jikong patted the monk\'s bald head and said, "good boy, in the future, as long as you give me a pot of this wine every day, I can give you all my skills."

"Do you know Buddhist supernatural powers? Do you know Vajra means? I have everything you can think of."

Only the second dream, the face of the old man beside him was getting darker and darker.

"You are against me!"

Wang Qian said wrongfully on his face, "where do I have? It\'s obviously your old man against me? How to hang everyone\'s appetite and don\'t go on."

"Besides, I didn\'t say I wouldn\'t save you. It\'s the monk\'s own opinion."

Everyone was stunned.

They have seen shameless, but they have never seen Wang Qian so shameless.

Cheating in front of everyone?

Until Wang Qian took out another bottle of nectar.

"People say, don\'t they?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Master Wang is wronged!"

"Yes, Master Wang is a good man!"

"Yes, when did Master Wang bully others?"

Even Gu Taiyi and Yuan Tiance were given a glass of wine.

Two people and ten thousand magic days were like Pugs, saying, "my master is wise and powerful!"

"My master is generous!"

"My master is the best in the world!"

For a time, flattery was like a tide, one after another.

"The old man\'s name is Yu culture dragon."

Finally the old man said his name.

"Yuwen Hualong?"

"The name is quite classical," Wang Qian said with a smile.

Yuwen Hualong gulped a mouthful of saliva and said, "now, can you give me this glass of wine?"

Wang Qian nodded, "I\'m not a devil."

"Where does Mr. Yu wenhualong come from? Is it convenient to disclose?"

Yulong shivered and carried the wine handed over by the monk. Before drinking it, he was dazed by the smell of wine.

"I, I come from the secret land of Luofu Mountain."

The moment Yulong\'s voice fell, the whole audience was quiet.

The secret land of Luofu Mountain is the origin of everything.

The reason why so many people here want to collect bronze coffin nails is that they heard that there are two immortals in the secret place of Luofu Mountain.

"I used to be a servant in the secret land of Luofu Mountain."

While talking, Yuwen Hualong\'s body has fully recovered.

The terrible mental pressure came from him.

When Yuwen Hualong opened his eyes again, his eyes flashed.

All the people present felt the pressure from him and stared in shock.

"How can it be? Immortal peak?"

"Just one step away from breaking through the fairy!?"

The demon monk couldn\'t help crying.

The second dream was no surprise. She had already seen the difference of the old man.

Yuwen Hualong\'s strength is even stronger than Wang Qian.

Of course, this is just a gap between realm and mana.

If you really let Wang Qian do his best, Yulong will not live in front of Wang Qian for a minute.

"It\'s convenient to say what\'s going on."

Wang Qian looked at the Yu culture dragon and said faintly.

Yuwen Hualong put down his wine glass and said, "this should start with my two masters who found an incomplete skill book."

"You\'ve all heard of a mirage. In fact, it\'s an ancient fairy palace projection. My two masters found a copy of the skill of" nine changes of the golden cicada "in a mirage, but only the first half of the skill."

"From their eyes, they can see the unusual skill of the incomplete skill, and their strength has improved by leaps and bounds."

"It took less than three years from the beginning of human immortality to the peak of human immortality!"

At this moment, everyone present was quiet.

Wang Qian couldn\'t help it.

Because the skill he practiced was called the golden cicada formula.

Everyone looked at Wang Qian., the fastest update of the webnovel!