Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 661

Three days later.

In a secret and empty room.

Patriarch hui\'e Baixing sat face to face with a middle-aged man in black.

"Patriarch, you still miscalculated. Yang Tian finally joined our hunting department?" the middle-aged man in Black said faintly.

The middle-aged man in black is the head of the hunting department.

If Yang Tian is here, he will recognize that this man is an old man of three nationalities.

The three clan elders are in charge of the hunting department. There are no more than ten people in the hui\'e family, including the three clan elders themselves.

Hui\'e Baixing smiled and said, "it\'s not necessarily. He has a relationship with aunt now. She won\'t care if she wants him to help. I can see that Yang Tian is a man of friendship. In the future, even if he doesn\'t stay in hui\'e family, he won\'t be against us."

The middle-aged man in Black said, "you\'re always right, but I don\'t think it\'s necessary to pay such a high price for a rune genius. If it gets out, it won\'t be good for the reputation of our family."

In dealing with matters, the three ethnic groups are always tough and are used to solving them by force. In his mind, now the patriarch is a little too fond of Yang Tian.

There is also a different view of the problem in different positions.

Huie Baixing doesn\'t want to miss every opportunity and talent for the rise of the family. The three ethnic groups don\'t have to think so much.

"Do you know what I want to say to you?" hui\'e hundred stars said again in silence.

The old man of the three nationalities said, "you don\'t understand the rules of the hunting department. I won\'t give him special treatment. You know, if I really want to do that, I will break the rules of the hunting department. Without the rules, you know what the consequences will be."

The three families old said, hui\'e Baixing sighed helplessly.

Yeah! Compared with the whole hunting department, Yang Tian is not so important.

If a family is compared to a person, the hunting department is a knife, a pair of eyes and ears in this person\'s hand

The conversation between the two was very short and soon ended.

At this time, Yang Tianshen was in a dark room of the hunting department.

This is a special secret room. The room is completely closed. There is no light, there is not enough oxygen, you can\'t see your fingers, and you can\'t hear any sound from outside.

The sound inside can\'t be transmitted to the outside.

It\'s like confinement.

This is also a rule of the hunting department. New members of the hunting department will be locked up in small black houses ranging from one week to ten days.

At this time, Yang Tian sat in the black room.

Xiaoqinglong was not with Yang Tian at this time, but stayed outside the house and waited quietly.

The shape of the room is square, just like a pile of bluestones. The bluestones are engraved with runes to isolate the light and sound inside and outside.

Not only that, this Rune array will also disturb the practitioners\' practice, that is, the practitioners who are locked in can\'t "spend time" in the way of practice except waiting quietly.

At this level, the test is patience and perseverance.

If ordinary people are locked up in such a house, they will collapse in less than a week.

Practitioners have great endurance, but they can only persist for more than ten days.

After finishing the conversation with the patriarch hui\'e Baixing, the three elders put on a black armor and a black helmet and came to the stone house.

Four masked men in black armour outside the stone house bowed to the elders of the three families.

"Close enough for fifteen days and let him out." the three families said faintly.

The four guards said nothing but nodded.

The three elders not only won\'t give Yang Tian preferential treatment, but also let Yang Tian accept a more severe test.

After giving orders, the three elders turned and left.

In this process, when the three ethnic groups talk, their voices are different from normal, so people can\'t judge their identity from their voices.

Although there is Rune energy across the thick stone wall, Xiaoqinglong can also feel that Yang Tian is safe now. Although two days have passed, his mood is very calm.

Closing such a dark room may be a test for other practitioners, but for Yang Tian, it is actually nothing.

Yang Tian, sitting in the dark room, is practicing spiritual energy. Spiritual energy cannot be affected by runic energy.

As long as he can practice, not to mention 15 days, Yang Tian can persist even in 150 days.

Moreover, Yang Tian can detect the situation outside through his spiritual strength.

Fifteen days passed quickly in Yang Tianjing\'s practice.

As soon as the time came, the guard activated the rune mechanism and opened the door.

Yang Tianwei squinted and walked out of the special stone house. After staying in the space without light for a long time, he suddenly came out and didn\'t adapt to the light outside.

"Congratulations! You passed the test." seeing that Yang Tian looked calm and his breath was very stable, a guard said faintly to Yang Tian.

"Thank you!" Yang Tian smiled.

The green shadow flashed, and the little green dragon fell on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

The hunting department was very large, and Yang Tian was assigned to an independent room.

In fact, everyone in the rune Division has an independent residence. Because everyone in the hunting Department has his own secret.

In addition, Yang Tian was also given a set of black armor. According to the regulations, Yang Tian must wear armor in addition to his own house.

Although the little green dragon followed him, even if he was covered in armor, others recognized him, but the rules are the rules and can\'t be violated.

Although there are many people in the hunting department, they usually seem very cold.

Yang Tiandao likes this environment very much. He is not a lively person. Since everyone here can\'t believe it, he doesn\'t want to make any friends.

Even if the hunting Department of the same family is betrayed by friends, there are countless things in the history of countless families.

Kata has already reminded Yang Tian of this.

After the hunting Department waited for three days, the chief executive gathered all the people who remained in the hunting department in a hall.

Usually I don\'t see many people, but there are thousands of members of the hunting department gathered in the hall.

The chief minister was dressed in black armor and wearing a helmet with a mask on his head. He sat on a high seat in the hall.

"Everybody, I have a task." the three clan elders wrapped in black armor said faintly and glanced at their men.

The hall is very quiet. You can smell the needles.

The three old families finished and pressed on the armrest of the seat.

Immediately, a map was projected from above the hall.

This display method uses runes, but the effect is similar to that of electronic devices.

