Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 600

"Goo Goo..."

Sometimes bad things come one after another.

Not long after he had just blasted back the beasts of another world, Yang Tian looked at the passage in front of him and tried to find a way. When the great priests sat in the void to recover their strength, a burst of "Goo Goo" came.

The insect eater, who was wounded by the great sacrifice of the empty God and entered a short sleep, suddenly woke up and made strange noises.

In addition to this powerful beast, the great sacrifices in the superstar temple are also facing another threat, that is, those big families.

These families have survived for a long time under the suppression of the superstar temple, and have long been dissatisfied with the superstar temple.

At this time, isn\'t it an opportunity to erase the superstar temple from the universe?

When the insect eater woke up, more than ten powerful breath appeared not far away.

"Yang Tian, it\'s none of your business now. Leave here first!"

After the great sacrifice of Taiyu noticed the current situation, he opened his eyes and said faintly.

Yang Tian shook his head. "If I go, the superstar temple will be really destroyed. Without the superstar temple, the universe will become chaotic."

The chaotic universe is what big families and forces want to see most.

There are countless families in the universe, but only dozens of famous families, because they have been inherited for a long time, and the family has a complete strong training system.

Usually, these people are very low-key, but when it\'s time to do it, they will find that there are top experts hidden in these families.

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, the great sacrifice of Taiyu was surprised. Because no matter how you look at it, Yang Tian is not a "loyal member" of the superstar temple.

It will take them at least a few years to recover to their previous strength, and they can do it without being disturbed and with a lot of energy.

The great sacrificial priests naturally do not lack animal cores. If Yang Tian had not emptied the Jianshi palace, they would not lack them.

Perhaps at this time, these great sacrifices do not know what happened in Jianshi palace.

It is estimated that even if you find it, you will think it was done by those people in Xichen youyou.

In fact, after breaking into the superstar temple, a group of people in the eternal life temple also entered the Jianshi palace, but found that the Jianshi palace was empty

They\'ve settled the black pot for Yang Tian.

The crisis facing the superstar temple is also the best opportunity for Yang Tian to "show his muscles".

He wants people in the whole universe to see his strength and pave the way for the rise of human beings on earth.

"Have a good rest! I\'ll kill them!"

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, the great sacrifice of Kaya took out a tube of red liquid and threw it to Yang Tian, saying, "these are protocells, which can promote you to the realm of the great star God."

As soon as Yang Tian waved, he sent the tube of red liquid to the distant space channel and said with a smile: "No."

Yang Tian has his own way.

If he had known this would happen, Yang Tian might have swallowed the rest of the changed cell bodies before entering the superstar temple. In a short period of time, it will enhance its strength to surpass the great star God.

In that case, he will have the strength to stop Xi Chen youyou. But all this seems doomed

Yang Tian took off his blue armor and released all the remaining red cell bodies from the storage bracelet.

Yang Tian took a risk when he swallowed these powerful cell bodies. Fortunately, this cell body has no side effects for him.

In the eyes of the great priests, Yang Tian broke his thin clothes and turned into a blue dragon at a very fast speed.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Yang Tian sucked all the red cell bodies into his mouth.

In just a few minutes, Yang Tian\'s energy fluctuation was promoted from the realm of the great star Lord to the realm of the great star God, and then beyond the realm of the great star God.

The experts of the surrounding big families were surprised to see this situation and congratulated themselves that they had not started yet.

With enough energy, Yang Tian can make his body bigger. It grew to be 100 meters long before it stopped.

At this time, the insect not far away was swallowing the bodies of those practitioners around.

Even if they die, these corpses also contain powerful energy. After insect phagocytosis digestion, they can become more powerful.

Seeing Yang Tian incarnate as a dragon, the great priests were all surprised. Even if you ascend to the realm of the great star God, a human can\'t change into an alien, right?

Unless Yang Tian\'s body cells are half human and half beast... That\'s not transforming people.

In the surprised look of everyone, Yang Tian rushed to the huge insect eater.

Although the insect eater has a huge body, its action in the universe is also extremely flexible. When he noticed that Yang Tian rushed to it, he quickly turned his head and opened his big mouth.

This huge mouth is bigger than that space passage.

Close, Yang Tian can still see that in the huge mouth, there are spiral teeth moving regularly in rows, just like a crushing machine.

Facing this huge mouth, Yang Tian didn\'t stop at all. He rushed straight, fast, like a light beam. The meat whiskers rolled towards Yang Tian fell empty.

"Poof ~"

Yang Tian rushed into the insect eater\'s mouth. As soon as the insect eater shut up, his teeth contacted Yang Tian\'s body protection energy and made a dull sound.

After the sound, there was silence and there was no movement for several minutes. It seems that Yang Tian was digested by insects.

When the Taiyu grand sacrifice became more and more worried, suddenly there was a loud noise. The insect eater\'s head broke a big hole, and Yang Tian\'s huge dragon body rushed out of it.

Compared with the big hole hit by the previous space sacrifice, this broken hole is closer to the left. This place is the weakness of insect eating.

After Yang Tian rushed out of the insect eater\'s body, the life breath of the insect eater also disappeared in an instant.

With a flash of dragon shadow, Yang Tian appeared in front of little Qinglong.

At this time, Xiaoqinglong also became a giant dragon.

When he came out of the insect eater, Yang Tian held a ball with a diameter of several meters and a color halo on the surface.

This is the internal alchemy of insect eating, the internal alchemy of big star God and strange beast!

After coming to Xiaoqinglong, Yang Tian spit out the inner pill and handed it to Xiaoqinglong.

Xiaoqinglong understood Yang Tian\'s meaning. Of course, he would not be polite to Yang Tian. He put the inner pill into his mouth with one mouth, stretched his neck and swallowed it into his stomach.

Seeing such a situation, Hong Yujiu, Taiyu grand sacrifice and others finally understand why Yang Tian has such a change. Obviously, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong are not the kind of relationship they see

After swallowing the insect eating inner pill, the little green dragon suddenly burst out a powerful energy fluctuation, and it began to advance.

Before, Xiaoqinglong absorbed the sealed energy of the energy transmission array and almost promoted to the realm of the big star God. Now with the energy of this inner pill, it is natural.

Soon, the color of the little green dragon finally changed. Its scales and armor turned into a golden color, making it look more dignified and noble.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian, who was guarding one side, was full of excitement in his eyes and a sense of achievement in his heart.

The little green dragon who has been promoted to the realm of big star God should have much stronger combat power than the practitioners in the realm of human big star God!

Soon, little green dragon proved its strength.

In about half an hour, Xiaoqinglong finished the promotion and was promoted from a Qinglong to a golden dragon.

The reason why it is so fast is that Xiaoqinglong is already ready for promotion. He is so close.

Among the dragons, the golden dragon should have the highest status.

"Buzz ~"

Suddenly, another dull voice sounded.

The beast that had been sent back by the great priests appeared again.

This guy came to this world to set off the powerful of little green dragon.

As soon as it came out of the space entrance, it looked at the world curiously again. The little green dragon fell from the sky and patted its head with a claw.

Although this claw didn\'t kill the giant beast, it hurt it badly. Its body was still rolling in the space. The little green dragon opened his mouth and bit out its head. The long dragon body wrapped it all at once.