Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 764

After the formation of the two black holes, Yang Tian did not immediately divide the two black holes into four again. The two separated black holes are much smaller than before.

Yang Tian will come to one of the small black holes and observe how it has changed compared with before.

This process is very important. Yang Tian doesn\'t want the separated black hole to be half as powerful as the original one.

If so, his original calculation will be greatly reduced.

As Yang Tian expected, the strength of the small black hole separated from the big black hole is only half of the original.

But the speed, like the big black hole, remains in a certain range.

Yang Tian was disappointed at first, but he was relieved after he realized that the speed of the small black hole did not decrease.

This shows that only enough energy is needed, the split two black holes will become larger.

At this time, Yang Tian\'s huge original world finally came into play. Under the control of Yang Tian\'s idea, a large amount of energy in the original world was added into two new black holes.

The two black holes controlled by Yang Tian\'s idea rotate at the fastest speed, and their volume slowly increases.

In this process, the distance between the two black holes is getting farther and farther due to repulsion.

The two black holes grew very fast and completed in half a day. Their volume becomes as large as before division.

It could have been bigger, but Yang Tian understood that going too far is better than going too far. Because the larger the black hole, the stronger the idea of controlling the black hole.

At that time, many black holes will be separated out. If each needs to spend a strong mind to control, the number of black holes will be reduced accordingly.

What Yang Tian wants now is the number. There must be at least 12 black holes to meet Yang Tian\'s ideal requirements.

The strange program has helped Yang Tian design a black hole array formed by black holes. Because Yang Tian personally observed and obtained the data, this array is very precise. Yang Tian couldn\'t suppress his excitement after reading it.

Of course, while excited, he couldn\'t help worrying.

Because, according to the data calculated by the strange program, the final power of this array formed by black holes, the most powerful symbol array combination, is at least 100 times greater than that of a single black hole!

This combination requires twelve black holes.

In addition, there are four, eight, up to twelve.

As for more, the strange program doesn\'t think it\'s necessary. It has calculated Yang Tian\'s control ability and can control twelve black holes at the same time. It\'s barely enough.

Therefore, the strange program improves the combination of the twelve black holes. Yang Tian can use four of them in ordinary combat.

When you meet a stronger opponent than yourself, you can use eight.

As for masters like Kuo Xing, we need twelve.

The more black holes enabled, the greater the consumption of Yang Tian.

After expanding the two black holes, Yang Tian began to separate the black holes again.

This process lasted three days.

The first time he opened his eyes, Yang Tian began to put a large number of colored spars into the black hole.

The energy consumed by twelve black holes is terrible.

At ordinary times, Yang Tian needs at least ten times more energy than before to maintain its operation.

Because of the existence of these black holes, Yang Tian\'s combat power has been improved. But the energy consumption is too huge, and I don\'t know if it will affect the promotion later.

For example, if other practitioners are a minivan, Yang Tian is now a heavy truck.

After absorbing enough energy, the twelve black holes in Yang Tianyuan finally stabilized.

Next, Yang Tian took half a day to regulate his breath. He felt that the energy in his body was stable, and his mind was stable. After calming down, he began the next equally important steps.

Twelve black holes, each of which has the same size. It is distributed in the vast energy world of Yang Tianyuan.

Twelve black holes repel each other. It is a very precise work to place them according to the position calculated by the strange program.

And it takes a lot of energy.

This is the last step. You must not fail!

As long as it\'s done... Hey hey!

Process, singular program has long been calculated.

Yang Tian calculated the resettlement plan according to the strange program. First, he chose the most central black hole among the twelve black holes as the center.

The black hole can\'t move, and after the placement is completed, the black hole should be enlarged so that it can bear more energy and raise the speed.

After choosing, Yang Tian divided his mind into two, that is, one mind and two purposes.

Fortunately, it is very easy for Yang Tian to move the position of the black hole. The difficulty is to overcome the repulsive force between black holes.

Soon, Yang Tian moved two black holes, three black holes and the central black hole, almost in a straight line.

After finishing the placement as like as two peas, Yang Tianxian looked carefully at the location, and found that the location and the singular procedure were exactly the same as the analog graphics he provided.

This is more difficult.

Because you want to control four black holes at the same time, divide them into four directions and surround the previous three black holes.

This step is more difficult, because it is one mind, four uses, a little carelessness and poor control of strength. The previous step was in vain.

In order that the force fields of black holes would not interfere with each other, Yang Tianxian moved the five black holes to be placed further, concentrated and meditated for a moment, and then began to act.

In this step, Yang Tian took a long time. It took three days to place the four black holes.

After completing this step, it is strange that Yang Tian\'s spirit not only did not feel tired, but became more energetic than before.

In this process, Yang Tian\'s willpower was improved unconsciously, which he had never expected before.

Next, the placement of the last five black holes.

Don\'t underestimate one more, this step is the most difficult.

At this time, if you look down from the top and look down at the installed black holes, you can connect them before. It looks like a bar drawn in a circle.

The black hole arrangement of strange programming, the previous seven, is originally on a plane.

Next, it\'s three-dimensional.

The remaining five black holes should be in place at one time.

In this step, Yang Tian\'s preparation took at least three days. His consciousness was always on the five black holes until he suddenly felt that he could, and his heart moved with his will.

Five black holes move at different angles, directions and speeds at the same time.

"Buzz ~"

When the five black holes are ready, the power connection before the twelve black holes resonates and echoes in the original world.

Then the twelve black holes began to change their positions and rearrange.

This transformation was almost completed in an instant.

After the success, what Yang Tian didn\'t expect was that the twelve black holes were actually arranged in a cross shape.

Two of them are closest, like a whole.

The other ten, one on each side in the upper and lower directions, are closest to the two black holes in the center.

The other eight are divided into four directions, two in each direction.

When the black hole chain envisaged in Yang Tian\'s mind is completed, the energy in the whole original world will converge towards the black hole chain.

Yang Tian was shocked!