Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 593

Now the inside of the shell of the superstar temple is actually a large display, which really shows the outside situation.

The original temple has been arranged into several layers.

The star viewing platform, goddess palace, Jianshi palace and other important palaces are on the first floor.

At this time, the observatory was full of people, all looking at the outer universe.

Outside, there is a duel between practitioners of the superstar realm. The battle is extremely fierce. A large number of people die every second.

Yang Tian took a look and shook his head slightly. I don\'t know how many practitioners who want to participate in this battle will survive in the end.

Yang Tian was very glad to leave the superstar temple at this time, otherwise he might have his share in the battle now.

Yang Tian wore blue armor and a helmet on his head. Little green dragon lay motionless on his shoulder and didn\'t let people pay attention to him deliberately.

From the entrance to the first floor, there was a downward stone step. Yang Tian glanced at the battle outside and the situation on the stargazing platform. While no one noticed him, he dodged into the woods next to a temple.

Yang Tian didn\'t see Qin Fei on the stargazing platform. When he came to the edge of the forest, he nodded to Xiaoqinglong.

Xiaoqinglong understood Yang Tian\'s meaning and turned into a green shadow and went to the goddess palace.

There is a war outside. Most practitioners below the superstar realm have left the superstar temple, so there are not many people in the temple at this time. Unlike before, there are Temple guards and patrols.

Yang Tian looked at the battle outside. After waiting for a few minutes, Xiao Qinglong came back. He shook his head to Yang Tian, indicating that Qin Fei was not in the goddess palace.

Yang Tian took a look at the star viewing platform before. Although there were many people on the platform, there was no shadow of Qin Fei.

Where\'s the bottom?

Yang Tian frowned, and a bad feeling appeared in his heart.

The temple is very big. It\'s not easy to find a person. Moreover, the terrain has changed. Yang Tian can\'t find Qin Fei in a short time.

Yang Tian\'s plan is to take Qin Fei away after the defeat of the superstar temple.

There is no superstar Temple behind. Qin Fei will not be restrained. In that way, he can live a normal life with Qin Fei.

Yang Tian has experienced many things up to now. Naturally, he understands that there is a more strange and huge world outside the universe.

But at this time, Yang Tian, unlike those top practitioners, was eager to leave the universe.

Because he is still very young and has plenty of time, and Yang Tian can guarantee that he will practice to the realm of big star God. Just like when he was on earth, he was confident to become a level 9 warrior.

At the same time, there are many things waiting for Yang Tian to do in this universe.

Qin Fei didn\'t know where it was. Yang Tian didn\'t worry, because it was useless to worry. The battle outside could not end in a short time.

Next, Yang Tian can only separate from Xiao Qinglong and look for it next to him in the temple.

Soon, Yang Tian came to the periphery of Jianshi palace.

Although the overall shape of the temple has changed, the Jianshi palace will still have a rune array to protect the temple.

It\'s much easier to enter Jianshi Palace this time than before.

With the help of strange program, Yang Tian soon entered Jianshi palace.

This time, in addition to taking Qin Fei away, Yang Tian\'s other purpose is to steal these treasures from Jianshi palace.

Yang Tian was not as careful as before. He chose a storage room at will. After breaking the rune array on the door, he immediately went in.

Seeing the stone box on the shelf, Yang Tian couldn\'t help getting excited.

With the help of the strange program, Yang Tian quickly broke the rune array on the stone box, opened several boxes and found that the contents were still there. Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing.

There is no time to open these stone boxes next to each other. As long as the things in the storage box are still there, Yang Tian directly put the storage box into the storage bracelet, leaving an empty shelf.

What makes Yang Tian wonder is that in this situation, why don\'t those great priests put these things away?

Yang Tian doesn\'t know why yet.

In fact, this is because the superstar temple is preparing a major event. They are confident to defeat the immortal temple. Even if the immortal Temple sends out a giant beast and has a mighty ship.

There was no one in the Jianshi palace. It had long been closed. Yang Tian seemed to have something unscrupulous. He could put the storage box in a storage room into the storage Bracelet in less than a minute

In less than an hour, Yang Tian put all the storage boxes in the Jianshi palace into the storage bracelet.

For this operation, Yang Tian specially prepared several empty storage bracelets.

Any fortress that is fortified again can be broken from the inside. In any case, the great priests of the superstar temple could not imagine that when they were in the middle of a fierce battle with the eternal life temple, the superstar temple had accumulated treasures for countless years and was emptied by Yang Tian in less than an hour.

Out of Jianshi palace, Xiaoqinglong returned. It told Yang Tian that at the bottom, many strong people gathered together.

Xiaoqinglong didn\'t observe the following situation in detail. He just noticed it and immediately came to tell Yang Tian.

Now I have the treasure of the superstar temple. The rest is to take Qin Fei away.

After changes, the building of the temple has been stacked into dozens of layers, and the next layer is a stone step in the middle.

Now there are no guards patrolling the temple, and most people don\'t know each other. Yang Tian walked down the stone steps towards the lower floors.

During the walk, many practitioners in black armor passed Yang Tian, perhaps because they were concerned about the battle outside, and no one paid special attention to Yang Tian.

Soon, Yang Tian came to the bottom.

When walking on the stone steps, Yang Tian was acutely aware that there were hundreds of powerful smells below.

These strong men must be the great sacrifices of the superstar temple.

What makes Yang Tian feel strange is that the smell of these great sacrifices is sometimes absent.

After going down to the bottom floor, a building that made Yang Tian feel strange appeared in his eyes.

This is a building with the main body of bluestone, about 20 meters high and shaped like a lotus.

Waves of energy radiated from inside.

Obviously, this is a building previously hidden inside the temple.

What\'s this for?

Yang Tian opened his eyes and looked puzzled when he saw the familiar building.

To be sure, this is not for living.

The breath of the strong comes from the inside.

Yang Tian is sure that Qin Fei is also inside.

"Yang Tian, you\'re back."

Yang Tianzheng wanted to get close to this strange building. He even went inside to have a look. He heard a familiar voice nearby.

Taiyu grand sacrifice!

After hearing the sound, Yang Tian was stunned and turned his head. What appeared in his eyes was indeed a great sacrifice to Taiyu.

Taiyu great sacrifice walked towards Yang Tian with a smile on his face.

Yang Tian took off his helmet and smiled at Taiyu grand sacrifice. "Grand sacrifice, I, I\'ll come back and have a look."

Taiyu priest walked up to Yang Tian and said with a smile, "I know that the external defense Rune array can\'t stop you."

"Great sacrifice, how do you know it\'s me?" Yang Tian asked casually after Taiyu\'s great sacrifice finished. Just now, he was wearing a helmet.

Taiyu great sacrifice looked at the little green dragon on Yang Tian\'s shoulder and said, "this star beast, plus your armor."

With that, Taiyu sacrificial immediately said, "come with me!"

With that, the great sacrifice Taiyu turned and walked towards the entrance of the strange building in front of him.

Yang Tian felt that something was wrong, but he honestly followed behind the great sacrifice of Taiyu and walked into the square stone gate.

After entering the door, there is a winding stone path.

The stone path is five meters long and wide. Every 50 meters, there is a practitioner of the superstar realm standing guard, with strict and secret defense.

It is almost impossible to get into it easily if there is no Taiyu sacrifice to guide the way.