Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 621

Just out of the scope of the goddess palace, suddenly, many great priests gathered around.

Most of these great sacrifices were known by Yang Tian.

For example, Kaya grand sacrifice, Taiyu grand sacrifice, Meichen grand sacrifice

Seeing so many great sacrifices, Yang Tian opened his eyes and felt a little strange.

Yang Tian did not manage the affairs of the superstar temple, although he put up the name of a great sacrifice in the superstar temple.

In fact, if he wants, he can become a role like the great sacrifice of the empty God and exercise dictatorship over the superstar temple.

If Qin Fei is a goddess now, Yang Tian will consider this issue, because with more power, it will be convenient for him to enter and exit the superstar hall.

But now, Yang Tian has no interest in staying in the superstar temple, although he can have great power.

"You are..." Yang Tian asked with wide eyes.

The faces of the great priests were full of smiles.

"Yang Tian, it\'s like this..." the Taiyu sacrificial priest who knows Yang Tian best first said, "we old guys want to leave with you."

i see!

"No!" Yang Tian said in surprise, "if you go, who will manage the superstar temple?"

When Yang Tian said this, the great priests laughed.

The great sacrifice of Kaya said with a smile, "am I right? Yang Tian can take us."

The priests nodded.

These great priests are also very curious about the world outside the universe. Now the superstar temple has stabilized, and the great priests have regained their strength, and their minds can not help but become active.

Of course, Yang Tian understood the mood of these sacrificial priests, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "I\'m afraid not."

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, the smiles on the faces of the great priests solidified. For them, it was too shameful.

The great sacrificial priests are extremely arrogant people. Seeing Yang Tian\'s easy refusal, they can\'t live with their face.

Immediately, the great sacrifice of Kaya turned around, shook his sleeve and wanted to leave.

The faces of other great priests were not very good-looking.

"Wait a minute! I haven\'t finished yet!" Yang Tiangang deliberately wanted to joke with these great priests.

But these great priests were not amused at all, and they became angry at once.

"What else do you have to say?" the great sacrifice of Kaya turned and looked at Yang Tian with an angry mouth.

Yang Tian said with a smile: "in fact, you can leave if you don\'t come with me. As long as you promise me a condition."

"What\'s the condition?" a great sacrifice that Yang Tian didn\'t know immediately asked.

Yang Tiandao: "ten years, ten years later, you will leave again."

For these great sacrifices, not to mention ten years, even a hundred years, they can afford to wait.

Yang Tian\'s time is actually calculated according to the time on earth. However, these great sacrifices habitually think that it is the decade of keitra.

In that case, it is almost equivalent to nearly 20 years of the earth.

"Why?" asked the Meichen sacrifice.

Yang Tian said: "in fact, you also understand that it\'s not appropriate to leave the superstar temple now. It\'s just that you\'re anxious because you have a chance now. I\'m afraid you won\'t have a chance in the future."

When Yang Tian said this, the sacrificial priests nodded.

Yang Tian then said, "if you want to leave the universe, you need a Megatron, as long as you promise this condition. In ten years, someone will deliver you one or several Megatron. At that time, not only you, but also other practitioners can leave at any time. Of course, they have to pay a price for Megatron."

This is a very profitable business. Even if those strong men who have reached the realm of the great star God in the future take out all their possessions, they are willing to exchange for a powerful air ship that can leave here.

At that time, the Qinglong family will certainly surpass the cosmic bank and become the richest and most powerful group in the universe.

The reason why Yang Tian let these great sacrifices stay is certainly not for the sake of the superstar temple, but for the sake of human beings on earth.

Without the shelter of these great sacrifices, it is estimated that the developing human beings on earth will soon be exterminated by those big families.

Ten years later, when human beings on earth grow up, it will no longer be a problem. At that time, it will be fine if human beings on earth don\'t bully other families.

Yang Tian\'s words calmed these great priests down. Finally, they agreed to Yang Tian\'s conditions one after another.

For them, ten years is not long.

Seeing the "helpless" consent of the great priests, Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing and thought that they would get the weikong ship in advance. I don\'t know what kind of expression they have

After leaving the superstar temple, Yang Tian returned to the family fortress and met his parents.

Then he went to the Death Star domain and met his grandfather Qin Zhengyang.

The Yanlong nationality established by Qin Zhengyang still lives hard. But when we get together, it\'s much better than the days of wandering before.

It is worth mentioning that there is a rich star crystal mine under the red flame star, which was first discovered by the Yanlong family composed of earth practitioners.

This star crystal mine was discovered when Yang tianchu came to dig a goblin.

At that time, Yang Tian also regarded it as a retreat. Unexpectedly, he didn\'t need the star crystal mine at all.

When the secret could not be kept, a large number of foreign practitioners smelled the smell and began to appear on the red flame star, Yang Tian came.

Yang Tian was already ready when he came to the Death Star domain.

He brought the first batch of transport arrays produced by the secret base.

The reason why the Death Star domain is the Death Star domain is that the resources here are poor. In the words of human beings on earth, it is a place where birds don\'t shit.

Moreover, the superstar temple has issued a no fly order to this star region and does not allow the spacecraft to come. As a result, the star region was isolated.

In this environment, it is difficult for people who come from exile to the Death Star domain to get out of the Death Star domain.

Now, the superstar temple has issued an order to cancel the no fly order, and a large number of wandering practitioners have come here.

Even the lowest level wandering practitioners can be the boss after they come here.

Fortunately, Professor Shenwu, Professor Fu Wei and Qu yangu Ying came here and temporarily protected old Qin and them.

But their strength is limited after all, and they can\'t protect all Yanlong people. Almost every day, the warriors who came here from the earth were killed.

It was under such circumstances that Yang Tian arrived here. The angry little green dragon turned most of the wandering practitioners into ashes

After a brief gathering with old Qin and those who came to the Death Star region, Yang Tian threw these things to Juliang city.

There is nothing to miss in the Death Star region. Under the auspices of Juliang City, old Qin will move to the family fortress.

Next, Yang Tian went to the North Yanxing domain, secretly looked at his son and met Yuyang Nansi.

After finishing all the things in one breath, Yang Tian finally drove the first tested and qualified weikong ship into the space channel leading to another world.

The space channel is not as dark as Yang Tian imagined, but is full of countless colored light spots, which look like stars in the distance.

With the navigation of the large ship, these light spots surrounded the weikong ship, forming strange cyclones and wonders.

”How beautiful! "

When Yang Tian was immersed in the beautiful scenery, suddenly, a little girl\'s voice sounded behind him.

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong were surprised.

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong are very familiar with this sound.


The undead girl!

Yang tianmeng turned around and what appeared in his eyes was youyinxi.