Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 704

Seeing these strange granular objects gathered into a rune at a very fast speed, lamulan and others didn\'t look surprised. They should have seen it before.

Even the expression on KuMan\'s face was the same.

The most surprised thing was faie miaomi. She saw this strange thing for the first time, and her eyes opened wide.

"Broken ~" facing the rune, Lamu LAN drank softly and raised his hand to shoot at the rune.

After the rune was shot, it immediately disappeared and turned into time energy. Lamulan immediately stepped back several steps to avoid the energy after the destruction of the rune at this time.

Lamulan said, "these strange runes will release corresponding Rune energy after being scattered. I remember a long time ago, several young people of our family did not listen to advice and sneaked here. One person was annihilated by space, one became an old man, and another disappeared out of thin air. Muyi, you should be careful."

Seeing the strange Fuwen treasure in Yang Tian\'s hand, lamulan guessed that Yang Tian and the Fuzhu came from the same place. However, he reminded Yang Tian.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "thank you for reminding me."

Yang Tianxin thought that lamulan was a good old man, although he knew that lamulan also wanted to use him to break the seal in front of him.

After reminding Yang Tian, La Mulan flashed aside.

At this time, another rune is formed.

This is a spatial rune. After its formation, it did not come out of the dense \'particles\', but climbed towards the inside and soon disappeared.

Yang Tian knows that there are not only countless granular objects composed of Rune energy, but also many runes, which may be more than what he met before.

The strange program was already ready. After lamulan gave way to one side, Yang Tian\'s "Rune treasure" suddenly spread out and formed a huge circle in the air.

As soon as the circle is formed, it has a strong attraction, attracting the \'small particles\' in front of it.

After passing through the circle, these \'small particles\' have undergone subtle changes and can be directly absorbed by Yang Tian and them.

Yang Tian stood behind the circle, smiling and enjoying the feeling of these Rune energy immersed in his body.

The little green dragon lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder is also a look of enjoyment.

Seeing the appearance of Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, the withered man frowned and noticed that Yang Tian was absorbing the energy of these small particles.

So she slowly approached Yang Tian.

Seeing KuMan\'s abnormal behavior, Lamu LAN raised his hand and made a forbidden gesture to KuMan. In order not to disturb Yang Tian, lamulan didn\'t speak.

Hui\'e Miaomiao saw KuMan\'s malicious move and flashed to Yang Tian, with a black whip in his hand.

KuMan just looked at hui\'e Miaomiao, sneered, raised his hand, and hui\'e Miaomiao was pushed aside by a soft force.

Then, Kui slowly stretched out his hand to touch the energy passing through the circle.

"Silk ~"

As soon as he came into contact with those "small particles", KuMan felt a sharp pain. He took a deep breath, hurried back to his hand, and retreated several steps in a row.

Yang Tian can absorb this energy because Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong have special physique. Although KuMan has strong cultivation and is the Minister of the temple, she is nothing special compared with others.

Ordinary bodies naturally cannot absorb these Rune energy.

Seeing KuMan retracting his hand in pain, Lamu blue turned his mouth and a sneer flashed across his face.

Lamu people have been guarding this place for a long time. They have tried in countless ways to break the seal, but they failed.

They naturally knew that these \'small particles\' were composed of pure runic energy. They also thought of using these energy for their own use, but they failed.

At the beginning of this attempt, several people were so corroded by this Rune energy that there was no residue left. KuMan, an old woman who doesn\'t understand runes, naturally doesn\'t know the power of this energy.

"Hum ~"

Although he was not hurt, the pain was so strong that KuMan waved his hand and snorted coldly.

Lamu people think that there are many "small particles", but the actual situation is that there is not much left.

Anything that exists is not immutable, especially man-made things. Although this seal was set up by the Lord, over time, there is not much seal energy left.

If the Lamu people are willing to fill it with their lives, they can break the seal.

But past experience has made their thinking rigid.

In less than an hour, the "small particles" in the cave were absorbed by Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong.

"Small particles" disappeared for a long time. Yang Tian still stood there, motionless, and then he closed his eyes.

So is Xiaoqinglong lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

Because the body of one person and one dragon forms a strange energy world, a world based on the power of runes.

This energy world is not big. Yang Tian calls it the rune world. It is formed in Yang Tian\'s original world and forms a small world. It looks like a colorful planet and is very beautiful.

Yang Tian\'s Rune world exists in the original world, while the rune world in Xiao Qinglong\'s body exists in its dragon ball world.

When the rune world became ten percent, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong actually emitted energy fluctuations that only broke through the source realm and promoted to the fantasy realm.

This situation surprised lamulan and KuMan.

They can see that Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong are already practitioners in the realm of fantasy. Such a sign of one person and one dragon again represents that Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong have formed two energy worlds in their bodies.

In the practice history of this world, practitioners who practice the two energy worlds have long existed. Almost everyone is a top power.

For example, the heads of the three major temples are such practitioners.

There are two energy worlds in Yang celestial body, which makes KuMan envious and a little jealous. As the priest of the temple, she was also a genius. At this time, she felt much worse than Yang Tian.

Another surprise is that the second energy world formed in Yang celestial body is composed of runic energy.

In the practice history of this continent, it seems that no one has ever been able to use Rune energy to build an energy world.

The energy commonly used by practitioners to build the energy world is formed after the energy they practice reaches a certain quality. Some people also use external energy, such as fire, water and electricity

Building an energy world with external forces to reach the realm of fantasy is more perfect than building an energy world with its own energy, because it comes from nature.

What about runic energy? But it controls these natural energies

After a short shock, she looked at Yang Tian carefully again. She felt different about Yang Tian.