Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 703

Black Fujun practices runes. When he listens to others\' talk, he moves in his heart and speeds up his pace immediately

Yang Tian walked into the Lamu hall.

The head of the Lamu clan and the twelve elders immediately got up and looked at Yang Tian with a smile.

Although Yang Tian is very young now, the heads and elders of the Lamu nationality do not look surprised. Their eyes are full of expectation.

The world is very big and there are all kinds of strange things. The Lamu people are waiting for many incredible secrets.

Therefore, it\'s no surprise to them that Yang Tian has made such achievements in runes at a young age.

It is because Yang Tian is small that they look forward to it more.

It is reasonable to solve incredible things with incredible characters!

After looking at Yang Tian, the Lamu elder smiled and said, "I\'m the head of the Lamu clan. My name is Lamu LAN. These twelve are our elders. This is Lamu Wu and this is Lamu Yang..."

As the head of Lamu nationality, he seldom speaks so politely. In a gentle tone, he introduced himself and the twelve elders to Yang Tian.

"My name is Muyi." Lamu Lan said. Yang Tian nodded and said faintly.

Now, we all know each other.

Huie Miaomiao and KuMan walked into the hall.

Hui\'e Miaomiao almost called Yang Tian\'s name when he saw Yang Tian. He was surprised to find that KuMan was around him. He quickly shut up and silently came to Yang Tian and stood still.

"Mr. KuMan is here, too. Welcome!" seeing KuMan appear, Lamu blue frowned, and then smiled and said hello. His tone of voice was much stiffer than before.

The Lamu people have been oppressed by the temple for countless years. The Lamu people have conflicts with the people in the temple.

When KuMan came to Lamu this time, he actually wanted to ask Lamu for some Rune information.

The fire array, the cold array, the broken star array and the extinction array are four fierce arrays handed down from ancient times. They are powerful. The star Temple controls the fire array, the limitless Temple controls the extinction, and the Tianyu Temple controls the broken stars. As for the cold array, it is shared by three temples.

Last time I saw the power of the inflammatory array, the limitless Temple wanted to master the inflammatory array. KuMan came to the Lamu family to provide help for the limitless temple to study the inflammatory array.

In such a case, if the people below the minister come, the Lamu people will think that the temple despises them. When the temple Lord came in person, he praised the Lamu nationality, and the minister under the temple Lord came to avoid these two problems.

KuMan didn\'t expect that she would meet a rune genius when she came to Lamu mountain this time. If she could bring the child back to the temple, she would make great contributions, and her position in the temple would be higher in the future. Maybe she would be the next hall Lord after the hall Lord went to visit the star sea.

The three temples compete with each other, and there is such competition inside the temple. Where there are people, there is Jianghu!

At this time, KuMan was not in a hurry to ask lamulan. She wanted to see what happened next.

Yang Tian came here to see the natural Rune array. When lamulan greeted KuMan, he immediately said, "I want to see the legendary natural Rune array. This is my purpose."

"Ha ha..."

Yang Tian\'s voice fell, and Lamu LAN smiled.

In fact, without Yang Tian\'s request, they will also let Yang Tian try to crack the natural Rune array. If Yang Tian can break the seal at the entrance of the natural Rune array, it will also meet their wishes.

Ha ha, after a smile, La Mulan simply raised his hand, made an invitation gesture to heaven and said, "Muyi, please!"

Then lamulan turned and walked towards the innermost part of the hall.

Lamulan treats Yang Tian\'s attitude and way as if he were his peers.

Inside the main hall, there is a huge wooden statue. I don\'t know how many years it has passed, and the face of the statue is not very clear.

Lamulan came to the statue, bowed to the statue, and then turned to Yang Tian who followed him: "this is the ancestor of our family. His name is Fu Lord, a great practitioner."


When Yang Tian heard these two words, his eyes suddenly opened wide and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Because of the name of Fuzhu, Yang Tian has long heard that strange programs are created by Fuzhu.

Is this master the master of that world?

If it\'s the same person, what kind of secret is hidden?

Yang Tian took a closer look at the statue. Because his face was blurred, he couldn\'t see the appearance and age of Fuzhu clearly.

