Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 903

Looking at the yellow stone like a mirror, Yang Tian explored it with spiritual strength and nodded with satisfaction. Zilong Huawei was praised by Xiaoqinglong immediately.

Yang Tian took out the runes, and his figure flashed. Pieces of runes appeared on the smooth yellow stone. The speed was as fast as printing with a printer.

The strange program has long designed the rune array. At this time, you only need to show it through Yang Tian\'s hands.

After Yang Tian reached the realm of all divine beings, his speed and accuracy were much higher than before. He didn\'t use it for two hours. Thousands of Rune arrays composed of more than one billion runes were completed by Yang Tian.

As like as two peas, the design of the program with the odd program is almost identical.

Next, Yang Tian took out 99 animal cores in one breath, embedded them in the rune array, and then carved a rune energy line with a rune pen.

With energy, thousands of runes start in sequence.

A few minutes later, the rune array group lit up nine colors.

The rune array group is engraved on the ground, and the material carrying the rune array cannot be compared with the Dragon monument. After the rune array group operates, it will not last long. It is a disposable article.

For Xiaoqinglong, just once.

"Bruce Lee, send your blood essence to the rune array."

When the Fu burst into nine colors, Yang Tian immediately reminded Xiaoqinglong.

Blood essence is different from ordinary blood. Ordinary blood is blood cells, water and other substances, while refined blood contains the life power of little green dragon.

The little green dragon scratched his forehead with his claw, and a drop of bright red blood fell into the rune array.

The essence and blood were suspended in the rune array and dispersed at once, forming a red fog. For a time, the nine color light emitted by the rune array was covered up.

A moment later, an image appeared in the rune array.

It\'s actually the environment on earth in ancient times.

At this time, human beings have not yet appeared. The earth\'s environment is still relatively bad. There are countless huge creatures. The largest number is not dinosaurs, but all kinds of strange creatures

The picture flows rapidly, and soon there are two huge green dragons.

Two green dragons flew around in the sky and landed in a beautiful valley. One of the female dragons laid twelve goose eggs and larger golden dragon eggs by the pool in the valley.

The female dragon who finished the production was very weak. She wrapped her body around the dragon egg and closed her eyes to rest. Gonglong lay aside and looked around vigilantly.

The two green dragons in the picture are undoubtedly Xiao Qinglong\'s parents.

The little green dragon\'s eyes move around the two dragons in the picture. He wants to remember his parents.

When humans look at dragons, they can only distinguish colors. Dragons of the same color have no difference in appearance in human eyes. Little Qinglong can see his parents clearly. He believes that he can recognize them at a glance as long as he sees his parents again.

Under the protection of two green dragons, time passed quickly. The saplings in the valley grew into towering trees. One day, the sky accumulated thick black clouds and electric light was faint.

This weather has happened countless times over the valley, but this time is different.

Two green dragons flew under the thick clouds, led down the lightning in the sky, carried most of the lightning with their own bodies, and only a small part of the electric wire hit the twelve dragon eggs.

The shell of the twelve dragon eggs gradually appeared fine cracks, and they were about to hatch.

However, at this critical moment, a huge black dragon suddenly appeared. The dragon\'s beard was swept and hit the dragon\'s egg. Twelve golden dragon eggs were destroyed at once. The young dragon inside was smashed before he opened his eyes.

The remaining dragon egg was also affected. A trace of blood seeped from the crack of the shell.

The two green dragons were so angry and sad that they fought a big war with the black dragon in the thunderstorm.

Finally, the powerful black dragon was driven away. Xiaoqinglong\'s parents landed with serious injuries. Looking at the twelve destroyed dragon eggs, they raised their heads and howled bitterly.

After a short rest, they rose into the sky and disappeared into the thick black clouds.

Obviously, in extreme anger, Xiaoqinglong\'s parents took revenge, and this time, they never came back.

If nothing happens, Xiaoqinglong can\'t live, and it\'s impossible to meet Yang Tian behind him. He has been with Yang Tian until now.

Xiaoqinglong\'s parents left. A few days later, a huge green bird appeared in the sky. In the sunlight, the golden dragon egg reflected the golden light and was noticed by the green bird.

The dragon\'s egg was caught by the green bird and built into a nest with beautiful feathers. Before the dragon\'s egg was brought back, there was another green bird\'s egg in the nest, which was even bigger than the dragon\'s egg, and the shell was covered with patterns, which was very beautiful.

From then on, the green bird hatched its eggs with the dragon\'s eggs.

Because the green bird is also a divine beast, it takes a very long time to hatch the little life in the egg.

In this process, the shell of the broken dragon egg actually began to heal slowly, but the color became dimmer.

The sun rose and set in the sky. After repeating thousands of times, the green bird\'s egg finally cracked and a young bird climbed out of it. The green bird mother has a job since then. She not only hatches dragon eggs, but also feeds her children.

The bluebird grows up and can fly.

In this cruel world, life is fragile. Even powerful green birds will be preyed on by more powerful creatures.

Mother Bluebird went out once and never came back.

The green bird, who has just learned to fly, began to live independently. It took over its mother\'s work. In addition to going out to find food, it squatted in its nest and wanted to hatch dragon eggs.

This lasted thousands of days and nights.

The danger came again. A huge lizard climbed along the cliff near the green bird\'s nest, wanted to swallow the dragon\'s eggs, and fought a big war with the green bird.

This battle lasted for hundreds of days and was a tie. Several times, the dragon eggs were almost swept away by the lizard with its long tongue.

Finally, an old man in black appeared and killed the lizard.

The green bird became the mount of the old man in black robe, and the dragon egg was collected by the old man in black robe.

Time passes slowly on the earth, the sea changes, there are fewer and fewer exotic animals, human beings have become the master of the earth, and human cities have appeared everywhere.

Human science and technology are developing faster and faster. The virus brought back from extraterrestrial makes the once disappeared powerful beasts appear again

One day, a scarred warrior who wanted blood all over his body appeared in the eyes of the old man in black robe.

The old man in black robe left the dragon egg on the way of the warrior. When he saw the warrior pick up the dragon egg, he smiled and turned away.

Soon after, a green bird appeared in front of the warrior and brought the warrior a beast core.

With the beast core, the warrior\'s realm has been rapidly improved. In just a few years, he has been promoted to level 9.

At this time, the old man in black appeared in front of the martial artist