Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 583

At this time, Yuyang Nansi has seen kaihong.

Kaihong was standing on a building like a bell tower. The building is also more than 20 meters high. Standing here, kaihong can have a level view with Yuyang Nansi.

"Who are you? What do you want to do when you break in here?" kaihong asked loudly, looking at Yuyang Nansi\'s beautiful face.

"Come and kill you." Yuyang Nansi didn\'t answer who he was, but said these three words briefly.

Her voice is very loud, but it makes people feel that there is a charming smell in her voice.

Facing Yuyang Nansi\'s answer, kaihong just snorted coldly.

At this time, Yuyang Nansi actually fell into a huge Rune array.

At eight positions in the manor, a blue light beam suddenly rose.

These beams of light are directed obliquely into the sky.

Eight light columns with a diameter of several meters gathered together in the hundreds of meters of the air of the manor and projected a huge blue light net below.

Even in the light of bright stars, the blue light network is particularly prominent.

"The energy of the rune array can bind her. Although she has attack power, she should not be hurt with armor..."

As soon as the symbol matrix appeared, the strange program analyzed it for Yang Tian.

With enough Rune information, the strange program is more powerful. Just the energy fluctuation emitted from the rune array can judge the severity of the rune array and what type of Rune array it is.

It\'s just like a practitioner can judge the cultivation level of the other party according to the energy fluctuation in the other party\'s body.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "as long as she doesn\'t die, it\'s nothing to get hurt. If I leave, she will face a lot of such battles later."

After being covered by the blue light net, Yuyang Nansi frowned and cut to the light net with a knife.

"Peng ~"

A loud noise.

Yuyang Nansi\'s powerful knife failed to cut the optical net.

Seeing that the rune array was not broken, kaihong breathed a sigh of relief.

If the woman in front of him breaks the rune array with a knife, he will consider leaving here immediately.

Anyway, all the property is in the storage bracelet. If you leave the North Yanxing domain, you can also live a good life and continue to practice.

After the rune array started, the two practitioners who went out to clean up the escapees came back and stood on the periphery of the rune array with 12 other practitioners, holding weapons.

This Rune array has not only defense function, but also attack means.

"Chi Chi..."

Suddenly, the light net began to shine with messy lines like blue current.

At the same time, a blue flame began to appear in the rune array, and the surrounding temperature increased at a very fast speed.

Seeing the situation in the rune array, kaihong couldn\'t help laughing.

This is the most powerful attack method of this Rune array. It traps the enemy and raises the temperature to the extent that even the armor can melt.

People trapped in the array will die miserably.

The range covered by this Rune array is 100 meters in diameter. It can trap not only individuals, but also a large group of people.

Even kaihong himself believed that if he was trapped in it, there was only a dead end.

Soon, however, something surprised him.

Yuyang Nansi opened his mouth to the blue flame in the array and then sucked it. These blue flames were sucked into Yuyang Nansi\'s mouth.

Without the blue flame, the temperature in the array dropped at once.

The rune array detected that the flame in the array was extinguished, and more blue flames were generated again.

And Yuyang Nansi, suck it again.

After such a few times, the energy of the rune array is consumed by more than half.

This is another combat skill possessed by Yuyang Nansi, that is, phagocytosis. Engulf free energy substances.

In the distance, Yang Tian was surprised to see such a situation.

In fact, the dragon family also has this ability, but little green dragon rarely uses it, and Yang Tian forgot it. The little green dragon who followed Yang Tian never swallowed humans.

If it is another dragon, it will swallow its opponent when fighting with human practitioners.

Unless they have the ability of the monkey king, the practitioners who are swallowed into their stomach will be transformed into energy in an instant.

Of course, in the face of practitioners who are stronger than themselves, dragons will not do such stupid things.

After several engulfments, Yuyang Nansi has found that the energy of the rune array has weakened. So he waved his knife and chopped twice quickly.

"Boom ~"

There were two loud noises in succession.

The rune array was destroyed at once. An explosion also occurred at the eight corners of the manor, and the blue light beam projected into the air disappeared.

"Trap him!" kaihong shouted in horror when he saw that the rune array was broken.

Fourteen of his men rushed towards Yuyang Nansi with weapons. By this time, kaihong had gone downstairs and ran towards the secret room.

