Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 592

"Can you find someone else to replace..." Qin Fei said with her teeth clenched under the eyes of the great priests.

At this time, Qin Fei\'s eyes were full of tension, anger and helplessness.

She now understands that the goddess of the superstar temple is really not a decoration. She plays a key role in the survival of the superstar temple.

In the face of Qin Fei\'s "gentle refusal", Hong Yujiu said, "goddess, this is your destiny. In this era, no one can replace you."

Although it sounds good, these great sacrifices also seem extremely respectful, Qin Fei understands that she is still a tool used by these great sacrifices.

As soon as Hong Yujiu\'s voice fell, the light shining on the superstar Temple suddenly dimmed.

Because the insect eater with the immortal temple has appeared, covering part of the star light shining on the superstar temple.

Black Fujun fed the insect eater into golden yellow, making the insect eater reach the peak of the big star Lord.

The insect eater in this realm is already comparable to a planet. If it wants, it can swallow a planet larger than it like a snake.

At a distance of about 10000 kilometers from the superstar temple, the insect eater stopped.


The whole superstar Temple sounded a long alarm.

This is one of the few times since the establishment of the superstar temple. But this time, for the superstar temple, it is the most critical one.


When the alarm sounded, the whole superstar Temple trembled.

At this time, if you are outside the superstar temple, you can see that the whole superstar Temple begins to deform at a very fast speed.

In fact, this huge superstar temple is a large spaceship, just like the family fortress.

The superstar temple was originally in the shape of a triangle. When it changes, a silver white triangle extends from its bottom.

At the same time, the palaces of the temple were separated to form blocks that can be moved locally. They moved regularly and decreased slowly at the same time

The silver white triangle extending from the bottom also separated to form a shell, which soon wrapped the superstar temple,

In less than ten minutes, the superstar Temple became a huge silver white spaceship in the shape of a flat triangle.

The original palace buildings were wrapped in silver white shells.

This is not an ordinary ship, because its silver shell is full of runes. These runes give it a strong defense.

When the deformation of the temple was completed, the hatch at the bottom opened, pouring out countless small spaceships and a large number of practitioners.

In this decisive battle, practitioners in the stellar realm are not qualified to participate, and have long been sent out by the great sacrifice of the sky god.

Many of these practitioners in the stellar realm have strong talents in one aspect. If the superstar Temple fails, their task is to rebuild the superstar temple in the future.

The small ships pouring out are not used for fighting. Their function is to lay a rune array. Runes exist on every ship.

Countless small spaceships soon flew to the designated position. The rune outside the spaceship suddenly lit up, forming a huge Rune energy layer to wrap the spaceship changed from the superstar temple.

This defense is not only one layer, but one layer covers another, just like there is another bubble in one bubble.

Such tight defense, even the strong ones in the realm of big star God, can\'t break it in a short time.

The strong in the realm of big star God can\'t, but the huge insect eater can.

On the high stargazing platform of the eternal life temple, goddess Xi Chen looked at the superstar temple with layers of defense and disdained.

It seems that the superstar temple is ready to defend itself. If the outer defense is broken, it may also start a huge transmission Rune array to make the whole temple leave here in an instant

All the possibilities were thought of by the goddess Xi Chen.

Her goal was to force the superstar temple into a desperate situation. Finally, she had to use the last move.

Goddess Xi Chen promised Yang Tian not to hurt Qin Fei.

But she can\'t control the goddess who hurt them in the superstar temple.

I don\'t know why, goddess Xi Chen thought of Yang Tian at this time.

In her plan, Yang Tian has completed his task. Even if Yang Tian becomes a strong man in the realm of big star God, it doesn\'t matter to her.

Goddess Xi Chen has been quietly watching the leisurely layout of the superstar temple, and her eyes are full of confidence.

This time, she will be able to achieve her goal!

The strong people who come out of the superstar temple are all above the superstar realm. There are hundreds of practitioners in the superstar realm, thousands in the superstar master realm, and tens of thousands in the superstar realm.

On the side of the temple of eternal life, there is no less, or even more.

It is precisely because of the existence of "protocells" that the two temples can create so many strong people.

At least 80% of these people have red hair.

Under the command of the great sacrifice of the sky god, tens of thousands of temple practitioners wearing black armor hovered in front of the bow of the spacecraft changed from the superstar temple.

On the side of the eternal life temple, the layout was completed at this time, and more practitioners wearing silver armor poured out.

Looking at so many fresh \'food\' ahead, the insect eater made a dull howl, which shocked the universe.

At this time, it had to control its extremely strong desire to devour. This roar sounded like a declaration of war, but it was actually a vent.

Before the roar of insect eaters fell, the goddess of Xi Chen standing on the stargazing platform waved forward and pointed to the superstar temple.

A practitioner on the side of the eternal life Temple began to rush towards the superstar temple at a very fast speed.

On the side of the superstar temple, the great sacrifice of the empty God also waved his hand.

In both sides, there is a "supervision team" composed of the strong in the realm of the great star God. In the process of fighting, once someone escapes, they will be killed by the "supervision team".

Therefore, tens of thousands of practitioners in the superstar realm who took the lead had to rush towards each other.

Although they understand that next, they will soon die.

From a distance, this scene is really spectacular.

Yang Tian, dressed in blue armor, arrived here at this time.

Yang Tian looked ahead and saw that tens of thousands of kilometers outside the battlefield were full of large and small spaceships.

Some of the strong above the superstar realm stood directly on the top of the spacecraft and watched with special telescopes.

Yang Tian also found a spaceship with a media logo. You don\'t have to guess. This battle must be broadcast live on the Internet.

There are many spaceships and many practitioners watching the war, forming a circle with a diameter of 100000 kilometers.

It is estimated that all those who have the conditions have arrived at the scene.

Yang Tian just glanced at these people. With the help of the strange program, his hands flashed, a rune energy was sent out from his hands, and the space in front of him fluctuated.

Yang Tian suddenly disappeared in place.

Soon, Yang Tian appeared in the periphery of the giant spaceship changed from the superstar temple.

Yang Tian was delisted by the great sacrifice of the empty God, so even if he had a sign representing the identity of the God general, he could not directly enter the huge spaceship in front of him.

But with the help of strange programs, none of this is a problem.

After collecting enough Rune information, the cracking ability of strange programs is countless times higher than before.

At this time, Yang Tian raised his hands again. His hands flashed quickly, and bursts of Rune energy radiated from his hands.

Suddenly, Yang Tian was wrapped by a burst of Rune energy.

Yang Tian smiled, his hands still flashing, rushed into the most peripheral defense circle of the superstar temple, passed dozens of layers of defense at a very fast speed, and flashed into the interior of the giant spacecraft from the open entrance.

Once inside the spaceship, Yang Tian felt as if he had returned to the outside of the giant spaceship.

In front of him, there is flat land, while the sky is still a cosmic scene, and the observatory is still the highest building.