Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 685

Sometimes, inadvertent discovery can save your life.

If the red crystal of the mechanical family had not been found at that time, Yang Tian would not have survived the previous situation.

Manci\'s robot soldier flew very fast. It took only more than three hours to fly a few kilometers away from the Huie land.

In fact, the station of the mechanical family is very far from the Huie family. If it was not through the transmission array, manci could not send Yang Tian here so quickly.

After the construction of the underground city, the original clan land of the hui\'e family was already ruins and uninhabited, making it desolate.

Nevertheless, according to the rules, the robot soldiers driven by mansy can only land a few kilometers away from the faie family.

"Yang Tian, here we are."

After the robot soldier landed on the ground, the blue light on manci disappeared. She turned her head and said to Yang Tiandao.

The situation outside is very clear. Here, Yang Tian has been able to sense the existence of Xiaoqinglong. He can\'t help but say happily to manci: "thank you so much!"

Manci said, "you\'re welcome. I just want to know how to survive when your body is destroyed."

Manci didn\'t ask before. She knew it was Yang Tian\'s secret, but when she saw Yang Tian happy, she couldn\'t help asking.

Yang Tian said, "because my flesh cells have not been completely destroyed. Even if they are destroyed, there is Bruce Lee."

Mansy still couldn\'t understand Yang Tian\'s answer. She didn\'t ask much. She smiled and said, "good luck. I hope you\'ll be the same next time I see you."

Yang Tian smiled and nodded.

Yang Tian wrapped his consciousness with spiritual power and left the red crystal.

The previous sense of emptiness and crisis reappeared.

Yang Tian\'s consciousness and spiritual power can\'t be seen by ordinary people with the naked eye. After Yang Tian\'s consciousness leaves the red crystal, manci won\'t be Yang Tian.

The system using robot soldiers to detect energy did not find Yang Tian either.

"Good luck!"

After saying one more word, manci drove the robot warrior away.


After leaving the red crystal in the robot soldier\'s body, Yang Tian flew over the dungeon.

At this time, the spiritual power wrapped outside his consciousness had become thinner and thinner.

The speed at which spiritual power is extracted from the original world is far from comparable to consumption.

There are countless Rune energies in the dungeon. Yang Tian\'s current spiritual power can\'t pass through these Rune energy layers.

At this time, it\'s up to Xiaoqinglong.

If Xiaoqinglong doesn\'t appear for a long time, Yang Tian will be finished. Yang Tian\'s doing this is tantamount to giving Xiao Qinglong his life.

A few minutes later, when Yang Tianzheng couldn\'t hold on, Qingying flashed, and his consciousness was held in his mouth by Xiaoqinglong.

There is also a red blood bead in Xiaoqinglong\'s mouth. This is Yang Tian\'s blood.

This blood bead was like a home to Yang Tian\'s consciousness. Without any hesitation, his consciousness immediately entered this blood bead.

With this blood bead, Xiaoqinglong immediately passed through the secret road and returned to the previous stone chamber.

After coming to this world, Yang Tian\'s body cells have changed. He thought that as long as he has body cells and is still alive, he can continue to divide and reproduce under the urging of consciousness until he grows into a new body.

But the actual situation is that Yang Tian\'s consciousness entered the blood bead and began to sleep.

The little green dragon who brought Yang Tian back to the secret room could not wake Yang Tian up anyway.

Fortunately, Yang Tian\'s vital characteristics are still there, and there is no sign of weakening for the time being. The result is good.

Xiaoqinglong was very smart. Looking at Yang Tian\'s blood bead, he immediately understood that it was because Yang Tian\'s body cells lacked energy.

If the situation of Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong changes at this time, Yang Tian has many ways to try to revive Xiaoqinglong.

After all, Yang Tian is human and has the help of strange programs.

But for Xiaoqinglong, there are not many means.

After some thinking, little Qinglong took another drop of blood essence and melted it into Yang Tian\'s blood bead when his body had not fully recovered.

For Xiaoqinglong, this is just an attempt, and it can\'t guarantee that it will work for Yang Tian. Yang Tian, who was sleeping, couldn\'t communicate with Xiaoqinglong at this time

If this method fails, Xiaoqinglong has to find another way. If it doesn\'t work, he has to find Hui echan.

The girl is still trustworthy.

After Xiaoqinglong\'s blood essence was melted into Yang Tian\'s blood bead, the blood bead became bigger at a very fast speed, and finally became as big as a fist, and the color became more bright red.

The little green dragon, who lost a drop of blood essence, looked a little depressed. However, after seeing the blood beads getting bigger, Yang Tian\'s breath of life became stronger. He was very happy.

At least, this method has a certain effect on Yang Tian.

The fist sized red blood bead formed a hard shell on the outside. The little green dragon controlled it and slowly fell to the ground.

At this time, little Qinglong took back his spiritual power little by little. He was relieved to find that the blood beads had not changed under the protection of spiritual power.

Losing a drop of blood essence is equivalent to losing a lot of energy for Xiaoqinglong. He lay down beside the blood beads, soon dropped his eyelids and fell asleep unconsciously.

I don\'t know how long later, the color of blood beads began to change deeply, and Yang Tian\'s breath of life began to weaken.

This is a bad phenomenon.

Aware that the blood bead is abnormal, the strange program reappears and wakes up the little green dragon. It told Xiaoqinglong that three days had passed.

Seeing the change of blood beads, Yang Tian\'s breath of life weakened, Xiao Qinglong had to use a drop of blood essence again.

This drop of blood essence once again made the blood beads larger, doubled the volume, and strengthened Yang Tian\'s breath of life again.

The results of these two times made Xiaoqinglong realize that without any other way, it must deliver a drop of blood essence for Yang Tian at regular intervals.

But it won\'t last long without adding.

What should I do?

Xiaoqinglong thought for a while and had to go out to find Hui echan for help.

At least, huiechan can provide life crystals for the little green dragon to be charged with energy.

But the result made Xiaoqinglong very depressed, because he heard someone talk that Hui echan had gone to the star temple and could not come back in a short time.

Baiyu of Tianyu temple was sure to recruit Hui echan to Tianyu temple, but what he didn\'t expect was that Hui echan hated him for setting up an inflammatory array and killing Yang Tian, so he finally chose the starry sky temple.

Without the most trusted person, Xiaoqinglong can\'t go to others for help.

As for katcha, little Qinglong knew that this man was just a small man and couldn\'t help.

In order to keep Yang Tian alive, it has to provide Yang Tian with blood essence. In this process, it has to supplement a lot of energy.

The storehouse of Huie family has become the target of Xiaoqinglong.

However, the warehouse is guarded very strictly and many Rune arrays are arranged. Xiaoqinglong can\'t go in smoothly, so he needs the help of strange programs.

Looking at the door of the warehouse, Xiaoqinglong turned his eyes and immediately returned to the secret room.