He is very smart. He has a hunch that he is not Yuyang Nansi\'s opponent. He\'d better run away.

However, when he got to the secret room, he saw the destroyed transmission array, his eyes couldn\'t help opening, and his face looked angry.

Kaihong is Yang Tian\'s "experimental product" for Yuyang Nansi. Yang Tian won\'t let him run away easily.

In fact, practitioners like kaihong are not good people. Hundreds of ordinary humans died in their hands.

Yang Tian doesn\'t feel guilty about killing such people.

"Puff, puff..."

Facing more than ten practitioners from the star realm, Yu yangnansi quickly waved a knife and killed five people in a row.

The bodies of the five killed gathered again.

With a sneer, Yuyang Nansi raised his legs and stepped on them several times, stepping on these people\'s bodies into meat patties.

Seeing that the boss had run away, the remaining few people turned their eyes and fled into the jungle outside the manor.

Yuyang Nansi didn\'t chase him. He trampled and killed the five people who were unwilling and wanted to revive twice. Let them die completely.

Immediately, Yuyang Nansi moved and chased in one direction. She had already focused on kaihong.

Unless kaihong has the same ability as Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, he can keep the breath in his body.

Otherwise, he can\'t escape the pursuit of Yuyang Nansi.

Kaihong flew quickly in the air. After a few breaths, he left the manor for tens of kilometers.

At this time, kaihong regretted that he should not have settled his residence in the jungle.

It\'s better to live in a big city and it\'s easier to hide.

As soon as kaihong jumped to the edge of the jungle, he saw a flash of red shadow in front of him, and Yuyang Nansi suddenly appeared in front of him.

For kaihong, we have to fight now.

He is a constant star master practitioner. Although he is usually low-key, no one dares to provoke him. At this time, as soon as the anger came up, he immediately took out a huge weapon like a mace from the storage bracelet.

Yuyang Nansi fell to the ground, looked at kaihong with a smile and shouted, "kaihong..."

The voice sounded very gentle. Kaihong was stunned and stared at Yu Yang Nansi\'s eyes.

At this glance, kaihong\'s mind became confused.

In his eyes, Yuyang Nansi\'s eyes are like a black hole, which can suck his body in.

"No!" cried kaihong in his heart. Immediately turned his head to avoid Yu Yang Nansi\'s eyes.

This is another inherited combat skill of the Yuyang nationality. It can be called "Ecstasy", which can confuse the opponent\'s mind.

This kind of fighting skill is most suitable for women of Yuyang nationality. And the more beautiful a woman is, the better.

Although it was higher than the realm of Yuyang Nansi, kaihong was also briefly lost.

This will kill him.

When kaihong woke up, Yuyang Nansi\'s knife had been cut to his head.

Kaihong had no time to dodge and had to raise his weapons to meet the chopping knife.

"Peng ~"

A loud noise.

Yuyang Nansi felt the big knife in his hand stagnate for a moment, and then cut it on the ground smoothly.

The knife Qi overflowed and cut the ground into a trench tens of meters deep and about five meters wide, which extended to the distance.

And kaihong, he and his weapons, have become two halves.


Seeing kaihong\'s half body separated by tens of meters, Yuyang Nansi smiled.

In her eyes, there was a look of great confidence.

Yang Tian smiled happily when he saw Yu yangnansi\'s eyes. Then he flashed into the black dragon spacecraft.

Xiaoqinglong had already returned to Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

In Yuyang, Nansi was happy and was ready to go back and show off to Yang Tian. He saw Yang Tian\'s spacecraft take off and go towards outer space.

Yang Tian is gone... Yuyang Nansi knows that Yang Tian has really left the North Yanxing domain.

Maybe she won\'t see Yang Tian again for a long time.

"If you want to go... Don\'t say it in advance..." Yuyang Nansi looked at the black dragon spacecraft disappearing into the sky, murmured, and with a knife, cut Kai Honggang\'s body into two parts again.

On the black dragon.

Xiaoqinglong asked Yang Tian why he left suddenly now.

Yang Tian smiled and said, "she has the ability to protect Xiaotian..."

The black dragon spacecraft soon returned to the sky above the burning star.

After looking at the situation on Yanxing, Yang Tianzheng was preparing to let the spacecraft make a route back to ketra. Suddenly, a powerful breath appeared.