Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 677

It is extremely rare for a practitioner to gain the recognition of a strange animal and become a partner of life and death.

Especially high-level monsters.

The divine beast is basically impossible to recognize human beings.

This little green turtle is the descendant of the giant turtle. You don\'t have to guess. It\'s not an ordinary beast, but a real beast. It takes the initiative to sign a blood contract with Hui echan. How can it not surprise Hui echan!

For a moment, hui\'e Baixing was very excited!

It is no exaggeration to say that Hui echan has this little green turtle, and her future development will be unlimited. As long as huiechan and xiaoqinggui grow up, the whole family will benefit.

KuMan, standing not far away, looked surprised when he saw this situation.

Kuoman frowned, and then walked straight towards Hui echan.

Seeing kuoman\'s move, Huie Baixing took two steps forward and protected Huie Chan behind him.

Hui\'e Miaomiao and the three elders on one side immediately went to the left and right sides of hui\'e hundred stars. At the same time, more than 100 members of the hunting Department pulled out their weapons and were ready to fight.

Hui echan, who was recognized by Xiaoqing turtle, suddenly became extremely important to the Hui echan family.

Even if you offend the temple, huibaixing will take Huie Miaomiao back safely. As long as you don\'t kill people, the relationship with the temple won\'t be so stiff. There\'s always a way to ease it, isn\'t it?

"Don\'t worry! I\'ll protect you from anyone. You\'re hungry! I still have some meat here..."

Hui echan doesn\'t notice the abnormality of KuMan and the patriarch\'s brother, and is attentively communicating with the little green turtle in her hand.

At this time, there was a mysterious spiritual connection between Hui echan and Xiaoqing turtle. One person and one turtle had been connected.

Hui echan soon took out a piece of dried animal meat and fed it to the little green turtle.

"Sir, please stay!"

When kuuman came less than five meters in front of him, hui\'e Baixing said coldly.

Withered man frowned and his face became ugly. Obviously, he was very unhappy.

However, she stopped.

"This little girl, we are going to the limitless temple." KuMan took a deep breath and said faintly.

What\'s the meaning of this?

Hui\'e Baixing and the three families turned their heads at the same time and looked at each other.

"KuMan, this is not appropriate!"

Hui\'e Baixing was about to ask. A white robed steward appeared behind KuMan and said with a smile.

"Baiyu, what do you want to do?"

The steward of the Tianyu temple, which was called Baiyu by KuMan, said with a smile: "Hongyao wanted to kill them before. Do you think they might join your Wuji temple? If it were me, I wouldn\'t be relieved! Our Tianyu temple is different, ha ha..."

With that, Baiyu stroked his beard and smiled.

"In that case, why not join our starry temple?" a female minister in blue robe, whose face is more beautiful than withered man, came over and said with a smile: "we have the most female friars in the starry temple. Joining my starry temple is the best choice?"

What is this?

Three temples, unexpectedly all want Hui echan to join their temples!

Although the three shrines unite to kill the giant turtle, it doesn\'t mean they are connected with each other.

At ordinary times, there is fierce competition among the three temples.

However, Baiyu of Tianyu temple is right. Even if you want to join the temple, you will certainly not join the limitless temple.

"This... Can we think about it?" hui\'e Baixing said with a smile at the invitation of the three secretaries.

This is a great good thing for Huie hundred stars.

"OK! However, when the matter here is over, you have to give us an answer." Baiyu smiled.

"OK!" hui\'e Baixing nodded and agreed immediately.


The withered man snorted and walked away. She knows that Hui echan is basically out of touch with Wuji.

Who can be blamed?

We can only blame Hongyao who was killed by Yang Tian. If he hadn\'t done it, Xiaoqinglong wouldn\'t have been hurt, Yang Tian wouldn\'t have been angry, and he wouldn\'t have died

"Ah ~ you color turtle!"

Suddenly, Hui echan screamed again, because when Xiaoqing Turtle was full and wanted to rest, he jumped to her collar and quickly drilled in.

Feeling the itch on her chest, Hui echan\'s face turned red. In the eyes of everyone, she couldn\'t put her hand into her collar and take the little green turtle out of her chest.


Seeing such a situation, hui\'e Baixing couldn\'t help laughing.


I don\'t know how long she slept. Qin Fei finally woke up.

As soon as I opened my eyes, what appeared in my eyes was full of dark red color, and the air was full of a very strange smell of rotten wood. In the air flow room, there was a "whine" sound.

Where Qin Fei is now, there is a huge transmission array.

"Kaka, Kaka..."

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps came into Qin Fei\'s ears.

It sounds like a hard boot on a rock.

Footsteps are very dense, not like a person.

Qin Fei is alert. She doesn\'t know that she has been transferred to the divine tomb.

Gritting her teeth and exerting her greatest strength in her life, Qin Fei sat up with her hands supporting herself.

The light is very dark. There are black powder like things in the air flow. The line of sight is blocked and can\'t see far.

After several minutes, the footsteps came from far to near, and eight tall human shadows appeared in Qin Fei\'s eyes.

After the shadow appeared on the transmission array, it dispersed and surrounded Qin Fei, slowly approaching Qin Fei.

Close, Qin Fei also saw who the tall human shadow was.

They are all monsters dressed in armor, holding bone spurs and human body and animal head!

The animal\'s head looks like a wolf.

Eight humanoid monsters stopped about three meters away from Qin Fei. After they looked at Qin Fei carefully, they all opened their mouths and shed a lot of saliva from the corners of their mouths.

In the air flow, a rotten smell immediately appeared.

"Not dead yet!"

"Just right!"




"Haven\'t eaten for a long time!"

"I want to eat!"


The eight monsters opened their mouths in turn and spoke the common language in the divine domain. Their voices seemed extremely hoarse and strange.

The monsters finished and approached Qin Fei again.

Will be eaten by these monsters! What should I do?

Qin Fei\'s heart is full of unwilling, because she hasn\'t waited until Yang Tian. How can she die now!

"Ah ~"

"Boom ~"

Suddenly, Qin Fei couldn\'t help holding her head and shouting. From her, a powerful energy burst out suddenly.

Impacted by this force, the body of the monster with eight human bodies and animal heads exploded at once, and the body turned into countless black particles, which were scraped by the air flow and disappeared.