Although the face is blurred, the eyes of the statue still give people a feeling of not being angry. In addition, Yang Tian also found something wrong from the hairstyle of the statue.

It is a long hair, two collaterals behind the ears hang in front of the chest, and the long hair behind the brain is divided into three strands.

Yang Tian has seen this hairstyle and feels familiar with it. However, although I knew I must have seen it, I couldn\'t remember it for a moment.

Although he is only a little familiar, Yang Tian is also more than 60% sure that this Fuzhu is the Fuzhu who creates strange programs.

While Yang Tian was thinking, Ramulus took the first two steps, raised his right hand and covered a square object placed in the palm of the statue.

The square object in the hands of the statue is black. I don\'t know what material it is made of. It is engraved with runes.

When lamulan put his hand on it, the rune on the black square lit up.

Immediately, a transmission symbol array appeared on the left and right sides of the statue, which lit up a bright blue light.

KuMan had seen this for a long time, and a faint smile appeared in her eyes

After the two transmission runes appeared, lamulan smiled and said to Yang Tian, "one of these two runes is false. If you step on the false Rune array, it will be transmitted to the Jedi. Please follow me."

With that, lamulan walked into the transmission symbol array on the right hand side of the statue, and the figure disappeared in a flash.

Yang Tian hesitated and walked into the transmission symbol array

After Yang Tian\'s figure disappeared in the transmission Rune array, Huie Miaomiao immediately followed, followed by twelve Lamu elders. KuMan was the last to enter the transmission Rune array.

Yang Tian appeared as like as two peas in the underground cave. He was behind a chaotic gravel. The diameter of the cave was about five meters, which was exactly the same as the sixth caves of the cave environment he had ever broken through.

Yang Tianzheng looked at the situation in the cave curiously. Lamulan smiled and said, "Muyi, in fact, the sixth level Rune array has some connection with the natural Rune array. Only by breaking through the seal in front can you be qualified to see the natural Rune array."

While talking, Huie Miaomiao, twelve Lamu elders and KuMan came out of the transmission array one after another.

In the cave, one side is blocked by gravel, the other side is dark and can\'t see to the end.

Lamu LAN raised his hand and a black square appeared in his hand. The black box is as like as two peas in the statue, and the same is engraved with runes.

In Yang Tian\'s curious eyes, Lamu blue clicked on the black square with his fingers.

Suddenly, the cave lit up and the light became very bright.


Lamulan glanced at the depths of the cave and made an invitation gesture to Yang Tian.

Yang Tian nodded.

Under the guidance of lamulan, Yang Tian and them walked towards the depths of the cave.


Black Fu Jun has come to the Fu array of the first level.

It hasn\'t been long since Yang Tian broke this level. The level\'s Rune array has been repaired.

"Boom ~"

Because he walked too fast, black Fujun bumped into the energy of the rune array.


Seeing this, someone nearby couldn\'t help laughing.

If someone dared to laugh at black Fu Jun like this in the original world, black Fu Jun would have killed the people who laughed at him.

But now, heifujun is no longer the top strong man. He can only resist his anger and take a cold look at the laughing man.

"Don\'t you know the rules of Lamu nationality? You have to pass six levels to go up. Here is only the simplest first level..."

Before the man finished, heifu Jun started.

As soon as he raised his hand, a blue Rune treasure like a compass appeared in his hand.

After taking out this Rune treasure, Hei Fujun poked the pointer on it with his finger. The pointer turned a circle and then stopped slowly.

In this process, many runes on this Rune treasure lit up and emitted lights of various colors.

After the pointer stopped, the black Rune gentleman tilted his mouth, raised his hand, and heard a sound of "Peng". The rune array of this level was broken again.

In the eyes of others, black Fu Jun broke this level faster than Yang Tiandu.

Of course, this is because Yang Tian spent most of his time observing the symbol array and didn\'t use auxiliary tools.

Those who have practiced runes can naturally see their level.

People who laughed at Hei Fujun before were surprised to see that Hei Fujun walked into the cave and opened his eyes.

What happened? For a long time, master Fu Tao appeared one by one... The man was stunned and immediately followed up.


The cave extends downward. Go straight, go straight, as if there was no end.

