Super Great Fortune Teller

Chapter 217

When Xu Xiaoya heard that Wang Qian promised to treat Zhang Sha, she jumped up with joy.

"Great! Have I become Zhang Sha's savior? " Xu Xiaoya said, holding Wang Qian's waist tightly.

Wang Qian was suddenly hugged by Xu Xiaoya, and almost his waist flashed.

But then Xu Xiaoya seemed to think of something, and said to Wang Qian, "brother Qian, can you let me see Zhang Sha first? I haven't seen Zhang Sha yet."

Xu Xiaoya seems to think of meeting Zhang Sha soon, and small stars appear in her eyes.

Zhang Sha is a male god for girls of her age.

A lot of girls are in Zhang Sha's TV series, such as Zhang Sha's husband, Zhang Sha, my man and so on. Of course, Xu Xiaoya has also done it, but she is just taking part in the fun.

Wang Qian saw Xu Xiaoya's yearning expression, and said with a little taste: "those drink bottles are fine. They are white faced."

Wang Qian snorted with disdain.

The monk mended the sword and said: "that is, you only see Zhang Sha's face 100 times more handsome than brother Qian, but you don't find that brother Qian has a black heart that Zhang Sha can't cultivate anyway."

When Wang Qian heard the monk's words, a dragon wagged its tail and kicked the monk's ass.

The monk staggered forward and forced himself to control his body. Then he stopped: "I said, brother Qian, you are too cruel, but I don't care about you because you bought the house today."

"What? You said you bought a house? " Xu Xiaoya looked at Wang Qian and the monk and widened her eyes. She couldn't believe it. But she knew that Wang Qian couldn't afford to buy an air conditioner, let alone a house some time ago.

Wang Qian nodded and gave Xu Xiaoya the key to the Star River Villa.

Later, however, he remembered something and took back the key.

Xu Xiaoya looked at Wang Qian and asked, "what's the matter?"

Wang Qian knows that Xu Xiaoya's Yin Qi is too heavy, which has a fatal attraction for Mo Cuicui, the female ghost in the villa.

"Nothing. The villa is not clean yet."

"It's not clean. I'll clean it." Xu Xiaoya rolled down her sleeve to show that she was a good housekeeper.

The monk shook his head. He could imagine how scared Xu Xiaoya would be when she saw Mo Cuicui.

Master Zhang had time to cut in and said, "Master Wang, that Zhang Sha called me yesterday. His voice was very weak on the phone."

"Oh?" When Wang Qian heard Master Zhang's words, he said, "give me his phone number."

Then Wang Qian called Zhang Sha.

At this time, Zhang Sha was in an intensive care unit of the first people's Hospital of Xingcheng. There were countless tubes inserted into his body. The heartbeat monitor beside the hospital bed showed that Zhang Sha's heartbeat curve was much smoother than that of normal people.

Zhang Sha's female assistant is sitting beside Zhang Sha's bed. Her eyes are bloodshot and her eyes are swollen. It can be seen that Zhang Sha is very ill these days, and she has been worried a lot.

Zhang Sha's eyes on the hospital bed were half open and half closed, and his Qi was like gossamer.

But even so, Zhang Sha's eyes are still locked on the mobile phone on the bedside table, which is his only life-saving straw. He did not expect that Wang Qian's words would come true step by step on the high-speed railway.

A week has passed since Wang Qian finished his sentence. Within this week, Zhang Sha's physical condition has deteriorated sharply. The doctor's diagnosis is that Zhang Sha may not live for more than a month.

Fortunately, Zhang Sha's brokerage company did a very good job in keeping secrets, and did not disclose the news that Zhang Sha was seriously ill. Otherwise, outside Zhang Sha's hospital bed, it would have been crowded.

"Does the boss really call?" Female assistant voice some hoarse said.

Zhang Sha blinked a little and said that Wang Qian would come.

I don't know why Zhang Sha always has a glimmer of hope in his heart.

The female assistant was also distressed to see Zhang Sha like this and said: "boss, don't worry, if master Wang is willing to come, even if I kneel down and kowtow in front of him, I will ask him, but I don't know where Master Wang is now..."

When the female assistant said this, Zhang Sha's mobile phone rang.

The clear and pleasant mobile phone ring sounds like fairy sound in the ears of female assistants.

Zhang Sha's mobile phone contains a private number. In this mobile phone, he only contacted one person, Master Zhang.

Seeing that the calling number was Zhang Yuanqiao, the female assistant quickly put it in her ear, and then said with a trembling tone: "hello."

Wang Qian said lazily on the other end of the phone, "where's Zhang Sha?"

"Are you master Wang?"

Wang Qian said calmly: "it's me."

A huge sense of surprise made the female assistant want to cry and yell, but she finally managed to hold back the emotion and immediately said, "Master Wang, please, I must save my boss. He is really in danger now. Please help him, OK?"The female assistant finally caught Wang Qian as a life-saving straw. I can imagine the excitement in my heart.

"Where are you now? In which ward? " Wang Qian asked.

The female assistant quickly told Wang Qian the ward address of Zhang Sha, and after Wang Qian got the ward address, she nodded and said, "well, I'll go tomorrow."

"Master Wang, can you come now?"

Wang Qian frowned when he heard the words of the female assistant. However, the next sentence of the female assistant made Wang Qian's brow stretch.

"If you come now, can I give you 10 million?"

This female assistant has already given up her pride and indifference. She is completely convinced of Wang Qian.

Seeing Zhang Sha's weak appearance, the female assistant couldn't bear to see Zhang Sha suffer again.

When Wang Qian heard about 10 million yuan, he couldn't help shrinking his pace.

Walk a few hundred meters back to Kunpeng barbecue shop.

Xu Xiaoya also felt strange when she looked at Wang Qian. Just now Wang Qian was walking like a meteor. However, she didn't know what to say on the other end of the phone, so Wang Qian began to walk backwards.

It seems that there is a mysterious force affecting Wang Qian's progress.

"Let's go, Xiao Ya. It's said that Zhang Sha's illness has become serious. I don't like the suffering of others. Let's go to Zhang Sha first." Wang Qian was affected by this power and couldn't help saying.

Xu Xiaoya thought that she was going to see Zhang Sha soon. She was also excited and said, "mm-hmm!"

But master Zhang was even more excited. Zhang Sha promised Master Zhang that as long as he found Wang Qian, he would get hundreds of thousands of bounty, and the money was about to come.

Only the monk knew Wang Qian, and as he walked beside him, he heard 10 million yuan coming from the microphone, and looked at him with disdain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!