Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 585

From the words of immeasurable star Lord, Yang Tian finally knew that the old man\'s name was tianhun.

Yang Tian heard the name for the first time. It can be seen that Tian Hun is very hidden.

"It doesn\'t matter to me!" seeing tianhun\'s gloomy face, the immeasurable star Lord sneered, turned his head to look at Yang Tian and said to tianhun, "ask Yang Tian if it\'s none of my business."

Yang Tian smiled, scratched his head and said to the Lord of immeasurable star, "father-in-law, why are you here?"

Yang Tian said so, tianhun finally understood.

It seems that the rumors outside are true. The goddess in the superstar temple is married.

"I haven\'t fought with anyone for a long time. This time I just compete with the infinite star master." tianhun said to Yang Tian, "young man, don\'t take the opportunity to run away. If I win, you have to hand over something. If I lose..."

Speaking of this, tianhun didn\'t go on.

It\'s about competition, but in fact, the next battle must be life and death.

When tianhun finished, Yang Tian looked at the infinite star master and saw that the infinite star Master said in Chinese: "I can\'t beat this old guy. If I\'m finished, take good care of my daughter in the future."

Yang Tian was stunned when he heard this sentence. The immeasurable star Lord could speak the language of the earth! But after understanding the meaning of the infinite Lord, Yang Tian was also very surprised!

The words of immeasurable star Lord sound like an account of the future.

The word "immeasurable master" can mislead people into thinking that immeasurable master is the realm of great master. In fact, it is just a name.

The immeasurable star Lord is also a practitioner of the great star God, but his combat power is a little worse than that of heaven.

In fact, tianhun achieved the realm of the great star God earlier than the great sacrifice of the empty God in the super star temple.

When Yang Tian was stunned, the immeasurable star Lord waved and wrapped Yang Tian with a powerful force, throwing Yang Tian into his broken space channel.

However, tianhun people are old and sophisticated. They have been on guard for a long time. As soon as Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong fall into the space channel, they are mixed by Tianzi.

Seeing Yang Tian disappear and reappear again, the immeasurable star Lord shook his head helplessly. It seems that if we want to save Yang Tian this time, we may not only not be able to save him, but also ourselves.

The immeasurable star Lord planned to send Yang Tian away. He was defeated by Tian Hun in the back. He can also run if he can\'t fight! If the immeasurable star mainly goes, tianhun can\'t leave the immeasurable star master. Unexpectedly, tianhun has seen through his mind.

What should I do now?

Then I have to fight again. Of course, immeasurable star Lord won\'t leave Yang Tian here, otherwise he won\'t appear here.

The first one was the immeasurable star Lord. He looked at tianhun and a gentle smile appeared on his face, but suddenly, he slapped tianhun.

For Yang Tian, the palm of immeasurable star Lord seemed a little sudden. He thought that the Lord of immeasurable stars wanted to say something to tianhun!

This makes Yang Tian see that fighting among the top strong is also unscrupulous.

With the palm of the immeasurable star Lord, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong were pushed away by a powerful energy. The sky was still, and a powerful energy shrouded his body.

This force is like a big bubble. After covering the sky, it shrinks quickly and wants to press the sky into a ball.

Even a planet can be crushed by the fist of the infinite star Lord.

This is a powerful space energy. As soon as tianhun\'s eyes opened and his hands lifted towards both sides, this powerful space energy was broken.

Then tianhun closed his hands and made a sound of "Peng", and the surrounding space trembled, just like the water flow.

Then tianhun punched again.

The powerful fist force rushed towards the immeasurable star Lord along the generated space ripple.

In the face of this punch, the immeasurable star Lord is also a punch.

However, due to the fluctuations in space, like water waves, waves and waves are irregular. The fist of the infinite star Lord scrapes the body of tianhun.

But tianhun\'s fist strength hit the left shoulder of the immeasurable star Lord, making a sound of "Peng".

The energy defense of the immeasurable star Lord failed to prevent this punch. The whole left shoulder was smashed and a large piece was missing.

On the first day of the battle, the immeasurable star Lord was seriously injured.

The key is not that he is missing a piece of his left shoulder, but that the strange energy of heaven has entered his body.

"Peng ~"

Suddenly, the immeasurable star Lord clenched his teeth and forced out the energy invading his body. A shed of blood and flesh gushed from his missing left shoulder.

The physical body of the great star God is extremely powerful.

After the energy of tianhun was forced out of the body, the wound on the left shoulder of the immeasurable star Lord recovered at a very fast speed.

The immeasurable star Lord and tianhun are not wearing armor and are dressed in black, because armor is not very useful to them, but just a tool to set off their momentum.

Seeing the immeasurable star Lord injured and pushed to the distance by his strength, he couldn\'t help clenching his fist. He thought about how to face Qin Fei when he met Qin Fei after he was killed by tianhun here?

"No, we must find a way..." Yang Tian clenched his teeth and thought quickly in his mind.

The injured immeasurable star master kept a calm expression, forced tianhun\'s fist strength, and then punched tianhun again.

The fighting speed of immeasurable star Lord and tianhun seems to be much slower than that of practitioners in the super star realm and even below the super star realm.

However, the energy they use is unimaginable. It seems slow, but the process of fighting is extremely dangerous.

Onlookers see the slowness because they use an energy domain to lock up the surrounding space.

In this\' realm \', practitioners below the realm of the great star Lord should stop talking and be powerful if they are not crushed by space energy.

Therefore, in the move, the immeasurable star Lord forced Yang Tian away.

"Boom ~"

When the immeasurable star Lord forced his fist to invade his body, tianhun took the opportunity to rush over and slap him.

The energy from one punch and one palm collided with each other, making a loud noise.

Immeasurable star Lord and tianhun were impacted by this powerful energy and had to retreat quickly.

At this time, it can be seen that at the place where the forces collide, a dark ball is produced and disappears in a flash.

This is because their strength makes the local space collapse.

After they separated, they rushed towards each other again.

In this very short time, the left shoulder of the immeasurable star Lord actually recovered as before. It can only be seen from the hole in his clothes on his shoulder that his left shoulder was missing before.

Although Yang Tian watched the battle between them, his mind was not on it. He soon thought of a risky way.

The reason for taking risks is that even he is not sure whether he can succeed.

Those practitioners who accept transformation in the superstar temple can burst out powerful energy in a short time, even if they fail.

What changed them was the body cells of the mysterious young man.

"Peng ~"

When Yang Tian hesitated to do that, immeasurable star Lord was wounded again.

This time the wound was in the abdomen.

Immeasurable star Lord was punched through his abdomen by tianhunyi. A hole the size of a fist appeared in his abdomen, and a broken intestine flowed out.

The injury this time is obviously worse than before.

If ordinary humans are so badly injured, they can declare death, but the Lord of immeasurable still looks calm and insists on fighting.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Tian gritted his teeth, raised his hand and waved. Dozens of oval red balls that he had collected into the storage and bracelet not long ago appeared around him.

Then Yang Tian took off his armor and turned into a dragon about 20 meters long at a very fast speed. As soon as he opened his mouth and sucked more than a dozen red spheres into his mouth

These red balls are the body cells of the mysterious young man, which absorb enough sealed energy and contain huge energy.