Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 684

I don\'t know how long it took for Xiaoqinglong to wake up. He jumped up from the ground and shook his head. The two storage bracelets around his neck made a collision sound.

In order to let Xiaoqinglong pass away smoothly, Yang Tian smashed it a little hard.

The little green dragon has been transported to a rectangular stone chamber. At its feet, there is a transport Rune array formed by countless runes.

This is where Yang Tian secretly opened up in the underground city of Huie family.

In addition to Yang Tian, Xiaoqinglong has strange programs. No one else knows that there is such a place in the dungeon.

There are hidden runes on the four walls of this stone chamber. Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong have no problem living here for a long time.

Even if a master like hui\'e Baixing came nearby, he couldn\'t detect the existence of Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong.

A burst of blue light lit up, and a transparent little green dragon appeared in the air, which was naturally transformed by a strange program.

Xiaoqinglong soon woke up and was sad when he remembered what had happened just now.

Yang Tian is not dead yet. Little Qinglong can feel it vaguely. He is connected with Yang Tian and naturally knows Yang Tian\'s situation.

Xiaoqinglong is sad that Yang Tian\'s body has been destroyed, leaving only consciousness.

This situation is just like when the little green dragon\'s body was annihilated by space, leaving only dragon beads.

"Isn\'t Yang Tian dead?" the little green dragon transformed by the strange program walked through the air quickly for several times, producing an energy similar to sound waves, which was transmitted to the little green dragon.

Xiaoqinglong nodded.

After asking for Xiaoqinglong\'s answer, the strange program returned to the insect brain pendant. It\'s hard to communicate with Xiaoqinglong.

As long as Yang Tian doesn\'t die completely, the strange program only believes in Yang Tian. If Yang Tian doesn\'t die, it will stay in the insect brain pendant at ease.

If Yang Nai died, he would have to find another master.

In addition to having no physical body, strange programs are also a kind of life. Naturally, we also need to communicate with other creatures and realize our own value. We don\'t want to be trapped in the insect brain pendant forever.

After the strange program disappeared, the little green dragon stirred his nose. At this time, he found Yang Tian\'s blood in his mouth.

This is when he wanted to earn Yang Tian\'s palm before, he instinctively bit Yang Tian. At that critical moment, Xiaoqinglong didn\'t want to leave Yang Tian to live alone.

One person and one dragon have long lived and died together.

The blood in his mouth excited little Qinglong.

If Yang Tian\'s consciousness comes back, he can be reborn with these blood.

Xiaoqinglong just thought of it and suddenly worried again.

Because it suddenly remembered that the practitioners in this world could not revive after the physical body was destroyed.

Before, when the herd attacked the hui\'e family, many practitioners in the source returning realm did not survive after being killed by strange animals.

In the previous cosmic world, the situation is different. As long as you practice to the stellar state, the physical body can reunite.

Despite this worry, little Qinglong still collected Yang Tian\'s blood in his mouth with spiritual energy to form a bright red blood bead the size of a finger.

Yang Tian built such a secret room. Naturally, he didn\'t have nothing.

After collecting Yang Tian\'s blood, Xiaoqinglong turned around, came to the wall, flew to a height of more than one meter, and patted a wall brick with his claw.

The wall tiles stretched out silently, and an empty grid appeared.

This space is full of runes.

This kind of space is used to keep fresh. It mainly uses the time Rune to put a piece of fresh meat in it, which can ensure that it will not rot for at least several years.

The little green dragon thought, put the blood bead into the lattice and pushed it back with his claws.

Then, he lay down under the wall brick, closed his eyes and began to regulate some chaotic energy in his body.

Although he knew that Yang Tian was not dead, because Yang Tian had no body, Xiaoqinglong couldn\'t feel Yang Tian\'s specific position.

Well, we have to wait. If Yang Tian doesn\'t come back for a day, he will wait here for a day. If he doesn\'t come back for a year, he will wait for a year and keep waiting


This place where Yang Tian appears is Mansi\'s residence.

Mancy is not married. She lives alone in the whole big house.

If there is no task, she stays indoors most of the time.

Although this virtual world is very realistic, it is still different from the real human world.

In this world, there is no disease, no hunger, no crime... If someone violates the law and the rights of others, they will be detected and eliminated in advance by the server in charge of the world.

All program lives are under the control of the server.

Manxi told Yang Tian a lot about the beauty of the world.

It\'s beautiful, but it\'s boring for Yang Tian.

Manxi told Yang Tian that many dying humans outside have exchanged huge wealth with the mechanical family to transmit their consciousness to the world.

Here, these humans can enter a world unit created by the server for them. In this independent world unit, they can live the life they want.

For example, a practitioner who wants to practice to become a God can perfectly realize this wish in this world unit.

This makes Yang Tian sigh in his heart. Sometimes it\'s hard to distinguish between true and false!

Join mechanical family?

Yang Tian shook his head and refused mansy\'s proposal.

Without flesh, he lives in this false world and is monitored all the time. Yang Tiancai doesn\'t like this life!

In fact, as long as you can live in reality and live with a goal, no one wants to be a mechanical race.

Seeing that Yang Tian couldn\'t be moved, manci said, "well, what can I do for you? I\'ll help you if I can."

"Thank you!" Yang Tian smiled and thanked.

Manci added: "But just to remind you, after I take you out of the world, you can\'t come in anymore. In fact, you appear here. It already knows that as long as you abide by the rules of the world, it won\'t embarrass you. Just after you leave, you will be recorded in the betrayal program database. The next death, if you appear in the world again, you will be immediately destroyed 。”

Yang Tian said, "I\'ve made up my mind. I must leave here. I hope you can take me to the clan land before the hui\'e family."

Manci thought for a moment, nodded and said, "this should help you."

A mechanical clansman wants to go out instead of being sent out to perform tasks. He can\'t go out until he has passed the examination.

Because he took an alien away, he could not reveal the secrets of the mechanical family. The robot driven by manci left the mechanical family territory by means of transmission.

In a humanoid robot warrior, Yang Tian and manci are in the same crystal.

When the robot warrior started, Yang Tiancai found that this crystal was not what he imagined. The crystal space became transparent, and the situation of the outside world was clearly displayed in Yang Tianyan\'s eyes.

Manxi, who is responsible for controlling the robot warrior, closes his eyes and his body is wrapped in a faint blue light.

This blue light should be a device for robot soldiers to communicate with manci.