Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 798

The life of the giant god is finally over. Although the final combat power of the beast is stronger than that of ordinary gods, it has failed to break through the limit of life.

Yang Tian always wanted to know about Xinghai. In this long \'dream\', he finally knew everything he wanted to know.

The giant god is over, so should this\' dream \'wake up?

But something strange happened again.

After the long dream, he returned to the starting point of the giant God\'s strengthening. That is, after a long migration and settling down.

This time, in this young body, there was no soul of the giant god, but was controlled by Yang Tian. Yang Tian felt an extremely strong desire to become strong from the baby\'s small body.

After this change, Yang Tian was very awake and could clearly feel the speed of the surrounding air flow.

In order to verify whether it was a dream, Yang Tian hit the rocks in front of him with his head.

It hurts!

My head is still a little dizzy.

Because of his experience in controlling the dragon body, Yang Tian was very skilled in controlling the body for the first time.

Yang Tian made this move. Suddenly, a fuzzy black human shadow appeared behind him.

The shadow is tall and very similar to the human shape transformed by the giant. Its eyes are especially bright, just like two big light bulbs.

Dizzy Yang Tian didn\'t notice that a mysterious black figure appeared behind him.

"Very good. Are you an orc?"

When Yang Tian shook his head and woke up, the shadow made a very ethereal sound.

Yang Tian was shocked and turned fiercely. A black figure surprised him appeared in his eyes.

Seeing the black figure, Yang Tian felt very familiar with it.

Is this black figure the spirit of the giant god?

"You, answer my question!"

Yang Tian stared at the huge human shadow. When he kept guessing, the shadow spoke again, and his tone was very similar to the giant God.

Yang Tian reacted and shook his head. "I\'m human. I just have some experience in manipulating animal bodies."

"Are you the great God?"

After answering the question of the human shadow, Yang Tian then asked.

"No!" said the human shadow, "I\'m just an artifact of armor."

Although I haven\'t seen it, Yang Tian has long heard that some sacred artifacts have a spirit like existence.

This is the so-called instrument spirit.

Yang Tian owns the red long Sabre fifteen, among which there is a tool spirit. They are not produced out of thin air, but the life symbol array on the utensil plays a role.

This exquisite life charm array usually absorbs the will of the owner of the utensil. After a long time, the accumulated life information reaches a certain degree, and the energy of the utensil itself can produce the spirit of the utensil.

The emergence of the spirit is like installing an operating system for objects, which can make the objects it stores have incredible abilities.

"What are you... Doing here? And why am I doing this? Can you let me go?"

The emergence of the spirit finally made Yang Tian roughly understand why he came here.

Facing Yang Tian\'s problem, Qi Lingdao: "I\'m here to test you and see if you can inherit this set of giant god armor. You can come here because your body has been destroyed, and the giant god armor has the function of detaining the spirit. You\'re lucky. The giant god armor has no master, otherwise you\'ve been destroyed. You can leave, but you don\'t have a chance to get the giant god armor anymore. Are you sure Are you sure you want to get out of here? "

Of course, Yang Tian wants to get the giant god armor. He really loves this armor.

But this is not easy to do.

The power of the giant god armor is even stronger than that of the broad stars. In other words, in this world, no one can make it yield and become its master in a tough way.

To be recognized by the giant god armor, you must pass the test of the spirit.

"I want to accept the test. What if I get war armor? It\'s not just these benefits!" Yang Tian made a decision immediately.

The Spirit said, "you have experienced a long time with the giant God. Don\'t you think it\'s strange?"

"What\'s up?"

Yang Tian asked.

The Spirit said, "the giant God has experienced countless battles in his life. Through continuous battles, he understands and creates many very powerful combat skills. How many do you remember these combat skills?"

When Qi Ling said this, Yang Tian was stunned again.

In fact, compared with this set of giant god armor, the combat skills and combat experience created by the giant god in his life are the most valuable things, which are even more valuable than the giant god armor.

Yang Tian\'s experience in that "dream" was still very sober, but when he thought about it carefully, he still remembered many details clearly, but he couldn\'t remember the war skills created by the giant God.

Yang Tian shook his head. "I didn\'t remember any of the combat skills."

The Spirit said, "if you pass the test, these powerful combat skills can be printed in your mind. For each strong point, the corresponding combat skills will appear in your mind. Accordingly, there are the combat experience of the giant god at all stages."

When Qi Ling said this, Yang Tian was so excited that he wanted to start the test immediately.

However, another question lingered in his mind. When the instrument spirit finished, he couldn\'t help asking, "I\'m just a spirit body. How can I recover the flesh body?"

When Yang Tian asked, Qi Ling said, "you\'ll know then."

This sentence gave Yang Tian a glimmer of hope at the bottom of his heart. He thought, can this suit of armor restore his flesh?

After Yang Tian reached the realm of understanding life, he had a deeper understanding of the profound meaning of life. As long as it takes some time, with the help of little green dragon\'s flesh and blood, he can regain his flesh body.

However, it does some harm to Xiaoqinglong.

Last time, Xiaoqinglong spent a lot of money to let Yang Tian regain his flesh. It took a long time to recover.

"Any questions?"

Qiling asked suddenly.

Yang Tian shook his head, "no more."

The Spirit said, "then, let\'s start the assessment! The content of the assessment is to chisel through the stone mountain in front of you with your head!"

"Ah ~"

Hearing that it was the exercise method used by the giant god, Yang Tian couldn\'t help exclaiming.

This is really, too abnormal!

Although Yang Tian had seen the experience before the giant god, he watched as a bystander. At that time, he didn\'t feel the slightest pain.

But now it\'s different. I hit it just now and I was dizzy!

It takes thousands of years to break through this stone mountain.

Don\'t say you hit the mountain every day for thousands of years. Even if you stay here all the time, it will make people crazy!