People can clearly see the situation on the picture.

The three clan elders said lightly, "this is the center of the Yan domain, which is called the ten thousand beast cave. According to reliable news, a strange beast who came to the Yan domain from the star sea entered the ten thousand beast cave. The three temples in the cloud domain issued a general order. Who can find out the information of the strange beast, even kill it and bring its body back, who can get a prescription for refining the pill for understanding life.

This is a must for our family. Whoever can do it will be rewarded with a pill of wumingjing.

I would like to remind you that this matter is very important. After success, don\'t be selfish and want to go to the cloud domain alone to exchange the formula. You know the consequences of that. I must be very clear about my means of regulating people.

This time, the competition will be very fierce and the probability of death is very high. I hope you will consider it carefully. "

When the three elders finished, there was still silence in the hall.

After a while, someone quickly walked up to the old SANZU and grabbed a red bead from a jar on the old SANZU table.

Someone took his head, and then someone walked up

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian understood that this is the way to accept this task.

Hundreds of people came forward and took out red beads from the jar.

When no one went up, Yang Tian quickly stepped out of the crowd, stepped on the stone steps and came to the main table.

"Yang Tian, are you sure you want to participate?" Yang Tiangang stretched out his hand and listened to the master\'s light way.

Little Qinglong lies on Yang Tian\'s shoulder. Everyone knows Yang Tian\'s identity.

Yang Tian\'s right hand stayed at the mouth of the pot and took a look at the main thing.

Although across the mask, Yang Tian could feel the cold eyes of the main event.

Yang Tian was stunned and didn\'t answer the main thing. He put his hand into the jar.

He answered the main question with practical action.

But to Yang Tian\'s surprise, the jar was empty!

At this time, Yang Tian remembered that 109 people came up and took away a red ball.

In other words, there are only 109 red beads.

Seeing that Yang Tian\'s hand was empty, the master said, "unfortunately, it\'s gone. You haven\'t answered me yet."

Yang Tian replied, "I\'m sure we must participate."

The chief executive stretched out his left hand and put it on the table.

When he slowly retracted his hand, he saw a red ball left on the table.

Yang Tian made a lightning move and grabbed the red ball in his hand.

As soon as this thing started, the strange program told Yang Tian that this kind of round bead is a rune treasure with positioning function.

After obtaining the red bead, Yang Tian stepped off the stage and returned to his original standing position.

The chief executive said at this time, "some new members of the hunting department may not understand the use of this kind of thing, I repeat. After you get this thing, you can\'t leave you more than two steps away, or it will explode. The power generated is enough to blow your body to pieces.

At the same time, it also has positioning function. As long as you take it with you, I can clearly know your position. "

This was expected by Yang Tian.

Since the loyalty of members cannot be guaranteed, it should be controlled by special means.

The strange program then tells Yang Tian that there is space Rune energy and life Rune energy on the red ball

There are more than ten different Rune arrays on a small bead.

This reminds Yang Tian of the collar he wore around his neck when he was in the mine.

This is a means of family control.

"Can you crack it?" Yang Tian asked the strange program in his mind.

The strange program said, "it will take some time."

Yang Tian was relieved by such an answer. He hated being controlled by others.

The main event finished and waved his hand.

The members who did not accept the task went out through the small doors of the two doors of the main hall. Plus Yang Tian, 110 people who accepted the task stayed.

Yang Tian found that those who accept this task are practitioners above the realm of fantasy.

From low to high, there are six great realms: impulse, return to source, fantasy realm, enlightenment, variety and wandering.

Yang Tian\'s present state is the later stage of Guiyuan.

As long as he breaks through the realm of returning to the source, Yang Tian can reach the peak of the realm of fantasy.

The sign of the realm of illusion is to form an energy world in the body.

Yang Tian\'s body already had the original world.

After the magic world, it is the realm of enlightenment.

Understanding life is to understand the profound meaning of life and turn the energy world into a complete cosmic world where life can exist.

This is really strange. Yang Tian can\'t imagine what life will be like in his own energy world.

Or, there is a gap between his imagined realm of enlightenment and reality.

While Yang Tian was observing others and thinking about the realm of cultivation, several slim women in black with masks came out.

Each of these women had a plate in his hand.

A flat bluestone was placed on the plate.

Bluestones have different rules, large and small, arranged on the plate.

The chief executive sitting on the table said, "ladies and gentlemen, beautiful women are ready for you. Enjoy yourself! Maybe you won\'t have a chance to come back alive."

With that, the chief executive stood up and left the hall.

Yang Tian realized that this was turning the sign.

After the main event left, someone finally spoke. When the woman in black handed the plate to a man, the man waved his hand and said, "there\'s a home."

The woman in black was silent and went to the next.

The next man didn\'t refuse. He took a piece of bluestone from the plate at will, turned it over and saw that the number was written on it.

This should be a special address number.

Some took bluestone, some didn\'t.

Of course Yang Tian didn\'t take it.

Several women in black left soon.

Those who stayed soon dispersed.

Yang Tian was very curious about this. He stopped a man who didn\'t turn the stone tablet and asked, "excuse me, what\'s this?"

The man glanced at Yang Tian and said faintly, "they are all beautiful young women who have not been touched by men. Many of us will die when we go on a mission. Many of the dead people have no relatives. These women use their bodies in exchange for the property we leave after death. If the property is rich enough, they may leave us offspring."

When the man finished, he bypassed Yang Tian and left.

Yang Tian finally understood that a trace of sadness appeared in his heart.

After shaking his head, Yang Tian quickly walked out of the hall.

The task has been answered. Yang Tian returns to his room and waits for the departure notice.