Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 734

In nature, trees usually bear fruit when they bloom.

The same is true of the black tree. When all the black leaves disappear, the blue crystals in the middle of the white flowers crack and grow round and blue fruits. Then, the white petals fall and the blue fruits grow bigger and bigger.

People looked at the terrible black tree with unblinking eyes. With the increasing size of these blue fruits, a palpitating breath appeared in the whole space.

The blue fruit grew bigger and bigger. In less than half an hour, the whole black tree was rendered blue.

Just then, the broad star of the limitless Temple waved forward.

Many disciples of the three temples survived, at least hundreds of thousands. Kuo Xing waved and all rushed towards the huge tree.

Obviously, their goal is those blue fruits.

The people in the three temples moved, and other practitioners, of course, were unwilling to fall behind and rushed towards the huge black tree.

Yang tianben wanted to fly close to see, but he found that the three Hall leaders didn\'t move, and the ministers didn\'t move, so he stopped his impulse.

As those blue fruits grow larger and larger, the depression of this space becomes stronger and stronger. You must be careful when doing anything.


Suddenly, the girl\'s clear voice sounded.

This voice is very familiar to Yang Tian.

"Chan Chan!"

Then Yang Tian heard Huie Miaomiao\'s exclamation.

Yang Tian turned and looked. Sure enough, Hui Gu Chan came.

Hui echan squats on a huge blue turtle back, dressed in a blue skirt, waving to Hui Ermiao.

The little green turtle carried Hui echan and soon flew to Yang Tian in front of them.

Little green turtle is a divine beast. He is very proud in front of other monsters, but under little green dragon\'s cold eyes, he slowly retracts his head and seems a little timid.

"Bruce Lee, don\'t bully the little turtle." Hui echan said discontentedly looking at little Qinglong, then looked at Yang Tian, took two steps forward, came to Yang Tian and smiled, "brother Yang, how did you become like this?"

Hui echan\'s mind is simple. As soon as she sees Yang Tian, she recognizes Yang Tian.

"Well... It\'s a long story!" Yang Tian didn\'t know how to answer.

"I knew you wouldn\'t die!" Hui echan stretched out her hand and shook Yang Tian\'s cheek!

"Chan Chan, where are the patriarchs?" hui\'e Miaomiao saw Yang Tian smiling bitterly. Hui\'e Miaomiao suddenly said to help Yang Tian out.

Hui echan is a young girl. Seeing Yang Tian\'s lovely appearance now, she can\'t help teasing Yang Tian. When her sister asked her eldest brother, she took back her hand, smiled and said to her sister, "don\'t worry! They\'re fine."

While talking, the practitioners were close to the blue fruit.

Many people were anxious to follow behind the disciples of the temple, thinking that these blue fruits were good things. Unexpectedly, after the people of the three temples approached these blue fruits, they began to attack the blue fruits desperately.

It seems that the people in the temple want to destroy these blue fruits.

However, their attack on these blue fruits was like hitting a soft wall, and the attack energy was absorbed.

More strange things happened. After a period of time, the color of the attacked blue fruit began to change, became more and more red, and soon stopped growing.

Standing at Yang Tian\'s current position, the black tree bears very small fruits. In fact, when it is close, it will be found that each fruit, with a diameter of tens of meters, is a real giant fruit.

"What are the people of the temple doing?"

Yang Tian muttered to himself.

If it is a simple Rune problem, the strange program can help him solve it, but Yang Tian is confused by the huge tree in front of him and the blue fruits on the huge tree.

"They want to ripen the fruit."

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, Hui echan said.

Yang Tian looked at Hui echan in surprise, "how do you know?"

Hui echan said, "there is a mural of this tree in a secret room of the starry temple!"

After that, seeing Yang Tian\'s puzzled eyes, Hui echan said, "this is a secret of the three temples. If there were no little green turtle, I couldn\'t touch those secrets. This black tree is called the wood of destruction and the tree of death."

The tree of death!

Yang Tianxin thought, this is worthy of the name, because this tree will be full of death and absorb people\'s soul.

Hui echan paused and felt very proud to be able to answer Yang Tian\'s question. He then said, "this tree is not simple! It is said that it originally grew in the divine tomb and specially absorbed the souls of living creatures. Each leaf of it can form a special space.

This kind of tree is very domineering. No matter where it grows, it will swallow nearby creatures or let them kill each other. The only thing that can restrain this kind of tree is the life insects born in the earth vein. They can soon eat the dead tree that has not yet grown. "

When Hui echan said this, Yang Tian finally determined that he had been calculated by the master. If he hadn\'t killed a large number of life insects, it is estimated that he will soon be able to eat the leaves of the dead tree when those life insects come out.

After absorbing the purple life crystal in the life bug, it can enhance people\'s consciousness, but the tree of death plunders people\'s consciousness, just the opposite

The tree of death is not vegetarian. When it blooms, it completely grows. The village leaves fall, resulting in space annihilation, annihilating the white life insects. It is estimated that this is also a means for the tree of death to protect itself at a critical time.

In fact, when Yang Tian saw the life insects gnawing at the black leaves, he also hoped that they would cause damage to the evil tree... He knew that those life insects could not do it. He should kill more and harvest more life crystals.

I think so, but at that time, Yang Tian saw that the black leaves were gnawed out by the life insects, and rushed out a large number of practitioners. Seeing that the life insects rescued so many people, he would not do anything to these life insects.

After thinking about it, Yang Tian asked again, "what are those fruits?"

"Of course, it\'s the fruit of death!" Hui echan said, "although the name is not good, we can make them precocious by constantly bombarding them while they are not completely mature. After picking, we can extract huge energy for cultivation."

"What about naturally mature ones?"

Hui\'e Miaomiao suddenly asked curiously.

Hui echan said, "we can\'t let the fruit of death mature naturally, because the mature fruit can swallow the whole continent."

"I see..."

Yang Tian\'s eyes flashed. Hearing Hui echan\'s words, he finally knew the master\'s plan.

If there is nothing wrong, the growth of the tree of death requires huge energy. If light is planted in the land of the outside world, its growth speed will be very slow, but if it is planted in the natural Rune array and absorbs the energy of the natural Rune array, its growth speed will be very fast. In addition, the rune Lord provides energy for it

After a long cultivation career, Yang Tian can guess many things with only a little information.