Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 660

Vaguely, Yang Tian only heard someone call his name, and conditionally agreed.


Seeing Yang Tian\'s "agreement", hui\'e Baixing laughed happily.

Little Qinglong is sober at this time, but he can\'t wait to see such a thing! Also didn\'t remind Yang Tian.

The most unexpected thing was Hui echan. At this time, she frowned and felt sour in her heart, just like being taken away by her sister when she was a child.

"Aunt, Yang Tian ate more star fruit. Take her down to have a rest!" hui\'e Baixing stopped laughing and said to hui\'e Miaomiao.


Hui\'e Miaomiao answered, picked up Yang Tian and helped the confused Yang Tian away from the hall.

"Tomorrow, let\'s prepare a celebration! Aunt is my sister. We can\'t treat her badly." hui\'e Miaomiao helped Yang Tian away, and hui\'e Baixing said with a smile.

"Yes ~"

Everyone stood up and bowed.

The rules of marriage in this world are different from those on earth.

On earth, it is the wedding before entering the bridal chamber. In this world, it is "get on the bus first, and then make up the ticket."

However, there are special rules for entering the bridal chamber, especially for practitioners.

To enter the bridal chamber, the bridegroom has to accept all kinds of "tests". This procedure is saved for Yang Tian.

Hui\'e Miaomiao directly helped Yang Tian to his residence, entered a luxurious room and put Yang Tian on a round big bed.

The maid waiting aside helped Yang Tian up, stripped all his clothes and took off the accessories.

Then Yang Tian was put into the steaming pool in the big room.

After finishing this, the ladies bowed to Huie Miaomiao and left the room.

Little green dragon followed him here. He knew what would happen next. His eyes were full of smiles, and then flew out of the house.

Yang Tian, who ate too many stars and fruits, was soft and more confused at this time. If the water was cold, he might wake up right away.

But the pool water was hot, which not only didn\'t wake Yang Tian up, but made him feel more dry and hot.

In fact, the water beast soup is not so hard to drink, but Huie Baixing deliberately makes people make that taste.

In order to accompany Yang Tian to drink soup, Huie Baixing, the patriarch, as well as the elders of all families, suffered a crime.

Water animals are cold and stars and fruits are warm. Drinking water animal soup first and then stars and fruits, or eating stars and fruits first and then water animal soup, is the correct way to eat these two foods.

If you eat it alone, it will be like Yang Tian now.

Even if Yang Tianguang drank water animal soup and didn\'t eat stars and fruits, he would be like this now, but at that time he was not hot, but cold.

Yang Tiangang didn\'t come to this world long. He didn\'t know this at all. Kata doesn\'t know, because only the upper class people have the opportunity to enjoy these two kinds of food. Generally, they use entertainment (sex).

In the room, Huie Miaomiao glanced at Yang Tian leaning against the edge of the pool, took off his boots and came to a big mirror.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Huie Miaomiao slowly removed his clothes.

Even if this body is his own, Huie Miaomiao is very satisfied looking at himself in the mirror.

Unfortunately, right away, this body belongs to Yang Tian.

Hui\'e Miaomiao went into the pool, and with a splash, hui\'e Miaomiao dived into the water.

"Oh ~"

A moment later, Yang Tian raised his head and gave a comfortable cry.

Outside the room, Xiaoqinglong narrowed his eyes slightly and listened comfortably to the news from inside.

Little Qinglong doesn\'t want to care about this kind of thing!

Although it knows that there will be big trouble for Yang Tian.

Yang Tian is almost instinctively active. Hui\'e\'s wonderful body is like a big ice block for him and wants to integrate into it.


The next day

Yang Tian, lying on the big round bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

At this time, his eyes were clear.

The bed is very soft, just like lying in the clouds. There is a faint fragrance in the nose.

This is not the hard board bed he is used to sleeping in. Yang Tian immediately sat up.

"Ah ~"

Yang Tian exclaimed in surprise when he saw the situation nearby

Hui\'e Miaomiao is lying on his side facing Yang Tian. The silky smooth and extremely thin white quilt covers hui\'e Miaomiao\'s body, showing a beautiful female curve.

The cry woke Huie Miaomiao, and she opened her eyes.

Although there was a relationship, Yang Tian and Hui e Miaomiao looked at each other, but there was no emotion between men and women in their eyes.

Yang Tian suddenly understood that he had the way of Huie Baixing yesterday.

Although Huie Baixing has no malice, Yang Tian is still a little unhappy.

This is the second time

Last time it was Yuyang Nansi, this time it was Huie Miaomiao.

"I..." Yang Tian didn\'t know what to say.

"It\'s dawn." hui\'e said faintly.

Yang Tian nodded, immediately got down from the bed, found the clothes beside the bed, and put them on his body in two or three times.

Yang Tian turned his head, bit his teeth and left the room.

After leaving the door, the green shadow flashed, and the little green dragon fell on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

Looking at Xiaoqinglong with smiling eyes, Yang Tian pretended to be angry and said, "Xiaolong, I\'ve decided not to cook barbecue for you for a year."


Xiaoqinglong protested.

Yang Tian just snorted coldly.

"No one can stop my plan..."

Yang Tian walked out of Huie\'s wonderful room and passed a long corridor, which was a small courtyard. Out of the courtyard, it is the gate of the courtyard.

Yang Tian dodged behind the wall and looked out.

Sure enough, there are many guards outside.

Yang Tian can imagine that he must be surrounded by people outside at this time. As soon as he goes out, he will be \'caught\'.

Even, Huier Baixing is waiting outside!

Yang Tian can guess what will happen later. He was forced to marry Huie Miaomiao... When he slept with someone else\'s sister, he had to give someone an explanation, didn\'t he?

But it\'s not hard for Yang Tian.

You know, the rune system of this underground city is strangely programmed.

He took out several bluestones from the storage bracelet. Under the control of the strange program, Yang Tian quickly painted the runes.

Then, a simple transport symbol array is arranged.

Looking at the transmission Rune array in front of him, Yang Tianzheng wanted to step into it, but suddenly stopped and kicked a blue stone that formed the rune array.

If you just leave, you\'re not a man.

"Why don\'t you go?" just then, Huie\'s wonderful voice sounded behind Yang Tian.

It turned out that after Yang Tian left the room, Hui e Miaomiao put on his clothes and followed him out.

"I will be responsible, but I still want to go to the hunting department." Yang Tian turned and looked at Hui Ermiao with a firm face.

"Let\'s go together!" said Hui Miaomiao with a smile.