Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 601

Judging from the breath, the little green dragon\'s realm is not as good as that beast. However, the little green dragon is incomparably fierce. A series of attacks stunned the beast.

"Boom ~"

After biting the beast\'s head and winding the other side with his body, the little green dragon\'s mouth spewed out a golden dragon flame, which instantly burned the beast\'s head to ashes.

At the same time, the beast also lost its breath of life.

This powerful beast from another world was killed by little green dragon! Is that too easy?

In the surprised eyes of the people, Xiaoqinglong let go of the headless beast corpse.

Yang Tian suddenly felt something wrong!

He was just about to remind Xiaoqinglong that the corpse of the "dead" beast suddenly moved. At the same time, the breath of life appeared in its body again.

The headless beast is resurrected again!

Well, it should have been pretending to be dead before.

The "resurrected" beast grew a new head in an instant and still had the strength to surpass the realm of the great star God.

Seeing the beast killed by himself alive, the little green dragon was angry, roared and rushed up again.

Having known the power of Xiaoqinglong, the guy saw Xiaoqinglong coming and made a \'buzzing\' sound.

With this sound, the space around it suddenly twisted.

You don\'t have to guess. This guy can\'t fight and wants to run away.

"Peng ~"

The little green dragon won\'t let it go. Before it escaped, a dragon tail patted it and made a loud noise.

With this blow, the little green dragon used all his strength to directly beat the body of the beast and roll rapidly in space.

The little green dragon seized the opportunity and rushed forward. He opened his mouth and spewed out a golden dragon flame, enveloping the beast again.

Little Qinglong regretted it at this time.

After burning this guy\'s head just now, he shouldn\'t let go. Because he knows that Yang Tian must want to study the corpse of this beast.

"Boom ~"

Not only the Dragon flame, the little green dragon also sent out a strong golden current and split on the beast.

The Dragon flame emitted by the little green dragon has not changed much, but the current split has been upgraded.

Dragon flame plus current, this taste... Yang Tian feels terrible when he thinks of it.

"Ho ho... Peng!"

A loud explosion sounded, and the body of the beast exploded and turned into pieces under this attack.

In the process, the surrounding space is distorted again, making the light blurred.

Yang Tian\'s realm at this time surpassed the big star God and was higher than that of Xiao Qinglong.

At the moment of the beast\'s body explosion, he saw a white light flying out.

Yang Tian poked out a dragon beard on his lips, pierced the messy space, rolled the white light and pulled it back.

This time, the beast finally died.

The white light pulled back by Yang Tian is actually a crystal emitting silver light. It is irregular in shape and is only as big as the palm of a human hand.

However, this small crystal emits strong energy fluctuations.

This energy makes the space near the crystal a little unstable.

Observing this crystal, Yang Tian had some memories in his mind, which also came from he Luoyang Li.

After Yang Tian swallowed the cell body again, the blurred memory in his mind reappeared.

This silvery white crystal, in another world, is called "Life Crystal". This kind of energy body is not only found in animals, but also in practitioners.

This is similar to the inner alchemy of the beast.

The difference is that this life crystal cannot be separated from the body. Once it leaves the body, the living body that produced it will die.

This is why it is called "Life Crystal".

The strange animals in this world, like the little green dragon, can leave the body for a short time.

Life crystals are rich in powerful energy. The same kind can\'t swallow the life crystals of the same kind. After swallowing the life crystals of different kinds, you can enhance the energy in the body... It\'s the same as the spiritual practitioner swallowing the animal core.

Yang Tian didn\'t notice at this time. Not far away, when the great sacrifice of Kaya saw Yang Tian\'s life crystal wrapped in a dragon beard, an excited look appeared in his eyes.

Finally kill the insect eater and the strange beast from the other world!

Now, it\'s time to solve the strong men of the big family. After killing them, the universe can be peaceful.

Yang glanced around.

He is now beyond the realm of the great star God, and can see far away. The vast space around him, everything, can be seen by him.

This is a divine vision.

Whether it is the practitioners who appear directly around here or the top strong who hide in the distant space and do not appear here, they all appear in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

No matter who it was, Yang Tian sent out a powerful spiritual force, and countless invisible golden dragons rushed out of his original world and swept away.

When these strong people haven\'t reacted, Yang Tian rolled them over.

In addition to immortality temple and superstar temple, there are hundreds of strong people above the realm of family big star Lord.

If they unite, the power they form is even stronger than the previous superstar temple. Now the strength of the superstar temple is greatly reduced, not to mention.

Among these hundreds, there were 321 in the realm of the great star Lord and 57 in the realm of the great star God.

Of course, there were also some practitioners who had escaped before and belonged to the two temples. Others were originally members of large families, only serving in two temples.

These people join the temple, of course, in the interests of the family, and will not work hard for the survival of the temple.

These people were all shocked when Yang tianjuan came.

With Yang Tian\'s current strength, you can easily kill them. Even if Yang Tian doesn\'t do it, Xiao Qinglong can easily kill them.

Now, these people\'s lives are in their own hands. Looking at the frightened look in these people\'s eyes, Yang Tian\'s eyes flashed a cold light.


Aware of Yang Tian\'s killing intention, an old man trapped by Yang tianjuan suddenly shouted.

The one who makes a sound is Zhishu invincible.

Yang Tian met the old man during the last gambling war in jiuman star region.

Yang Tian doesn\'t like the old man very much.

Seeing the indifference in Yang Tian\'s eyes, Zhishu Wudi hurriedly said, "we are willing to respect you!"

Then Zhishu invincible crawled down towards Yang Tian in the void.

This is a great etiquette in the universe, which means incomparable respect and submission. Like human kneeling on earth.

Zhishu invincible crawled down. After others were stunned, they also crawled down to Yang Tian.

The people of these families always put interests first and can bend and stretch. They know that if Yang Tian kills them here, not only they will die, but also their families will be destroyed.