Super Great Fortune Teller

Chapter 216

"Master Wang?" Master Zhang didn't take off his beard when he saw Wang Qian.

Wang Qian ignored Master Zhang and went to Xu Xiaoya. Xu Xiaoya also stood up. Although her height was only up to Wang Qian's shoulder, she still looked up at Wang Qian stubbornly. Although the tears in her eyes were broken, she just wanted to stare at Wang Qian.

"Xiao Ya, long time no see." Wang Qian said with a dry smile.

Wang Qian looks at Xu Xiaoya like this, unexpectedly some modest.

"How long have you been gone?" Xu Xiaoya's voice is very calm.

"Well, five or six days? Eight or nine days? Oh, I don't remember much. " Wang Qian scratched his head and said.

Whether master Zhang or monk, they both look at Wang Qian and Xu Xiaoya with the expression of watching a play. It is obvious that Master Wang, who has always been indomitable and unfavourable, has no temper at this time.

"Five or six days? It's almost half a month. You're reluctant to give me a call? You're a liar! " Xu Xiaoya said with red eyes.

In fact, there is another truth that Xu Xiaoya didn't say, that is, she is very worried about Wang Qian, very worried.

She raised her hand and touched her face like a baby's fingers.

"Villain!! Liar! " Xu Xiaoya hammered her pink fist on Wang Qian's chest.

For a moment, Wang Qian only felt that Xu Xiaoya was extraordinarily charming at this time. The appearance of crying made him feel distressed. He took Xu Xiaoya into his arms, regardless of the strange eyes of those people on the bus.

Xu Xiaoya was caught off guard by Wang Qian's sudden embrace. She forgot to struggle and let Wang Qian pick her up.

Then, Wang Qian's face is getting closer and closer in Xu Xiaoya's sight.

So Wang Qian took Xu Xiaoya's first kiss.

Xu Xiaoya more than once fantasized about where her first kiss would take place, in school? At home? On the street? In the hotel?

However, what she didn't expect was that her first kiss would be in the bus.

In front of more than ten eyes in the bus, she took away her first kiss in this way!!

"Well Xu Xiaoya only felt weak all over. She wanted to break away from Wang Qian's embrace, but Wang Qian held it harder.

It seems to be about to melt her into her own body.

The monk and master Zhang were stunned.

All the people in the car were stunned, but they all knew that Xu Xiaoya and Wang Qian were lovers. Besides, Wang Qian's Qingjun and Xu Xiaoya were so cute that they seemed to be quite right.

When Xu Xiaoya lost all her strength, Wang Qian finally let her go.

"Bad guy..." Xu Xiaoya's lips were red and swollen when she was kissed by Wang Qian. After she was let go by Wang Qian, her first words were villains.

With a smile, Wang Qian was not annoyed. He came to the monk and said calmly, "take out your mobile phone."

When the monk heard Wang Qian's words, he wanted to quibble and deny them.

But Wang Qian's action is so flexible. He grabs the mobile phone in the monk's pocket, opens it, and deletes the video recorded by the monk just now.

"Hey hey, brother qian'er, I'm doing it for you too. I'll send you an X tone or something to make you hot once."

Hearing the monk's explanation, Wang Qian said with disdain, "you kiss Master Zhang, and then I'll send it to you on the Internet. It's definitely more popular than mine."

Whether master Zhang or monk listened to Wang Qian's words, it was a chill.

"Cough, Master Wang, don't amuse me. I'm just looking for you!" Master Zhang stroked his beard and grinned bitterly.

Just then the bus arrived at a stop. Wang Qian took Xu Xiaoya by the hand and got off the bus. The monk and master Zhang also followed.

This site is not far away from Kunpeng barbecue shop. Wang Qian and Xu Xiaoya walk in front, the monk is in the back, and master Zhang is following Wang Qian with a smile.

"Master Zhang, why do you still want to help me out?" Wang Qian looked at Master Zhang and joked.

"Master Wang, don't call me master Zhang. I can't compare with you. I'm a charlatan at best. My name is Zhang Yuanqiao. Master Wang doesn't mind calling me Yuanqiao." When Zhang Yuanqiao heard Wang Qian's words, he knew that Wang Qian was dissatisfied with his deceiving Xu Xiaoya.

"I said, Lao Zhang tou, why do you follow me and brother Qian? Is it interesting to brother Qian Er The monk said with a smile.

"Go away!" Wang Qian wanted to kick the monk away.

"Well, Master Wang, when Zhang Sha and I parted last time, he said," let me see you. When are you free? " When Zhang Yuanqiao heard the monk's words, his face turned dark.

"Zhang Sha? What does Zhang Sha do? How can I see him? " Zhang Qian ignored the master.

"Ha ha, Master Wang is joking. Zhang Sha is now a superstar in China. How can you not know him?" Zhang Yuanqiao laughed and showed his yellow teeth.

"Ah!!! Zhang Sha?!!! Is that true?! Zhang Sha? National husband Zhang Sha? " Before Wang Qian said anything, Xu Xiaoya jumped up in surprise."No, no time." Wang Qian refused.

Zhang Yuanqiao looked at Xu Xiaoya and said, "little girl, can you persuade Master Wang? Zhang Sha called me last night and asked me to look for Master Wang. If I can't find Master Wang again, Zhang Sha may die."

Zhang Qian asked for help from his brother Wang Qian

Xu Xiaoya looks at Wang Qian with a pleading face.

"No see." Although Wang Qian refused Xu Xiaoya's words, there was a smile in his eyes.

"Little girl, as long as you can ask Master Wang to agree to treat Zhang Sha, Zhang Sha can invite you to dinner in person." Zhang Yuanqiao continues to add weight.

"Brother Qian, do you agree? If you promise to save Zhang Sha, I can... " Xu Xiaoya pad feet, lying in Wang Qian's ear, warm voice soft language of each other.

Wang Qian only felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing on his face. Xu Xiaoya's unique sweetness intruded into Wang Qian's nose.

Accompanied by Wang Qian's body Yang began to explosive growth, rising a evil fire in his abdomen.

Invisible charm is the most fatal.

Xu Xiaoya didn't make up or seduce Wang Qian too much. However, just a few simple words like this made Wang Qian unable to tease himself.

"All right. Tell Zhang Sha that I'm very busy recently. If you want to see a doctor, come as early as possible. " Wang Qian was afraid that he would not agree again. Xu Xiaoya could not figure out what moves he would use. , the fastest update of the webnovel!