Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 765


As soon as the black hole chain was formed, a powerful energy storm was formed in Yang Tian\'s energy world, and the whole original world began to shake.

The power of the black hole chain is huge, but the energy consumed is too huge to satisfy Yang Tian\'s energy world.

Yang Tian was shocked and hurriedly came to the black hole chain.

This is actually Yang Tian\'s mistake.

Black hole chain is a powerful weapon, but it is such a thing that you can\'t lose control. If you don\'t pay attention a little, even the people who own it will be destroyed.

Finally, with strong willpower, Yang Tiancai restored the calm of the crazy black hole chain that absorbed energy.

Yang Tian wondered where the energy absorbed by the black hole chain had gone.

You know, in an instant, at least dozens of planets disappeared in Yang Tian\'s energy world.

These planets are completely condensed from pure energy. When the powerful beast king came to Yang Tian\'s energy world, he only destroyed less than three planets and had enough upgraded energy.

"Hoo ~"

Finally let the black hole chain calm down, Yang Tian couldn\'t help breathing.

This huge and delicate project has finally been completed.

Next, it\'s time to experiment with its power.

On the tree of the world, Yang Tian dare not release his black hole and look under the tree. On the other side of the land, there is a vast space for him to display at will without worrying about hurting the world tree.

It has to be said that a person\'s temperament has a lot to do with his power.

In the eyes of Qu yangu Ying, Yang Tian\'s temperament is more profound, and Xiao Qinglong felt a kind of energy like destroying heaven and earth just when the black hole chain of Yang Tian\'s energy world was out of control.

The powerful little green dragon felt that its powerful body would be destroyed in an instant in front of that powerful breath.

Of course, it\'s just a feeling

"What happened?"

After Yang Tian\'s practice, Qu yangu Ying came over. Seeing Qu yangu Ying\'s eyes, Yang Tian knew something had happened.

In fact, Yang Tian had felt some abnormalities in quyan guying before, just to calm down and complete his idea.

If we don\'t finish the black hole chain this time, maybe we won\'t have a chance next time.

Sometimes practice, especially when creating a new way of practice, the time comes. If you seize the opportunity, it will come naturally. If you miss it, you may never finish it again.

It is precisely because of this reason that Yang Tian knew that Qu yangu Ying had something to do, and pretended not to notice it at all.

"On the other side of the land, some changes have taken place..."

Qu yangu Ying said, taking out a uniformly dense white stone slab from the storage bracelet, on which messy lines are drawn with blue lines. There are many red dots between the lines.

Yang Tianyi looked and found that these red dots were evenly distributed.

After Qu yangu Ying\'s explanation, Yang Tian finally understood that those blue lines represent the main root system of the world tree, and those red dots represent the damaged area.

The length and width of this white stone slab are less than one meter, but the land area represented by this white stone slab cannot be compared with that of the ten earths combined.

Looking at the arrangement of these red dots, Yang Tian had a familiar feeling in his mind.

Suddenly, his heart moved, took out a rune pen from the storage bracelet, painted lines, and connected dozens of red dots.

At last, the figure became clear.

Originally, it is the basic arrangement point of a symbol matrix.

What kind of Rune matrix is it?

The strange program instilled a lot of Rune information into Yang Tian. Although he didn\'t deliberately study runes, he still knew the basic knowledge about Rune array at a glance.

"By the way..."

Seeing Yang Tian\'s puzzled look, Qu yangu Ying suddenly said.

Then Qu yangu Ying raised her left hand and pointed it at the center of her eyebrows with her middle finger. Immediately, a spiritual force appeared from the center of her eyebrows and condensed into a ball at her fingertips.

This is some memory information of quyan guying, which is obtained from the world tree.

Yang Tian received the memory information with his own spiritual power.

After looking at it, Yang Tian\'s eyebrows tightened. He turned his head and said to Xiaoqinglong, who had gained a lot of weight: "Xiaolong, we\'re going to be busy again."

Hearing what Yang Tian said, Xiao Qinglong\'s eyes lit up.

After staying here for a while, although the leaves of the world tree are delicious and rich in energy, if you eat too much, the delicious things will become rich and tasteless.

Xiaoqinglong naturally understood Yang Tian\'s meaning, that is, he would start fighting again.

"Let\'s go to... The temple this time!"

Yang Tian didn\'t take care of what the three temples were going to do, but pointed directly at the three temples.

It is because of the power of the temple that practitioners living on this continent know it very well.

It is said that it is the largest palace in the world. I don\'t know how much wealth it has stored for countless years.

For practitioners, wealth is naturally a resource of practice.

The temple is so rich that naturally, people have to think about it. But over the years, no one has succeeded.

Because the place where the temple places wealth is actually a huge and special storage space.

You can\'t open an unowned storage tool unless someone has the ability to crack it.

This one has baffled countless Fudao geniuses.

Another thing that makes it difficult for people to succeed is that this huge storage space is connected with the mind of the temple Lord. As long as someone moves it, the temple Lord can notice it at the first time.

Every leader of the temple is the top power in the world. Therefore, no one can take things from the huge storage space of the temple unless the leader wants to.

Yang Tian ignored kuoxing and others\' destruction, but thought of destroying the temple, even digging the treasure of the temple. First, he doesn\'t want to be led by the nose. He has to rush to deal with what others do.

Second, Kuo Xing and others were not in the temple. For his huge plan, most of the strong in the temple were transferred from the temple by Kuo Xing. At this time, it was the weakest time in the temple.

In fact, this practice is to surround Wei and save Zhao. Kuo Xing and others will not let people destroy the temple.

At that time, Kuo Xing and others turn around, which will slow down their destruction plan.

Third, if we can get the supplement of the temple, Yang Tian\'s worry will be relieved. You know, there are not many colored spars he collected before. In the future, he wants to replenish a lot of energy unless he hunts and kills exotic animals in the star sea.

If the legend is true, even if you get a dime, it will be enough for Yang Tian to consume for a long time.

Of course, it is not so simple to achieve this plan.

The large array outside the temple is an insurmountable level for ordinary practitioners.

It\'s true for others, but it\'s not difficult for Yang Tian