Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 780

As soon as I entered the temple, the light became dark and the space became incomparably wide.

In Yang Tian\'s eyes, in addition to the ground paved with stone slabs, there are stone columns with a diameter of three meters.

Each stone pillar is engraved with runes, and there are some animal relief pictures, which look very ferocious.


Yang Tian glanced around and said.

This space, as expected, is composed of a rune array. Not only does the space become incomparably wide, but even the passage of time is much faster than outside.

Yang Tian judged from Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s description that the passage of time here is about 100 times that outside.

A hundred times. It doesn\'t seem like many times, but if you\'re trapped here, it\'s like life is better than death.

Sometimes, time is the most tormenting thing, especially when it is boring and desperate.

This space was built by the Lord of the limitless temple, who was highly accomplished in rune, in order to get eternal life.

The more powerful a man is, the more afraid he is of death. Because the strong have privileges and can enjoy things that ordinary humans can\'t enjoy.

After the completion of this space, the temple Lord achieved his goal. When his life was about to end, he gave up his body and came to the palace.

Although the time here passes faster than outside, it can never dissipate the spirit. With the rune array, you can also have strong power.

However, it is limited to this space.

If you leave here, the spirit will soon dissipate.

The spirit of the Lord who built this temple is gone, because he can\'t stand this life like imprisonment.

Because the spirit still has the same feelings as human beings, with joys, sorrows and joys. However, the spiritual body can\'t practice, can\'t enjoy the pleasure of food and power, and can\'t touch the flesh of living people

Later, the same is true of the past Temple owners. Before death, all the spirit bodies left will come here. In a short time, they can still get together to survive and continue to live just for existence, but with a long time, they can\'t help feeling bored. If the time is longer, it\'s really worse than death.

Yu Hong is the temple Lord of the previous generation. He hasn\'t been here for a long time, so he still maintains hope. He had already known the situation here.

Before passing the position of the Lord of the temple to Kuo Xing, he asked Kuo Xing to promise him that he must find a way of eternal life so that he can have the body again.

In fact, after the hall Lord who created this space, every successor hall Lord will ask the new hall Lord like this.

However, after such a long time, they did not get any results, and then they saw their successors come here.

You know, the time here passes a hundred times faster than outside

The old man who appeared in front of Cheng Wu Xingyang appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes again.

I don\'t know why, after seeing Yang Tian, the old man had never had a strong hope in his heart.

This is a kind of intuition, which can also be called the sixth sense. In fact, after losing the physical body, this feeling is more accurate.

The old man believed in his judgment.

"What\'s your name?"

The faint voice came into Yang Tian\'s ears.

The spirit body is a special kind of energy and will not emit energy fluctuations, especially in such a space.

For others, the appearance of the old man will appear very sudden, but Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong have noticed it when the old man approaches.

Because both Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong have spiritual power.

In the energy possessed by practitioners, only spiritual power can have an effect on the spiritual body.

What the old man and other spirits don\'t know is that Yang Tian\'s arrival is like a tiger entering a sheep.

Of course, tigers are Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong with spiritual power. They are nature and lambs to be slaughtered.

"My name is Yang Tian."

Looking at the translucent old man, Yang Tian said curiously.

If you\'re right, Yang Tian finally saw the ghost after practicing for so many years.

Yes, in Yang Tian\'s eyes, the spirits of the temple Lord are actually ghosts.

In fact, after the death of ordinary human beings, under special circumstances, the spirit body that leaves the physical body can also remain for a long time.

Those environments, with no doubt exceptions, are dark and silent, similar to those here.

"Yang Tian, it\'s a strange name. Aren\'t you human in this world?" the old man asked again, with a very kind tone.

Yang Tian nodded.

The old man then asked, "Yang Tian, can you do us a favor?"

Yang Tiandao said, "tell me first."

Although the limitless Temple annoyed Yang Tian very much, the old man had no hatred with him. If he didn\'t ask too much, Yang would agree.

"Thank you!" the old man said, "we want you... To destroy this place. This place shouldn\'t exist."

The old man\'s words surprised Yang Tian.

Because after this place is destroyed, the spirit body of the old man will dissipate with it.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s doubt, the old man told it.

After the old man finished, Yang Tian understood that this was actually similar to his perception when he first came in. At that time, Yang Tian also imagined that his soul came here after his death... The result was very bad.

Yang Tian came here to destroy the limitless temple. Once the limitless temple does not exist, of course, it will be destroyed.

Of course, the old man didn\'t know about it.

Of course, Yang Tian readily agreed to this request.

However, Yang Tian still said to the old man, "the spirit body has scattered and there is nothing. If only the spirit body could reincarnate and carry the fetus."

"Reincarnation!" the old man said in surprise.

To the old people, these four words are like a way to redeem them.

Reincarnation is a saying that only human beings on earth can have. Yang Tian casually told the old man about it.

For example, living people live in the world of the sun. When they die, they go to the underworld

Unexpectedly, after listening to Yang Tian\'s story, the old man\'s eyes lit up and asked excitedly, "is there really such a world?"

Yang Tian certainly shook his head, "The underworld is an imaginary world. It is a kind of comfort sought by human beings. Ordinary human beings attach more importance to feelings than those who practice. You think it would be sad to see their relatives die and completely disappear... If they go to the underworld after death, even if they forget us in the afterlife, it has nothing to do with us, but they don\'t Disappear? "

The old man is the Lord of the limitless temple and a native of this wonderful world. Naturally, he doesn\'t understand the importance of family affection.

Therefore, he was not excited, but Yang Tian, who talked about it, was a little depressed.

The old man pondered for a moment. Suddenly, a clear expression appeared on his face and said with a smile: "I finally understand..."

See what?

In Yang Tian\'s doubt, the old man turned around and disappeared in a flash.