Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 678

Qin Fei didn\'t know it. A powerful force broke out from her body and washed the bodies of the eight monsters into powder.

A moment later, there was no movement around. Qin Fei raised her head. The eight monsters had long disappeared.

Surprised, Qin Fei miraculously had the strength to walk down the transmission array with her skirt and stone steps.

There is no other sound in the world except the wind of "Wuwu".

While walking, Qin Fei found that the ground was full of human bones.

These bones are scattered. There are tooth marks on each bone, as if it had been eaten by something.

Seeing this situation, Qin Fei became more vigilant.

These human bones are of different colors, silver white, as if they were made of silver; Some are blue, like sapphire. And red, green, purple

There are six levels of gods.

They are named after the cosmic stars.

Translated into the language description of human beings on earth, the lowest level is the Death Star God, followed by the planet God, star God, superstar God, domain God and sky god.

Generally, the color of the robes of the gods of each level corresponds to the color of their bones.

The skeleton of the Death Star God is silver white, the skeleton of the planetary God is green, the skeleton of the stellar God is red, the skeleton of the superstar God is blue, the skeleton of the domain God is golden yellow, and the skeleton of the Heavenly God is purple.

In addition, if the gods wear robes that are different from the color of their bones, they can also distinguish their level from the star mark on the cuff.

In the divine domain, the hierarchy of gods is very strict. No gods are allowed to trespass, otherwise they will be severely punished.

As soon as she entered the divine realm, Qin Fei was verified by a high-level God and determined that she was a star God. Among the many gods in the divine domain, they are of equal status and can be regarded as middle-level gods.

Seeing so many bones of different colors, Qin Fei understood at once. She was transferred to the divine tomb.

In the legend of the divine realm, the divine tomb is actually the third continent, the land of the dead.

After the gods die, their bodies will be transported here.

At the thought that this was a sacred tomb, Qin Fei was worried.

According to legend, this is a place where there is no going in or out. Even the most powerful living gods can\'t go out when they come here.

Only the ancient gods who built the three continents can travel freely between the three continents

"Ka ~"

Qin Fei was worried when suddenly there was a sound of fragmentation in front of him.

The light in this world is very dark, and the sight is less than 50 meters. Qin Fei is afraid when she hears this sound and thinks of the previous eight monsters.

After being stunned for a while, Qin Fei picked up her skirt, turned and ran away.

After running for half an hour, Qin Fei has lost her sense of direction. I don\'t know where the transmission array that sent her to this place is.

Far away from the transmission array, there are no human bones on the ground, but countless animal bones.

Most of these bones are complete skeletons.

Qin Fei is just a girl. Living in these skeletons, she feels like she has come to hell. She is more and more afraid and lonely.

"Boom ~"

"Ah... You dead spirits, go to hell!"

"Boom... Boom..."

"Ow... Ow..."

When I was confused and afraid, suddenly, there was a loud noise in front, like the sound of a bomb explosion. Then came an angry cry and a roar of animals.

It sounds like someone is fighting an alien.

The human cry was like the sound of flesh and blood. Qin Fei\'s eyes lit up and ran away in the direction of the sound.

More than ten minutes later, in Qin Fei\'s eyes, there was a scene that shocked her.

I saw a big man with a height of five meters and a pair of black wings on his back, holding a big knife in his forehand, fighting with more than a dozen equally tall human, animal and head monsters.

Where they fought, the black powder floating in the air was sparse, and the visibility reached hundreds of meters, so Qin Fei could see it clearly.

The explosion was the sound of the knife in the man\'s hand when it was cut on the ground.

"Boom ~"

With one wing, the big man suddenly flew into the air, then swooped down and cut a monster in half from head to foot. The knife didn\'t stop. When he bombarded the ground, he shook out a deep ditch several meters and tens of meters long.

The monster cut by the big man turned into a corpse in half. After it fell to the ground, it turned into black sand.

"Black star, you haven\'t finished the battle here! Ha ha..."

The big man just chopped a monster to death, and suddenly another man\'s voice sounded in the sky.

Then there was a roar.

A man with the same height of five meters and black wings on his back landed and joined the battle.

Soon, more than ten monsters were killed by two people.

Seeing the ferocity of the two men, Qin Fei frowned and retreated carefully.

Qin Fei didn\'t turn around and run until she couldn\'t see the two giants.

In this harsh world, Qin Fei dare not appear at will, otherwise the consequences are difficult to predict.

However, Qin Fei has long been discovered.

Before she ran far, there was a "Hoo" over her head. Before that, a big man fighting with the monster landed in front of her and stopped her way.

At this time, the big man\'s body was not as tall as before, but changed back to the normal human appearance, with a height of more than two meters.

"Who are you?"

After stopping Qin Fei, the man frowned and asked.

This man speaks the language of the divine realm.

Qin Fei didn\'t want to answer, so she turned and ran away.

However, after a few steps, another big man stopped her again.

"Who are you? You haven\'t answered me yet!" after Qin Fei was stopped again, a voice of inquiry sounded behind her.

"I... I was sent here," Qin Fei had to answer.

"From the divine domain?"

Qin Fei\'s voice fell, and the people behind him asked again.

"Yes!" Qin Fei nodded.

"Are you a God?"

"Before, then not."

"You didn\'t die, but they passed you on?"


Qin Fei nodded again.

After the other party asked, Qin Fei also had many questions. She turned and asked the big man behind her: "who are you?"

The man laughed. "We were the gods who lost the war a long time ago. We had no choice but to come to this continent."

"How did you... Survive?" Qin Fei asked again.

After running for so long, she didn\'t see a tree, a grass, no water, and no energy to absorb in the space.

In this environment, Qin Fei can\'t imagine how these gods survived.

The big man smiled and said, "no matter how beautiful a place is, there are also filthy places. No matter how bad a place is, there is also a happy land. Just go and have a look with us."