Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 763

Yang Tian\'s idea was completely attached to the black hole in an instant.

Previously, under the control of Yang Tian\'s idea, the rotation speed of the black hole has decreased and rotated at the slowest speed.

Because Yang Tian found that the faster the black hole rotates, the harder it is to control his mind.

If you want to separate a black hole into several, try to keep the black hole under his control.

"Minutes ~"

Yang Tian, who puts all his ideas on the black hole, outputs the most powerful ideas to the black hole.

The shape of a black hole is extremely special. It looks like a black plane from any direction.

In Yang Tian\'s mind, this flat black hole suddenly twisted, like being pulled by a strong external force, and instantly became an ellipse.

This is the way Yang Tian thought of separation.

This method is also Yang Tian\'s inspiration from cell separation.

The reason why black holes deform is, of course, due to the influence of Yang Tian\'s idea.

The round black hole first becomes an ellipse, then becomes a strip, and finally, the two ends become round

It looks like separation.

Feeling the change of the black hole, Yang Tian was overjoyed and relaxed his consciousness.

Just then!

"Boom ~"

Yang Tian\'s consciousness suddenly roared.

The strong anti earthquake force appeared on the black hole, which scattered Yang Tian\'s consciousness. Just about to be divided into two black holes, it suddenly melted together and recovered.

Fortunately, this is Yang Tian\'s energy world. After his consciousness was dispersed, it will not dissipate, and it will condense again in an instant.

Yang Tian was afraid for a while after his consciousness condensed again. Fortunately, I swallowed a lot of that purple liquid, and my consciousness became several times stronger than before.

Otherwise, the anti shock force generated by the black hole will kill him.

The consciousness recondensed has become much weaker than before.

"My consciousness is not strong enough... No! It\'s because I\'m relaxed..."

Failure is not terrible. If you don\'t find the reason for failure after failure, it is the most terrible, because it means that even if you try again, you will fail again.

After finding the reason, Yang Tian carefully recalled the changes he felt during the separation of the black hole.

Although failed, Yang Tian did not have no harvest.

In order to increase the probability of success next time, Yang Tian withdrew his consciousness from the energy world.

Then Yang Tian took out the purple crystal stones from the storage bracelet and swallowed the purple liquid again.

It took about half a day and I didn\'t know how much purple liquid I swallowed. In front of him, there were a lot of spar crystals like ice.

In this process, Yang Tian was surprised to find that his consciousness was at least twice as strong again, and his control over the internal energy of the body was clearer.

After releasing his attention from the inside of his body, Yang Tian also found that his five senses were also enhanced.

Human consciousness is a wonderful thing. It depends on the body, but the body binds it at the same time.

Yang Tian\'s consciousness suddenly increased, which made him have an unspeakable wonderful feeling. His body seemed to lighten, he could see farther, and he could hear smaller sounds... In addition, the depths of the star sea seemed to have an attraction to his body.

The duration of this wonderful feeling is very short, about only two or three seconds.

"What kind of state is this..."

Yang Tian\'s eyes looked into the depths of the universe through the cracks in the leaves. He couldn\'t help muttering and forgot what he wanted to do for a time.

Quyan guying reappeared not far away, and Xiaoqinglong.

Because just now, they suddenly felt a strange energy fluctuation on Yang Tian.

This is a kind of power that Qu Yan, Gu Ying and Xiao Qinglong have never felt.

After meditating for a moment, Yang Tian suddenly shook his head and finally woke up. Once again into his huge and precise plan.

"Your idea is crazy and there is a great possibility of failure, but if it succeeds, I don\'t know how to calculate your combat power."

When Yang Tian was ready to separate the black holes in the energy world again, the strange program couldn\'t help speaking.


Yeah! It\'s really crazy, because this practice is completely a river like exploration by touching a stone. It\'s an unparalleled practice in space.

Yang Tian didn\'t respond to the strange program. Just as he wanted to bring all his consciousness into the energy world again, the strange program said again: "if you separate successfully, I can help a little."

"OK! Now help me design how to arrange various numbers of black holes so that the power can be concentrated..."

Yang Tian said, and the strange program agreed immediately.

For it, it\'s just a small thing.

But if Yang Tian succeeds

What the strange program said before is not flattering Yang Tian. At that time, it will really finish calculating how terrible Yang Tian\'s combat power will be.

Soon, the strange program began to calculate for Yang Tian.

Once again, Yang Tian came to the original world. He thought he could easily control the black hole as before.

Because his consciousness, what others call "soul", is much stronger. Before, the black hole scattered Yang Tian\'s consciousness. Although Yang Tian was injured, this process is actually the same as quenching swords. Yang Tian\'s consciousness has been condensed a lot with the help of appropriate energy.

Logically, according to previous experience, the process of separating the black hole should be smooth. However, when Yang Tian\'s consciousness came to the black hole again, the previous short and wonderful feeling appeared again.

This makes Yang Tian unable to concentrate.

The result is a good thing. In most cases, it is more difficult. This is what people often call "good things take more time".

I don\'t know how long it took to "infiltrate" all consciousness into the black hole again, but the black hole suddenly gave birth to an idea of resistance.

This idea is very slight, but it also reduces Yang Tian\'s control over the black hole countless times.

Although this matter needs to take risks, Yang Tian is not reckless. He withdraws his consciousness from the black hole and thinks about it.

Black holes actually produce self-consciousness

This is impossible because black holes do not have the structure to produce consciousness, so the problem should be on themselves.

For the first time, Yang Tian paid attention to his consciousness. All along, no matter what kind of practice process, Yang Tian has focused on the changes of the body and energy world.

He had never thought that his consciousness would change.


One day, two days.

Soon, using the time of keitra, twenty-one days passed.

