Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 620

It\'s too much to get the benefit of others and kill them again.

Yang Tian is certainly not such a person.

It\'s no use leaving this giant insect around. It\'s a big trouble for mankind to take it to the outside world.

So after thinking about it, Yang Tian finally decided to let the giant bug go. Let it live in this star field.

According to this guy\'s temperament, he shouldn\'t provoke humans.

Yang Tian is the first time to see such a strange insect. The thief is very good

Xiaoqinglong conveyed Yang Tian\'s meaning to the giant insect. The giant insect made several "silky" calls to show that he understood.

Then, the storage bag under the abdomen of the giant insect sucked, took back the things left by Yang Tian, and then flapped its wings. The surrounding space fluctuated and a space entrance appeared.

The giant insect fled into the space channel for fear that Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong would repent.

Next, Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong searched the other eight planets, but they found nothing.

When he came to the Dragon Star region this time, little Qinglong didn\'t find his parents, but at least he knew where his parents were, and he had one more child.

Yang Tian\'s harvest was huge. He got hundreds of dragon balls and a strange scroll.

Although the energy contained in these dragon beads has dissipated a lot, it is no problem to make a big star master level animal core.

"Ji ~"

When Yang Tian released the black dragon spacecraft from the storage bracelet and was ready to leave, a bird chirped in the distance.

The masked man in black leaped over on the green bird.

The appearance of the masked man in black was really strange. Just like last time, he couldn\'t defeat Qin Fei. He turned around and left, leaving everyone confused.

The man in black came to Yang Tian and asked with a smile, "have you got something?"

Stuff? What\'s that?

Yang Tian was stunned.

But soon, he reacted.

What the man in Black said was not the Dragon beads, but the strange scroll.

Yang Tian smiled and nodded.

Black masked humanitarian: "it\'s your blessing to get this thing. If you don\'t get it, I won\'t be here now."

After the man in Black said that, Yang Tian took the scroll out of the storage bracelet and asked, "is it war skills and practice skills recorded on it?"

The masked man in black smiled, "you know why. When you get there, you will understand."

"Well... Elder, you came here to tell me this?" Yang Tian asked with a smile after collecting the scroll.

Masked in Black: "I came here to remind you that the way of practice in the world over there is completely different from that in the universe. In this universe, only a little understanding ability and enough energy can continuously improve the realm.

In the world over there, although the energy to improve the realm is equally important, the ability to understand is the most important.

You may not know that there are many strong people who go out from here. They are called genius people in this cosmic world, but when they arrive in that world, they turn to the most mediocre kind of people.

I watched you grow up. Although I helped you little, I didn\'t want you to be that kind of person. I told you that after you get there, you can at least be mentally prepared and be prepared for long-term hardship... "

The man in Black said, and Yang Tian nodded seriously.

"Well, that\'s it!"

When the man in Black said that, the green bird at his feet gave a cry. After greeting the little green dragon, he turned his head and flew away with the man in black.

Yang tianben wanted to ask what the name of the man in black was. Finally, he refrained from asking. He knows that he will know at a certain time.

The strange program has already calculated the entrance and exit. Yang Tian entered the movement law of the coordinate entrance and exit into the database of the black dragon spacecraft.

According to the route, the black dragon spacecraft successfully flew out of the Dragon Star domain.

After leaving the Dragon Star region, Yang Tian took Dingdang out of the storage bracelet.

According to the route of the coming time, he flew for several days. After Ding Dang connected to the cosmic network, he reported the current time.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, it has only been a few days since he came to the Dragon Star domain.

In other words, a period of time in the Dragon Star domain is only a short moment for the outside world.

Yang Tian had to sigh that the power of time is really a kind of magical energy. It would be good if he could have this power himself.

That... Must be very interesting.

For example, create a small world, put some creatures in it and see how they evolve... Yang Tian was surprised to think of this and thought that this cosmic world would not be the same?

Because the route when he came has gone through once. The journey back has lost more than half of the time. In about ten days, Yang Tian returned to the superstar temple.

Yang Tian is now a great sacrifice in the superstar temple, and he is still a high-ranking sacrifice. He can go in and out of the superstar temple at will.

At the newly repaired superstar temple, Yang Tianjing went to the goddess temple.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s arrival, Xu Fangrong was very happy and sent away the white robed maidens.

Larry, the maid in white, looked at Yang Tian with strange eyes. She didn\'t understand why the two gods loved Yang Tian very much.

Seeing the goddess\'s happy appearance, Larry turned around and his face darkened.

A man once promised her to take her away from the temple, but after so long, there was no news

Seeing Xu Fangrong\'s happy appearance, Yang Tian smiled and touched Xu Fangrong\'s head.

Xu Fangrong also likes Yang Tian\'s doting on her very much, although she knows that Yang Tian mostly treats her as his sister.

"What is this?" when Xu Fangrong saw that Yang tianhuai was wrapped in clothes and showed a small half of the dragon\'s eggs, he couldn\'t help opening his eyes and asked curiously.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "this is a dragon egg. It is the child of little green dragon. You should take good care of it in the future."

Yang Tian finished, and Xiaoqinglong stared at Xu Fangrong.

Xu Fangrong was stunned at first, then nodded, carefully held the dragon egg from Yang Tian\'s hand, and put it in front of his eyes.

"How can we hatch it?" Xu Fangrong asked with a smile after observing the dragon egg.

On the way back, Xiaoqinglong has told Yang Tian many times. At this time, when Xu Fangrong asked, Yang Tian answered casually, "if you put it in a warm place, you\'d better let it rain once a year. Because when it thunders, there will be lightning in the rain. But be careful not to let the thunder hit directly. There\'s more sunshine..."

Yang Tian said, "do you remember all these?"

Xu Fangrong nodded, "I remember. Don\'t worry! I will take good care of it."

Yang Tian saw the distrust in Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes and asked Xu Fangrong to take notes again.

Little Qinglong was relieved.

After explaining the dragon\'s egg, little green dragon held the dragon\'s egg and rubbed it with his face. He was very reluctant to give up.

If he didn\'t want to follow Yang Tian and look for his parents, he would certainly stay. No parents are willing to leave their children.

At this time, Xiaoqinglong also understood that his parents must have had to leave it.

A trace of resentment against his parents, which existed at the bottom of Xiaoqinglong\'s heart, also dissipated.

After Xiaoqinglong returned to Yang Tian\'s shoulder, Yang Tian turned around and was about to leave.

This time, I will go out for a long time, or I will never go back to the superstar temple.

"Wait a minute!" when Yang Tiangang came to the door of the goddess palace, Xu Fangrong shouted.

Yang Tian couldn\'t help stopping, turned around and saw Xu Fangrong smiling and saying, "I\'ll always wait for you."

When saying this, Xu Fangrong\'s eyes were full of firmness.

Yang Tian resolutely turned around and walked out of the gate of the goddess palace. As he walked, he said, "if I can come back alive..."

Hearing Yang Tian\'s promise, Xu Fangrong burst into tears. Yang Tian\'s figure became more and more blurred in her eyes.