Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 799

Seeing Yang Tian\'s hesitation, Qi Ling said, "you know, before you, more than 11000 creatures have accepted this test. But in the end, they didn\'t succeed."

"Why?" Yang Tian asked, "if they stick to it, they will get the inheritance of the giant God and become the most powerful creature in the world. Why do they give up?"

"It\'s easy to say, but it\'s very difficult to do it. Less than 1% of the more than 11000 creatures stick to the middle stage. In the end, they will feel that if they continue, they might as well die right away."

"Are they dead?"

After the instrument spirit finished, Yang Tian asked curiously.

The Spirit said, "if you fail to complete the test, there is only one end, that is death!"

Yang Tian said with a smile, "I regret it now. Is there still time?"

"Are you sure you want to give up?" the spirit asked.

This question gave Yang Tian a deep chill in his heart.

Yang Tian knew that it was too late to repent. If he wanted to live, there was no second way to go except to complete the test.

Looking at the stone mountain in front of him, Yang Tian\'s eyes became firm.

"I\'m waiting for you..."

After saying this, the instrument spirit disappeared, leaving only the whistling wind, which seemed very lonely.

"Peng ~"

Yang Tian bit his teeth and hit the stone wall in front of him with his head.

Although the two corners on the head were hard, they only left a shallow scratch on the stone.

After a hundred hits, Yang Tian couldn\'t hold on and had to stop to have a rest.

At this time, blood was seeping from the roots of the two horns on his head, and the two horns became shaky.

The giant God also encountered this situation at the beginning. After the first impact hundreds of times, the angle loosened.

Yang tianqiang endured the pain and hit the rocks with his greatest strength.

Two antlers shaped like antlers fell off under the impact, and a lot of blood flowed out of the two holes.

Although there are many kinds and countless animals in the star sea, they come from a few powerful divine beasts.

Although it is the weakest beast in the star sea, the blood of the divine beast is also hidden in its blood.

Before activating the divine beast\'s blood, although the body is weak, its recovery ability is very strong.

The blood soon stopped and new horns slowly grew out.

Yang Tian took advantage of the long horn to control the body to eat and supplement consumption on the nearby grass.

I don\'t know how long it took to give Yang Tian the feeling that the corner would grow in about three days.

The new horn is stronger and harder than before.

When he was ready, Yang Tian controlled the beast and then began to hit the rocks.

The new horns are much more efficient than the previous ones. After they break again, a hole about three inches deep appears.

Seeing this shallow depression, Yang Tian has a great sense of achievement.

At this time, he had to bear the pain of broken horn again.

Personally operating, and watching, the feeling of the passage of time is completely different.

When he was watching, Yang Tian felt that time passed very fast, but now, the passage of time seems to be a hundred times slower.

The islands in the star sea also have light changes. This is because there is a kind of tree growing on the island.

This kind of tree, if translated into Chinese, can be said to be a \'luminous tree\'. It is common in the islands of Xinghai.

This kind of tree will emit bright light and generate heat. This process takes a certain time.

When most of these trees glow, it is day, on the contrary, it is night.

According to Yang Tian\'s feeling, the time of day and night is almost the same. It is estimated that it is between 20 hours and 25 hours.

In other words, the day and night here are about twice that of the earth.

Animals that eat plants will never move these trees if they don\'t encounter what they don\'t eat. They usually add nutrients to them.

Time goes by slowly.

At the beginning, Yang Tian will record the time.

But before long, he gave up this practice because it would feel that time passed more slowly.

One day, ten days, a hundred days

Time goes by slowly.

Yang Tian doesn\'t remember changing corners several times.

Shishan has been controlled by him and knocked out a cave about ten meters. The horn on the head is more than ten times stronger than before.

At the beginning, if you hit more than 100 times, you have to change the angle, and then hundreds.

At this time, when the cave is almost one meter deep, the angle will be changed again. The angle change interval will be longer and longer.

The angle became hard and the cutting process became smoother and smoother.

At this time, Yang Tian was no longer tortured by physical pain, but lonely and lonely.

Yugong moved the mountain with his children and grandchildren, but Yang Tian was alone.

I don\'t know how many years have passed.

After digging a cave about 100 meters long, Yang Tian\'s heart, like those who had been tested before, wanted to die immediately and end all this in front of him.

Although Yang Tian knew that this was the magic barrier in his heart.

But when he thought of his parents, Qin Fei, and the son he hadn\'t seen for a long time, Yang Tian still gritted his teeth and insisted.

At this time, he finally realized why the Fuzhu and the giant God had such great abilities.

Because they endured unbearable pain.

The passage of time here is obviously different from that outside. Maybe ten thousand years have passed here, and the outside is just a moment.

Although those who experienced this test understood this, they failed in the end.

The reason, in addition to loneliness and loneliness, is the increasingly hard rocks.

When the stone mountain was chiseled out a passage of hundreds of meters, the color of the stone began to change from gray white to black.

The cutting speed slowed down.

Sometimes, it takes several days to advance a meter.

After the black stone layer, there is a blue stone layer behind, which is tens of kilometers away.

This length will make people despair, just like drawing water from the ocean drop by drop. They don\'t know when it is the head.

However, at this time, Yang Tian suddenly noticed that a strange energy was generated in the body of the beast.

This is the power of blood.

After so many years of hard work, the blood force in the body finally showed signs of awakening.

When Yang Tian was aware of this energy, he no longer felt lonely. He would focus on two purposes, hitting the black stone layer and trying to control this energy with consciousness.

But the power of this blood and blood has played a hide and seek with Yang Tian. As soon as Yang Tian\'s mind approaches it, it will run away.

In this constant attempt, time passed quickly for Yang Tian.

Yang Tian may not know that Qi Ling has come here and seen him several times.

Because Yang Tian was the first to discover the power of blood and accept the test.

This may be related to Yang Tian\'s practice experience, or because Yang Tian practiced the force and spiritual power

With the passage of time, the power of that blood slowly grew, and the resistance to Yang Tian\'s ideas became smaller and smaller. The tool spirit who noticed all this knew that Yang Tian would succeed soon.

In fact, this test is not just a test of endurance and will. But whether the tested creatures are suitable to inherit the things left by the giant god is the key!