Qu yangu Ying has been here several times.

Originally, she wanted to explain the matter to Yang Tian immediately, but when she found that Yang Tian had reached the key point, she decided that at this time, she could not disturb Yang Tian anyway.

In Qu yangu Ying\'s mind, even if the world is destroyed, it is not worth mentioning compared with Yang Tian\'s practice.

For this strange world, quyan guying has no sense of belonging at all.

This matter is related to the three temples.

Because quyan guying suddenly appeared, the powerful energy of the world tree was fully utilized, which made Kuixing and others return in vain.

But they didn\'t give up.

Although the land has not split because of the world tree, many places have not healed completely. There are still countless strange spaces under the ground.

Because of the destruction of the Lord, such a space is very messy.

If all these spaces are annihilated, the earth veins will be stimulated... In this way, the wide star can still achieve its goal.

Although I live in this world, I have no feelings for this world.

Quyan guying doesn\'t know the plan of Kuo Xing and others, but the roots of the world tree have spread all over the whole continent, and quyan guying can know some big energy fluctuations.

At this time, dozens of huge roots of the world tree were destroyed by the actions of Kuo Xing and others.

And this destruction has not stopped.

Through the analysis of hundreds of damage points, Qu yangu Ying analyzed that it must be a major event. If we let it happen and don\'t stop it, maybe the world trees will be destroyed in the end.

The weakness of the world tree is the root system.

Because the long roots have long extended beyond the canopy.

Only in the canopy can quyan guying borrow the powerful power of the world tree to stop it.

After making up his mind, Qu yangu Ying focused on Yang Tian.

It\'s been 21 days. For Yang Tian, he has finally reached the key point.

In such a long time, Yang Tian did not control the black hole, but "sorted out" his consciousness.

No matter how strong a fortress is, it can be broken from the inside.

Yang Tian doesn\'t want to be dark under the light. There are some hidden dangers inside his body.

Yang Tian\'s efforts in the 21st century were not in vain.

A strange energy was pulled out of Yang Tian\'s consciousness.

It took Yang Tian a lot of effort to do it.

Yang Tian couldn\'t have done it if he didn\'t have spiritual power.

Under the gaze of Yang Tian\'s idea, a fist sized, gray energy was condensed into a ball by his spiritual power.

After pulling this energy out of consciousness, Yang Tian dared not touch it again.

Because once his consciousness comes into contact with this energy, this energy will re penetrate into his consciousness.

The reason for this is that this energy is originally generated from Yang Tian\'s consciousness. Yang Tian pulls it out like cutting meat with a knife.

"What is this thing..."

Controlling the spiritual power, Yang Tian finally transferred the energy through the black hole and held it in the palm of his hand, full of doubts.

"This... Should be a special energy generated by the life rune."

Suddenly, the strange program gave Yang Tian the answer.

After finishing the strange program, Yang Tian nodded.

Although this energy is very strange, Yang Tian doesn\'t intend to keep it and is ready to destroy it.

Perhaps it is because of Yang Tian\'s consciousness. When Yang Tian\'s idea comes together, the gray energy is unstable and wants to break Yang Tian\'s spiritual power and escape.

Yang Tian knew that if he really let it go, the energy must get into his body for the first time.

Yang Tian spent a lot of effort in capturing this silk of energy, otherwise it wouldn\'t take so long.

Yang Tian\'s spiritual strength also increased a lot during this period. When the gray energy struggled, Yang Tian immediately strengthened his spiritual strength and made it unable to break free anyway.

The most important step to destroy this energy has been done. As long as Yang Tian sends it to the endless sea of stars, it will dissipate quickly.

Yang Tian, who had made up his mind, couldn\'t help stopping at the last moment.

Perhaps this energy also comes from his own reason. Destroying it is like killing his own children.

Yang Tian didn\'t know why this feeling appeared in his heart. He hesitated for a moment and finally decided to find a way to keep it.

In fact, as long as it is separated from the body, it can\'t run.

After thinking about it, Yang Tian took out some bluestone boxes from the storage bracelet. There are runes on these boxes. They were originally loaded with animal cores to prevent the energy of animal cores from being emitted.

Used to place this energy... It shouldn\'t be that simple!

Yang Tian searched the space of the storage Bracelet again. Suddenly, he saw a black sphere.

I don\'t know why. As soon as Yang Tianyi saw it, he felt that this black sphere was the \'home\' of gray energy.

After this strange feeling, Yang Tianli released the black ball from the storage bracelet.

Then, Yang Tian approached the black sphere with the gray energy wrapped by spiritual power.

Yang Tian was very careful and took most of the day to complete this process.

The feeling may be true. At the last moment, Yang Tian felt the gray energy in a trance, and a happy mood appeared.

Gray energy enters the black sphere. Yang Tian takes out a large stone box and puts the black sphere into the stone box.

Then, with the help of the strange program, Yang Tian painted dense runes on it.

After feeling so safe, Yang Tiancai put the box into the storage bracelet.

Yang Tian decided that it was not necessary to move the box in the future.

After perfectly handling the gray energy, Yang smallpox took some time to calm down. He began his great cause of "splitting holes" again

Yang Tian took some time to eliminate the hidden dangers in his body.

The next process is the same as the first.

What Yang Tian didn\'t expect was that the next process was beyond his expectation.

The slowly rotating black hole, in Yang Tian\'s mind, soon became an oval, then elongated, rounded at both ends, and began to separate slowly.

At the moment after the separation of the two black holes, there is a strong repulsion between the two black holes, which separates rapidly.

The separated black holes are far away and run separately.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian was finally relieved.

With his bold idea, he finally took the most crucial step!

The next step is to separate out more black holes. At that time, I don\'t know how many black holes will exist