Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 613

Yang Tian threw it very accurately, and the little green dragon fell a few meters away in front of the beautiful dragon girl.

Seeing the little green dragon in front of her, the beautiful dragon girl frowned again, but stopped.

When Xiaoqinglong got up, he felt that he was too small. He immediately changed into a dragon more than ten meters long. He looked at the beautiful dragon woman with a smile.

In fact, when looking for a spouse, the dragon people feel the breath of each other, not their appearance.

For Xiaoqinglong, the beautiful dragon girl makes Xiaoqinglong feel very comfortable both in appearance and in the breath.

The beautiful dragon girl looked at the little green dragon and smiled.

Seeing the smile on the Dragon Girl\'s face, little Qinglong couldn\'t help but stay stunned. It didn\'t react until the other party passed by and left.

On the top of the palace, seeing this situation, Yang Tian reluctantly shook his head.

Little Qinglong is usually very clever. Unexpectedly, he has become stupid when he meets this kind of thing.

What Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong don\'t know is that not far away, Long Hao sees what just happened.

Everything is developing according to his plan.

After Xiaoqinglong returned to the palace, he became a little depressed. Maybe he was worried about his performance just now! It feels worse than Yang Tian\'s previous performance

Seeing Xiaoqinglong\'s unhappy appearance, Yang Tian told Xiaoqinglong that he would help Xiaoqinglong ask Longhao who the beautiful dragon girl is and what kind of dragon she is tomorrow.

If the other party doesn\'t have a spouse, please ask Long Hao to help and see if you can match Xiaoqinglong with the Dragon woman.

When Yang Tian said this, Xiao Qinglong was happy.


The planet is very big. It is several times longer than the earth during the day and night.

Yang Tian had a full sleep, while Xiao Qinglong didn\'t sleep all night with expectation.

It was just daybreak. Yesterday, Qingyin and 17 other maids entered the hall.

Qingyin tells Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong that elder Haotian invites them to a banquet.

Long Hao told Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong about this yesterday.

The ladies also brought two gorgeous golden robes, one for Xiaoqinglong and the other for Yang Tian.

It\'s estimated that long Hao didn\'t expect that little Qinglong didn\'t know how to turn into a human now.

Yang Tian put on his golden robe and took a look in front of the mirror. He was not very handsome, but his temperament was set off a lot more noble.

Of course, this is just Yang Tian\'s feeling.

Little Qinglong still stayed on Yang Tian\'s shoulder. Under the guidance of the maids, Yang Tian sat in a cart pulled by lions and animals and walked through the wide streets.

This planet is very large, but the number of dragons living on this planet accounts for a small proportion.

The largest number is the ORC.

The number of the golden dragon family is the least among the Dragon families in the whole Dragon Star domain. However, they are powerful and occupy a dominant position.

Watched by countless orcs in the city, the car went to the gate of a huge palace.

Long ago, there were two rows of dragon soldiers dressed in gorgeous gold armor, with solemn expressions.

After getting out of the car, under the guidance of a ritual officer, Yang Tian took Xiaoqinglong into the gate of the palace, and then entered a magnificent hall with golden walls through a long wide road.

The whole hall is tens of thousands of square meters, with rows of long tables. In front of each table, there are noble dragon families.

From the color of their robes, we can see which race he belongs to. Black Dragons wear black robes, white dragons wear white robes

Each branch of the Dragon nationality has a look of twenty or thirty.

These people are elders of all ethnic groups, nine dragon families, nearly 300 people.

There are more beautiful Orc maids who shuttle through the hall with all kinds of fruits, cakes and drinks.

Originally, the hall was very lively. When Yang Tian came in, he was silent and the music stopped.

Long Hao is the master of the palace. As soon as Yang Tian came in, he warmly welcomed him and took Yang Tian to the left of the throne.

Next, Haotian loudly introduced Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong to the elders of all ethnic groups present.

When Haotian finished, Yang Tian stood up and said with a smile, "thank elder Haotian for his warm hospitality, and thank you for coming."

After a brief remark, Yang Tian sat down.

In fact, there was nothing to say. As soon as Yang Tian came in, he saw that the faces of these dragon elders were not very good.

After Yang Tian sat down, the music rang again, and dozens of beautiful women in red gauze skirts walked lightly and danced with the music.

Yang Tian felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. Naturally, he was not in the mood to enjoy the song and dance. From time to time, he looked up at the Dragon elders on both sides.

Except for a few of the Dragon elders who smiled and whispered, most of the Dragon elders looked absent-minded.

Xiaoqinglong had already jumped onto the table in front of Yang Tian, like a little squirrel, holding an unknown fruit and eating it.

There was wine in the dragon family. As soon as Yang Tian sat down, he smelled a smell of wine.

