Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 628

After a "puff" sound, of the 11 people who came out of the mine, except Yang Tian was still standing, the others fell to the ground and curled up.

At Yang Tian\'s feet, there were five people in black, two of whom had deep claw marks on their necks, and blood was seeping from the claw marks.

It was all done by Xiaoqinglong.

If it weren\'t for Xiaoqinglong\'s mercy, the blood of the two people would be almost dry.

In fact, more than 20 people in black are not strong, and they are only better than these miners. They want to knock Yang Tian down and beat him up. That\'s impossible.

More than a dozen people in black clenched their fists and watched five companions cry on the ground. Although they surrounded Yang Tian, for a time, no one dared to come forward.

The five people lying on the ground are the end! Compared with the ten newly arrived miners, the situation of these five people is not much better, and their injuries are even more serious.

The fat man didn\'t start. Seeing that Yang Tian hadn\'t been knocked down and didn\'t get hurt at all, he laughed and said, "finally I see a man who is not a waste. From today on, you are my man."

After that, the fat man pointed to more than ten people on the ground, including five men in black, and said coldly, "from today on, you can do the chores in the yard and the cleaning of several nearby streets. When you make me satisfied, I\'ll let you start practicing and practicing. We Huie family don\'t raise waste!"

Yang Tianyi\'s eyes lit up when he heard the word "practice".

The fat man taught the new ten people a lesson, hooked his fingers to Yang Tian, then turned around and returned to the largest room in the hospital.

"Come and sit!" when Yang Tian followed him into the room, the fat man had sat in front of a round table and pointed to the stool next to him.

Yang Tian smiled, nodded and sat beside the fat man.

The fat man poured Yang Tian a glass of water and asked with a smile, "what\'s your name?"

"Yang Tian," Yang Tian replied.

As soon as the voice fell, the little green dragon squeaked twice.

Yang Tian said again, "it\'s called Bruce Lee."

The fat man nodded and said, "your pet is also very powerful. My name is katcha. In the future, you will be my closest subordinate. You must finish what I asked you to do for me, and I will give you a lot of benefits."

While the fat man was talking, Xiaoqinglong stared at the fat man\'s ass. it thought of Juliang city

"Stand up for me, squat, straighten your waist, and look ahead..."

When the fat man finished, he heard a loud cry outside. It seems that the ten people who came with Yang Tian are already undergoing training. The training content is actually the most basic squatting horse step!

Yang Tian turned his head and looked out.

Katcha said at this time, "this kind of exercise is not necessary for experts like you. You can directly practice the basic skills of Huie family."

With that, Kata got up slightly, took out a four open book from under his ass and handed it to Yang Tian.

Is this the practice method?

Yang Tian hurried in his hand and opened the book that was too greasy to see the cover text clearly.

Yang Tian also has the cultivation methods of this world. The scroll he got in the Dragon Star domain records the cultivation methods of this world.

But Yang Tian found that he could not practice the skills recorded above.

Because he can\'t understand many things above, especially some professional terms. This made Yang Tian realize that to practice in this world, you have to start from the basic things.

After reading a few lines, Yang Tian\'s eyes lit up again, because what is recorded in this book is the basic cultivation method.

Before coming to this world, the mysterious masked man in black told him that the way of practice in this world is completely different.

The most important thing is to see the ability to understand.

Looking at it, Yang Tian indulged in it.

In this basic cultivation method, the cultivation principles of this world are described in detail.

This is basically the same as the way of practice in the previous world. We should open up an energy world in the body and store huge energy.

The previous universe, whether the power of blood or qi, is to change the cell structure of the body. In short, it is a kind of evolution.

The same is true in this world.

But the goal of evolution is more advanced.

On the way of cultivation, the universe where Yang Tian was before, from ordinary human cultivation to the realm of big star God, is only a process of "building a foundation" compared with the whole process of cultivation.

Because if the body strength is not enough, after coming to this world, the body will be pressed into powder by the space force of this world. Of course, we will not be able to touch more advanced ways of practice and go further in evolution.

People born in this world are different. Their body cells are born to resist the power of space in this world.

This world focuses on the energy world, but the ultimate result is not to enhance the physical body.

But to get rid of the shackles of the flesh and make consciousness independent of the flesh.

Because consciousness is not constrained by the energy of space and time, and the physical body exists physically. No matter how powerful the physical body is, it will be affected by the laws of space and time.

Of course, to make consciousness completely separated from the body and exist forever, we need to reach the highest level.

When you begin to practice from the foundation, the physical body will naturally enhance, and the consciousness will become stronger with the strength of the physical body.

In the previous world, cultivation was constantly strengthening cells, but this world has changed a lot. In this regard, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong have done it. For example, Xiao Qinglong becomes bigger and smaller, and Yang Tian turns into Jackie Chan.

In the past, the world was like swallowing energy into cells, and the way of cultivation in this world was to "refine" cells and change the structure and "material".

There are eighteen levels of cultivation in this world.

From low to high, they are impulse, return to the source, fantasy world, enlightenment, variety and wandering. Each of these six great realms has three small realms. It can be said to be front, middle and rear, or lower, middle and upper.

After completing the practice tasks of these 18 realms, the final realm is the divine realm. As the name suggests, it is the existence of God.

The state of impulse is the beginning of the process of cultivation. Through continuous absorption of power, it starts to stimulate the changes of body cells. What it shows is the enhancement of power and speed.

Reaching the state of returning to the source means that the body cells can accommodate energy and begin to make qualitative changes.

The magic world is to form an energy world in the body.

If we compare power to water and cells to fruit trees, then the energy world is a reservoir, which can keep the body cells\' irrigated and accelerate their transformation.

In fact, Yang Tian has already done this step. Most practitioners who came to this world from that universe have already done it.

Understanding life is to understand the profound meaning of life and turn the energy world into a complete cosmic world where life can exist.

After reaching this level, body cells have finally evolved to a deeper level. They can be free from the constraints of spatial energy. As long as there is corresponding genetic information, they can be as changeable as the monkey king.

Wandering, consciousness can be temporarily separated from the body, go far away and read thousands of miles.

Finally, the divine realm.

After reaching this level, it is basically equivalent to the creator. How powerful it is, how powerful it is. It can only be imagined and not done.


"Hoo ~"

After reading the whole book, Yang Tian breathed out.

Eighteen realms, plus the ultimate divine realm... It\'s a long way to go to reach that realm!

While Yang Tian was reading, the fat man cacha kept staring at Yang Tian. He was observing Yang Tian\'s reaction.