Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 902

The transmission array of insect island was closed. In addition to Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, there were purple dragons bullied by Xiaoqinglong. Other dragons disappeared on insect island.

It seems that longzu is going to trap Yang Tian and them on insect island. The island has no food and no water except insects and stones

The light ball in the central hall of the Dragon kingdom was closed when the Dragon ancestor sent out himself. The dragon in the Dragon domain, only the Dragon ancestor knows the final result.

The Dragon ancestor returned to the central hall and looked extremely weak. Powerless, he announced that the next dragon ancestor was Taiyu and passed the family monument to Taiyu.

After hastily completing the throne passing ceremony, the Dragon ancestor could not go out, and Taiyu was the same. All the affairs of the dragon clan are in the charge of the Presbyterian group of the black dragon clan.

In the secret room of the central hall.

Taiyu sits in the red Rune array. The enlarged clan monument, about several meters high, is inlaid on the edge of the rune array, shining with nine colors.

The Dragon ancestor walked slowly around the rune array with a scepter. Under his control, the energy in the clan tablet was transferred to the rune array, and then collected into the Taiyu body.

"Unfortunately, with my body, I can\'t use the clan tablet. But you are different. Your body is still young and has infinite vitality. If you absorb all the power accumulated in the clan tablet, you can have the dragon spirit. The next time you meet Yang Tian, you can use the clan tablet, gather all the dragon power and give him a fatal blow..."

As long Zu walked, he told the secret of the clan monument.

In Taiyu\'s body, a special energy world is gradually formed


Suddenly, a burst of charming laughter sounded.

It was the laughter of a young woman.

Long Zu opened his eyes and turned around fiercely. A young woman in a black skirt appeared in his eyes. There were three purple dots arranged in Pinzi between her eyebrows.

This is a sign of divine personality.

The young woman had a divine personality. The Dragon ancestor became vigilant and tightly held the scepter in his hand. At this time, taiyuzhen is absorbing the power in the family monument. At the critical moment, he can\'t be disturbed.

"Who are you?"

Long Zu looked at the young woman walking slowly and asked faintly.

The young woman replied, "my name is tingling, the daughter of King Zhaoji, dragon Zu. Do you remember King Zhaoji and the Zhaoji Island destroyed by you?"

Zhaoji island and Zhaoji king are really familiar to the Dragon ancestor, because that time was the first time he used the power of the family monument. At that time, the Dragon ancestor was still very young. Although he destroyed Zhaoji Island, he let the Zhaoji King escape with his family and disappeared.

Tingling stopped when he was more than twenty steps away from the Dragon ancestor, and his eyes became colder and colder. "Dragon ancestor, you bought my father\'s Zhaoji symbol at the cost of thousands of Dragons of the dragon family. Unexpectedly, after becoming the Dragon ancestor, you turned your face and didn\'t recognize people. My father is not a good thing, and you are more shameless!"


As soon as the voice of tingling fell, longzu couldn\'t help laughing.

The laughter was full of bitterness.

After laughing, long Zu clenched his teeth and said: "You don\'t understand what the status of the black dragon family was in the dragon family at that time! We were the most humble of the dragon family. Even the sin dragon of the green dragon family had a higher status than us. If we can\'t get the position of the Dragon ancestor, our black dragon family will never rise. You see how good it is now. When Taiyu inherits the position of the Dragon ancestor, the green dragon family, the Golden Dragon Family... All these dragon families Will disappear, and soon, only my black dragon family will be left! "

Tingling said with disdain, "I\'m not interested in the dragon family. I\'ll borrow your family monument now."

"The clan monument can only be used if you have dragon blood." the Dragon ancestor said faintly, "even if you can use it, I won\'t give it to you."

Tingling snorted coldly, raised his hand and grabbed the clan monument. With a \'Peng\' sound, the clan monument broke away from the rune array, became the size of a palm, and fell into tingling\'s hands.

"Poof ~"

Taiyu, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes, spewed out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and then didn\'t move.

In the surprised look of the Dragon ancestor, tingling looked at the Dragon stele in his hand and said with a smile: "dragon ancestor, maybe you don\'t know that this stele was made by our ancestors. Don\'t you find that it has the same function as the trillion pole sign?"

The stele of the dragon family can call the power of all the Dragon families, gather the power, and let the holder burst out powerful power in a very short time, so as to have terrible combat power.

Trillion pole runes also have the same function. The difference is that the process of collecting energy is different.

In the complex look of the Dragon ancestor, tingling smiled and said, "I can\'t use it, but someone can use it."

With that, tingling opened a pair of meat wings behind him and was ready to leave.

"It\'s not so easy to want to go!" longzu shouted angrily and raised his hand to catch tingling.


With a strange program, it is basically impossible to control Yang Tian by cutting off the transmission symbol array.

Yang Tian did not intend to leave insect Island immediately.

He took out a lot of Yellow Stones from the storage bracelet and began to study the structure of yellow stones.

It\'s not so easy to copy the family monument.

The material for making the family monument is very special. Driven by the symbol array, the molecular gap of the material can be large or small, so that the size of the family monument can change accordingly.

In addition, the family monument should bear strong pressure to avoid collapse when gathering and releasing energy.

A complete family monument can\'t be made with Yang Tian\'s existing materials.

What Yang Tian wants to use is not the function of the family monument in the use of energy, but the ability to trace blood.

Although the operation speed of singular programs is very fast, there is still a big gap with human beings in the design of symbol matrix. Because human thoughts are not limited by space and time, and dare to think of anything, that is, the so-called imagination.

Rich imagination and rune array can create an incredible Rune array. This is how the dragon clan monument was born

For the dragon family monument, the strange program is also amazing.

Even if we give up the rune array that gathers and releases energy on the family Monument and only depict the rune array that traces blood, the materials needed are very special.

Looking at a lot of Yellow Stones in front of him, Yang Tian smiled and said to Xiaoqinglong, "Xiaolong, melt these and make them as big as possible."

Xiaoqinglong nodded and began to command Zilong Huawei.

Huawei has changed back to a woman\'s appearance and looks charming. If Yang Tian would never ask such a beauty to do this and that, but Xiaoqinglong has no sense of pity for jade at all.

Huawei first sorted out a space with a radius of hundreds of meters, burned it flat with purple dragon flame, and then melted the yellow stone and tiled it