Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 733

"This black tree is really terrible! It can suck people\'s souls."

Yang Tian said that hui\'e Miaomiao was also afraid.

Yang Tian nodded.

Consciousness, that is, the soul, controls the energy in the body. Just now, the soul vibrated, causing the energy in the body to flee and the blood to churn. It took a long time to calm down. Next, Yang Tian didn\'t speak any more. While observing the changes ahead, he adjusted his breath.

The space of black leaves does not have to be bitten by white insects. Only those inside will come out. Practitioners with strong power can naturally break through this space and escape from it.

"Pa ~"

Suddenly, a clear sound came from the black tree.

It turned out that a black leaf burst and dozens of figures rushed out of it.

After these people appeared and rushed out of the scuffle among practitioners, Yang Tiancai saw that one of them was kuiman, the Minister of the limitless temple.

Coincidentally, KuMan flew in the direction of Yang Tian with a group of people. When he saw Yang Tian, he stopped.

Seeing Yang Tian, KuMan\'s eyes were not like those of appreciation before, but full of hatred. She already knows Yang Tian\'s true identity.

Among these people, in addition to KuMan, Yang Tian also knows heifujun.

Seeing black Fu Jun, Yang Tian frowned.

Seeing the hatred in KuMan\'s eyes, Yang Tian couldn\'t help thinking that it must be heifujun who told KuMan his true identity.

KuMan just glanced at Yang Tian, then turned his head and looked at the huge black tree.

At present, we have not made it clear. If there is a fight, we don\'t know what will happen!

"Pa... Pa... Pa..."

In the next period of time, many black leaves exploded and groups of practitioners flew out of them.

It seems that not everyone will encounter the space that can confuse people\'s minds.

We are all smart people. As long as we are not crazy, we are very restrained when we come out. Only a few people will come forward to stop when they see that their relatives or friends are crazy.

In doing so, they soon let everyone find one thing.

That is, after attracting crazy people a distance away from the huge black tree, they will wake up immediately.

Yang Tian didn\'t know before. After understanding that this was a way to save people, he took action immediately.

Although those practitioners have nothing to do with him, he can\'t watch these people die for nothing, can he?

Yang Tian, Hui e, Miao Miao, and Xiao Qinglong flew away and back. In less than ten minutes, they saved more than 100 people.

KuMan and heifujun, a group of people, have been frowning not far away, watching quietly. Compared with Yang Tianlai, these people have practiced to the realm of indifference and ruthlessness.

Of course, I don\'t know Yang Tian\'s kindness. Many practitioners, like them, saved those who fell into madness.


Suddenly there was a loud noise.

The trunk of the black tree suddenly burst into a big hole, and a young man in black flew out of it.

Then another young man in white and a young man in blue flew out of the tree hole.

Among the three, the black robed young man is naturally the broad star of the limitless temple, the blue robed young man is the fan of the starry temple, and the white robed young man is the return of the heavenly temple.

The three Temple masters appeared, and the disciples of the three temples bowed down to salute one after another.

Huie Miaomiao saw these three people and immediately introduced them to Yang Tian: "the one with silver hair and a black triangle on his forehead is the broad star of the limitless temple..."

Hui\'e Miaomiao finished and whispered to Yang Tian that the fans of the star temple are men and women. If they are happy, they will become women. If they are angry or ready to fight, they will be men.


Hearing Huie Miaomiao\'s words, Yang Tian was curious and concentrated his eyes to look at the young man in blue.

Powerful practitioners are very sensitive to external energy. When Yang Tian\'s "malicious" eyes fall on themselves, Zhifan feels it, turns his head and looks at Yang Tian.

Inadvertently, the two eyes met.

Zhi fan is the Supreme Lord of the starry sky temple. Few people dare to look at him.

Yang Tian didn\'t expect that Zhi fan would suddenly turn his head and wanted to withdraw his eyes, but suddenly, he was proud and didn\'t dodge.

Seeing that it was a child, but his eyes were like adults, Zhifan couldn\'t help laughing.

This smile, as Huie Miaomiao said, immediately changed from a man to a woman, with incomparable beauty.

Yang Tian\'s heart was cold, but he still grinned at Zhimi.

Zhi fan quickly took back his eyes, turned his head and looked at the black tree as if nothing had happened before.

"The East is invincible..."

A character\'s name suddenly appeared in Yang Tian\'s heart.

Next, Yang Tian always looks at Zhi fan unconsciously.

Although the universe is big, he saw such a strange person for the first time. I want to change between men and women. I don\'t know if other organs on my body will also change except one face.

Thinking of this, Yang Tian felt goose bumps on his body. He quickly restrained his mind and looked at the black village.

At this time, around the black tree, there were still a large number of practitioners fighting frantically. Those black leaves accelerated the breaking speed, and more practitioners appeared

Many good practitioners like Yang Tian have been busy saving people, but they can only save a small part.

After the appearance of the three Hall masters, several hands came forward and reported the situation here. Then the disciples of the temple stood still.

As more and more practitioners died, the huge black tree absorbed enough "soul" and finally began to change. Among the leaves, there were white flowers and bones, which looked like a lotus in bud.

One after another, flowers appear on the branches of black trees. Its snow-white looks very white under the reflection of black leaves.

One of the flowers soon opened its petals. In the process of its opening, dense white light spots emanated from it and spread around. From a distance, it looked like shining stars.

When the white petals are fully open, you can see a precious blue, oval crystal in the center of the flower. The blue crystal emits a blue halo, which is very beautiful.

At this time, the three Temple masters were still unmoved.

One white flower after another opened, showing more and more blue crystals.

In everyone\'s eyes, the black tree is more and more beautiful, but in the bottom of my heart, there is a strong fear.

When all the flowers on the black tree opened, the leaves of the black tree began to disappear one by one.

In this process, bursts of spatial energy fluctuations came.

It\'s space annihilation!

At this time, if you haven\'t come out of the leaf space, there is obviously only a dead end.