This is not the wine produced outside, but the real dragon export. It seems to be brewed from fruit West, with a strong fruit flavor.

Yang Tian picked up the trumpet shaped crystal glass and drank a light yellow wine.

It tastes good. It\'s a good wine that has been hoarded for many years.

Little Qinglong didn\'t know what politeness was. He put his head into the cup prepared for him, drank the wine dry, threw away the core he was holding, picked up a fruit bigger than jujube and ate it.

A maid standing aside immediately filled Xiaoqinglong\'s glass with wine.

Although Long Hao pretended to enjoy the dance, in fact, he glanced at Yang Tian from time to time.

Moreover, his eyes always fell on Xiaoqinglong.

Dragon\'s wine is different. It\'s not only good to drink, but also very strong.

Soon, the elders in the temple drank dizzy.

When they are half drunk, they are released. Some of the elders of the Dragon do not care about their own image, and pull the beautiful maid beside them to laugh in their arms.

The voice in the hall also increased, \'buzzing, buzzing\', just like a bee.

The image of these dragon elders in Yang Tianyan fell thousands of feet.

Perhaps, for the dragon people here, this is the case!

In this closed star region, the dragon family has no enemies and can enjoy themselves wantonly. From the perspective of human beings on earth, life seems extremely decadent.

Halfway through the banquet, suddenly, a beautiful woman came in surrounded by a group of waitresses.

As soon as she appeared, the hall became quiet.

Then the beautiful woman squatted down, and her maids arranged a strange musical instrument for her.

This instrument is very similar to the zither. It has 99 strings, 10 meters long, and is composed of three parts. The beautiful piano sound rises between the beautiful woman\'s flexible fingers.

When he saw the young woman\'s face, Yang Tian was stunned, while Xiao Qinglong, holding a fruit, was dull.

Isn\'t this young woman the beautiful dragon girl Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong met last night?

After Yang Tian reacted, he got up and went to Long Hao. He squatted beside Long Hao and asked curiously, "elder Long Hao, who is she?"

Long Hao said with a smile, "she is the most beautiful... Woman of my golden dragon family. Her name is Yu Jiu."

Long Hao said with a smile, "Yang Tian, do you like her?"

Yang Tian smiled, shook his head, pointed to the little green dragon like wood, and said with a smile, "it\'s Bruce Lee who likes her."

Long Hao said with a smile, "if Bruce Lee can conquer her, I have no problem."

Yu Jiu stood up after playing the instrument.

When she was about to leave, the little green dragon suddenly jumped up, turned into a giant dragon in the air and rushed towards Yu Jiu.

Yu Jiu couldn\'t react. After Xiaoqinglong caught her, he flew outside the hall.

Xiaoqinglong rushed out quickly without saying hello to Yang Tian in advance.

When Yang Tian and the Dragon elders rushed out of the hall, they saw two golden dragons flying in the air thousands of meters high.

Yu Jiu has changed back into a dragon, as big as the Golden Dragon transformed by little green dragon.

The two dragons fought in the thin clouds. Soon after, the Golden Dragon turned into Yu Jiuhua began to escape and roared with dissatisfaction.

But Xiaoqinglong chased her

In this way, they have been chasing in the sky, minute by minute, until the stars fall to the horizon.

Finally, Xiaoqinglong and Yujiu got entangled together.

In the sky, suddenly there were thick clouds, and soon it rained heavily.

In this process, Yang Tian felt the strong breath of life coming down from the sky.

"What are they doing?" Yang Tian finally couldn\'t help asking Long Hao standing beside him.

Long Hao said with a smile, "they are... Making dragons."

Yang Tian was stunned and immediately reacted. He couldn\'t help opening his eyes.

Is this developing too fast?

Why is Bruce Lee so brave? Last night, it was very dull!

Yang Tian now knows why the ancients used "cloud and rain" to describe the affairs of men and women.

Although the dragon clan is different from human beings and works very directly, Yang Tian always felt something wrong when he thought calmly.

What is the problem

Yang Tian frowned and looked at the little green dragon and Yu Jiu looming in the sky, but he was constantly thinking in his mind.

Dragons are different from people.

They are very powerful and have done that for a very long time. The stars fall below the horizon, night comes, and then the stars rise again.

When the clouds began to thin and the rain stopped, Yang Tiancai saw that Xiaoqinglong and Yujiu had separated.

Yu Jiu gave a deep howl in the sky, plunged into a distant attic and disappeared.

The little green dragon, turned into a mini dragon, fell on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

The little green dragon looked very depressed after he came back.

Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing when he saw Xiaoqinglong\'s appearance and said, "Xiaolong, although it\'s cool, you should also control it!"

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, Xiao Qinglong fell down, closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.