Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 586

Tianhun is fighting with immeasurable star Lord. Although he has noticed Yang Tian\'s unusual behavior, he has not stopped it.

For tianhun, the most important thing now is to solve the immeasurable Lord. As long as he kills the immeasurable Lord, who is an eye-catching guy, Yang Tian will let him handle it.

The seeds of the world tree are very important to tianhun.

Because it is said that the world tree has strong life energy. If it can absorb this life energy, it will have endless life.

At first, tianhun made a precise plan, provoked the contradiction between the music world star domain and the superstar temple, and successfully destroyed the music world star domain.

But unexpectedly, the descendants of the music world would rather destroy the world tree than let it fall into the hands of outsiders.

When tianhun thought he had done some useless work, he learned that the world tree had left seeds before it was destroyed

I have to say that tianhun is a very patient person. If someone else, after such a long time, might have given up.

The immeasurable star Lord naturally saw the situation of Yang Tian. Yang Tian\'s practice made him a little confused.

Can you defeat heaven after you become a star beast? What are you doing if you don\'t run away at this time.

As long as Yang Tian is willing to leave, even if he is desperate, he will create an opportunity for him.

The Lord of immeasurable stars is not Yang Tian. Naturally, he can\'t understand Yang Tian\'s concerns.

For Yang Tian, a person living in the world should not only care about himself, but also for his relatives.

Little Qinglong didn\'t expect Yang Tian to do so! Seeing that Yang Tian swallowed more than ten cell bodies containing powerful energy, he opened his eyes and looked very shocked.

Yang Tian also took out this cell body for it to see.

Until now, it and Yang Tian have not figured out how to extract pure energy from this cell body.

Strange programs are still calculating, designing a symbol matrix for Yang Tian to extract this kind of cell energy.

Now, however, Yang Tian swallowed it directly.

Xiaoqinglong knows that Yang Tian is desperate!

Otherwise, Yang Tian would never do such a reckless thing.

In order not to disturb Yang Tian, Xiao Qinglong immediately turned into a giant dragon, which was twice as big as Yang Tian\'s body. His body circled around and surrounded Yang Tian.

"Ow ~"

As soon as this powerful cell body entered the body, a moment later, it overflowed with powerful energy. The energy impacted Yang Tian and changed into the flesh of the dragon, which made Yang Tian burst into a roar.

Although the energy is very huge, Yang Tian obviously feels that the energy release rate of these cell bodies is not as fast as that of animal nuclei.

This made Yang Tian relax.

He had already prepared, so he didn\'t swallow all the cell bodies into his stomach at one time.

This speed of releasing energy can not meet Yang Tian\'s requirements.

If it goes on like this, I don\'t know when I can be promoted to the realm of big star God.

What Yang Tian needs now is fast! For him, the fight between the Lord of immeasurable stars and tianhun is like buying time for him.

So Yang Tian opened his mouth again, sucked the remaining red cell bodies into his mouth and swallowed them into his stomach

Three minutes later.

"Ow ~"

Yang Tian, who turned into a dragon, suddenly opened his mouth and gave a roar.

This is a voice to vent, because at this time, Yang Tian is really too painful.

Huge energy, only one third of the energy enters his energy world, and the remaining two-thirds of the energy can only be borne by the body.

Fortunately, the incarnation became a dragon, the body cells changed, and the constitution became much stronger. If it were a human body, it would have been blasted by this energy.

When swallowing these cell bodies, Yang Tian hopes that he can be transformed by these cell bodies and ascend from the realm of the great star Lord to the realm of the great star God.

In this way, I have at least one strength to fight with heaven. At that time, it is not impossible for him to join hands with the Lord of immeasurable stars to defeat tianhun.

However, after swallowing these cell bodies, it seems different from what Yang Tian expected.

These cell bodies simply release energy and do not transform his body cells.

Yang Tiangang has just been promoted to the realm of big star Lord, and his body has not fully adapted.

In other words, Yang Tian\'s body cells are still in cell and cell state. The demand for energy is not particularly large.

If the energy cannot be vented, the result is very serious.

Yang Tian, who was in pain, couldn\'t control his body. He kept rolling his body in the void and cried \'ao Ao\'.

Despite the pain, the original boundary in Yang celestial body is slowly becoming larger. With the supplement of energy, it expands very smoothly.

However, this speed is not fast enough.

While experiencing physical pain, Yang Tian guided more forces into the original world with spiritual power.

The energy overflowing from the cell body is red, and the energy entering Yang Tianyuan is also red.

But once entering the original world, this energy is assimilated by the original world and becomes invisible.

But at this time, in addition to Yang Tian\'s power world, his body cells are also absorbing this red energy.

After absorbing a lot of this energy, Yang Tian\'s huge dragon body gradually turned red, from cyan to red, and even his scales became blood red, making him look like a blood dragon.

At the same time, strong energy waves radiated from Yang Tian\'s body.

This energy breath has gone beyond the realm of the big star Lord!

Moreover, it is still significantly enhanced.

Although Yang Tian became stronger at a very fast speed, Xiao Qinglong\'s eyes were still full of worry.

In the distance, the immeasurable astral Lord mixed with heaven, and naturally he also noticed the changes here in Yang Tian.

This is a surprise for the infinite Lord. Because as long as Yang Tian becomes strong, he has a much greater chance of surviving this time.

This is obviously a bad thing for tianhun.

"Boom ~"

A loud noise.

Tianhun gave the most powerful slap and bombarded the immeasurable star Lord.

In this short process, the body of the infinite star Lord was wrapped in a dark curtain and disappeared in a flash.

This palm seems to attack the body of the immeasurable star Lord. In fact, tianhun opened a space channel around the immeasurable star Lord and blasted the immeasurable star Lord into this space channel.

Tianhun is very smart. He immediately judges how to best and quickly solve the matter in front of him.

The immeasurable star who was blasted into the space channel by him will not die, but will be briefly lost in the universe.

When the immeasurable Lord came back here, he would have taken Yang Tian away.

After bombarding the immeasurable star master away, tianhun flashed over and appeared on the head of little green dragon. He clapped it with one hand.

Xiaoqing always pays attention to tianhun, detects the energy fluctuation above his head, and shrinks his head quickly.

Fortunately, Xiaoqinglong reacted quickly. Tianhun\'s palm fell empty.

Although he avoided tianhun\'s attack, Xiaoqinglong suddenly felt that the surrounding space became solidified, making it extremely difficult to move.

This is the means of the big star God to solidify the space. Even the powerful little green dragon can only be trapped.

Tianhun knows that Xiaoqinglong is very important to Yang Tian. He won\'t kill Xiaoqinglong until he gets the seeds of the world tree. He stepped on the huge body of little green dragon and looked down.

Surrounded by Xiaoqinglong\'s huge body, Yang Tian, who incarnated Jackie Chan, appeared in tianhun\'s eyes.

At this time, Yang Tian rolled his body and looked very painful. Because the space was frozen, his movement was only a little faster than little green dragon. In the eyes of ordinary humans, it was like slow motion.

Yang Tian now closed his eyes and was in a confused state, as if he was mentally ill after excessive pain.

However, it is strange that Yang Tian feels like he has become another person, a stranger.

At the same time, a strange memory appeared in his mind.