Suddenly, a bell rang from Lamu hall.

In this cave, I can hear the bell outside.

Someone broke the second level Rune array!

After hearing the bell, lamulan stopped.

Obviously, someone is breaking through again.

"This..." at this time, looking at Yang Tian, Lamu Lan said shyly, "Muyi, it seems that we have to wait. You know the rules of Lamu nationality."

Yang Tian frowned, nodded and said, "OK, I can wait."

Yang Tian was very upset at this time. He could see the natural Rune array immediately. Unexpectedly, he was interrupted.

Whoever encounters this situation will be unhappy.

"Patriarch, why don\'t I go back and watch? You still take Mu to that place. Anyway, it\'s impossible to pass there for a moment."

The elder named lamuwu looked at KuMan and said to lamulan.

"That\'s a good suggestion! It won\'t waste everyone\'s time. Although the Lamu nationality has this rule, the rule is set by people. You should make some changes! If that person can\'t break through the next few levels, you won\'t wait in vain?"

As soon as lamuwu\'s voice fell, KuMan continued.

KuMan is worse than Yang Tian at this time.

Lamu blue frowned and hesitated, then nodded and agreed.

The seal at the entrance of the natural Rune array is not so easy to crack. He doesn\'t know whether Yang Tian can succeed. Instead, he can let Yang Tian try first.

After more than half of the journey, Lamu Wu returned, Lamu Lan Dai Yang Tian and they walked for about 15 minutes, and finally arrived.

"This is the entrance of the natural Rune array." lamulan pointed to the hole sealed by strange things and said to Yang Tian, "only through here can we see the real natural Rune array. For countless years, no one can pass here except our ancestors."

When lamulan spoke, Yang Tian opened his eyes.

Because what lamulan called "strange things" is actually the granular matter that constitutes runes.

"Is this man-made?" Yang Tian looked at countless moving particles and said faintly.

Lamu LAN nodded, "this is the seal set by the master."

Lamulan admitted, and Yang Tian also vaguely understood something

"Dang... Dang..."

Just then, two bells rang one after another.

This means that the third level Rune array outside has been cracked.

Being able to break the third level means that the visitor\'s attainments in runes are also very high.

Yang Tian didn\'t care about the level of the man outside in the rune. At this time, he communicated with the strange program in his mind.

The countless small particles closing the hole in front of us are very dense and moving constantly, just like countless small mosquitoes gathering together.

To crack this symbol array, you have to use a strange program yourself.

Yang Tian patted on his chest, then raised his right hand and spread out his palm. Countless small particles controlled by Rune program flew out of Yang Tian\'s collar and gathered on Yang Tian\'s palm to form a triangular object.

In the consciousness of lamulan and others, Yang Tian must be a rune magic weapon.

Soon, lamulan and the eleven elders opened their eyes.

Because they see that the material that constitutes this\' Rune magic weapon \'is so similar to the material that seals the cave

no Not like, it should be!

Looking at Yang Tian\'s young face, Lamu LAN couldn\'t help guessing that the Muyi in front of him didn\'t come from the same place as the Fuzhu?

The Lamu people can\'t tell the origin of the Fuzhu.

Yang Tian held the triangle formed by the strange program and said faintly: "the reason why this seal Rune array is difficult to crack is that there are runes on each of these small things. They are composed of pure Rune energy. Once touched, they will soon combine with each other to generate runes and endless Rune arrays..."

"Well, every time we touch it, there will be incomprehensible Rune arrays. If we crack one Rune array, more will be born. If they are only distributed over a certain distance in the cave, we can break through them by force. However, the caves covered by them are too long."

When Yang Tian finished, an elder immediately said.

"Let me try!"

When the elder finished, Yang Tian said faintly.

Strange programs have come up with ways to crack them.

What seems to be complex, in fact, as long as you know its essence, it is very simple to understand and use.

Previously, Yang Tian, Xiao Qinglong and strange programs all felt that they had not absorbed enough of these pure Rune energy. They didn\'t expect that there would be so many here.

This... Is really great!

Yang Tianzheng was preparing to do it. Unexpectedly, those small particles moved first, and some of them condensed together quickly to form a time rune.