Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 779

"Those Temple masters... Are still alive! They have never died..."

Chengwu Xingyang gave Yang Tian a brief account of his experience inside.

Chengwu Xingyang entered the temple until he was blasted out by the Lord of the hall. It took less than five minutes. However, Chengwu Xingyang spent at least a few hours inside.

Just keep looking for a way out, Cheng Wu Xingyang spent more than half of his time.

In the history of Wuji temple, all the temple owners are still alive? And it\'s all spiritual

The news surprised Yang Tian.

Seeing the experience of Cheng Wu Xingyang, it seems that the hall masters still maintain a strong power.

Yang Tian looked at the dark hall, his mood fluctuated, and he wanted to go in and investigate immediately. However, Bai xingxuan had blocked the door, and the white dragon also recovered his strength and returned to Bai xingxuan.

It seems that you really have to defeat this woman.

Yang Tian and Bai xingxuan looked at each other, and there was a strong sense of war in the eyes of both sides.

"Chi ~"

Yang Tian first moved, lifted his knife and cut it. A red knife Qi cut through the air and impacted towards Bai xingxuan at a lightning speed.

Compared with the power of the black hole, Yang Tian\'s knife gas is not a threat to baixingxuan at all.

As soon as Bai xingxuan raised his hand and turned it into a dragon claw, his five fingers closed one by one, which easily dissolved Yang Tian\'s knife Qi.

At this time, Yang Tian smiled and said loudly, "come again!"

Then he cut at Bai xingxuan again.

Seeing Yang Tian and Bai xingxuan fighting again, Cheng Wu Xingyang flashed aside at a very fast speed, then took out something that looked like high-tech electronic equipment from the storage bracelet, and whispered something in a language Yang Tian didn\'t understand.

In this space, even electromagnetic waves cannot be transmitted to the outside. The thing in Cheng Wu Xingyang\'s hand is probably a recording instrument. He wants to describe in detail what happened here.

Later, even if he had an accident, as long as the recording instrument could appear outside, the people of Chengwu family could receive information in time.

As for the language spoken by Chengwu Xingyang, it is probably the ethnic language of Chengwu family.

Yang Tian was not interested in paying attention to Cheng Wu Xingyang. In a very short time, he cut three knives towards Bai xingxuan.

To Bai xingxuan\'s surprise, Yang Tian\'s three knives are weaker than each other.

After dissolving Yang Tian\'s three Dao Qi, a look of contempt appeared in Bai xingxuan\'s eyes.

Yang Tian understands her eyes, that is, if Yang Tian doesn\'t use the means he just used to deal with her, he can\'t defeat her.

Of course, an expert like Bai xingxuan, under normal circumstances, her emotions will not be seen by her opponent. Of course, she looked at Yang Tian with such eyes deliberately. In fact, she wanted to annoy Yang Tian.

In his heart, Bai xingxuan still admired Yang Tian very much.

In her opinion, even if Yang Tian didn\'t use the powerful means just now, with this power, he can be regarded as the top among the practitioners in the realm of understanding life.

In addition, Yang Tian\'s power is also very strange. After entering her body, it will have a strong destructive force on body cells.

Although she has never seen the body of a practitioner killed by Yang Tian with this power, she can also imagine it.

After receiving Yang Tian\'s three knives, Bai xingxuan suddenly moved and rushed towards Yang Tian again.

Bai xingxuan moved. In Yang Tian\'s eyes, there were three figures.

During the previous battle, Bai xingxuan realized that Yang Tian seemed to have a special way to surpass the five senses and detect her actions in time.

In fact, Bai xingxuan used to be famous for speed. Most of the practitioners she defeated were defeated by her speed.

Invincible, only fast!

The three figures are all fake.

Yang Tian\'s spiritual strength has been attached to Bai xingxuan\'s body and moves along the air flow. Bai xingxuan moves. Yang Tian naturally understands her direction of action.

But this time, Bai xingxuan lost his spiritual power.

This made Yang Tian realize that Bai xingxuan seemed to understand something through the battle just now. She may not know that she has spiritual power, but she takes precautions in this way.

For Yang Tian, losing Bai xingxuan means danger.

In an instant, Yang Tian also moved, but rushed to the main gate of the hall.

The narration of Cheng Wu Xingyang made Yang Tian realize that there was a strange space composed of Rune array in the hall.

This space allows the spirit to exist for a long time. Moreover, depending on this space, those spiritual bodies also have a certain power.

Yang Tian, who was sprinting quickly, suddenly had a warning in his heart.

Danger, from overhead.

But in an instant, it appeared on the left again.

Bai xingxuan\'s speed of changing position is simply abnormal. Except for her, only spiritual practitioners can do it.

It seems that Bai xingxuan has reservations about the battle with Yang Tian just now.

This is a normal thing. If you show your cards as soon as you start, it is simply an act of seeking death.

Of course, only practitioners of the same realm can do this. The battle between Yang Tian and Bai xingxuan. Bai xingxuan doesn\'t want to keep it, but thinks he doesn\'t have to do his best to deal with Yang Tian. Unexpectedly, if you don\'t use the most powerful fighting method, you can\'t win Yang Tian.

"Poof ~"

Bai xingxuan finally appeared and shot.

Her left claw directly broke Yang Tian\'s defense power, then changed her claw into a fist, and hit Yang Tian on the back.

At this time, there was still a few meters away from the temple door.

Yang Tian\'s body, like a shell, crashed into the hall door.

When Xiaoqinglong saw that Yang Tian\'s body was blasted into the hall door, he was weak. He forcibly interrupted his breath regulation. He patted his tail on the ground and kicked his hind legs. He also rushed into the hall door.

Bai xingxuan and Bai Long didn\'t stop Xiao Qinglong\'s action.

At this time, a strange look flashed in Bai xingxuan\'s eyes.

The course of this battle was extremely short.

When Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong entered the temple, Cheng Wuxing Yang was stunned. After reacting, he also rushed into the temple.

For Chengwu Xingyang, baixingxuan also did not stop.

"You are so bold!"

When Wu Xingyang\'s body disappeared into the darkness of the hall, a cold drink suddenly sounded.

Then, Kuo Xing appeared at the door of the temple.

Looking at the appearance behind Bai xingxuan, Kuo Xing\'s dissatisfaction was stronger and said, "with your strength, Yang Tian can\'t break in."

When saying this, Kuo Xing\'s tone was not as cold as before.

"I didn\'t mean it." Bai xingxuan said faintly, "you just came back. I don\'t know Yang Tian\'s power."

Kuo Xing stopped blaming Bai xingxuan, took a breath, turned around, frowned at the temple door, and rushed in.