Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 582

After trying on their clothes and armor, they returned to the black dragon spacecraft.

After a short stay, the black dragon spacecraft took off again and came to a planet called trichrome star in the North Yanxing domain.

This is the most beautiful planet in Beiyan domain and the best environment.

It is called a trichromatic star because it has three colors when viewed from outside the atmosphere. Plant green, desert red, ocean blue.

Trichromatic stars are more than twice as big as the earth, and their gravity is about twice that of the earth.

As soon as the spacecraft reached the outer atmosphere of tricolor, it received a communication request.

Yang Tian released a powerful spiritual force to wrap the spacecraft, ignored the communication request, and directly broke into the planet\'s atmosphere.

When the black dragon spacecraft landed, it was naturally bombarded by the super energy particle gun.

With the protection of Yang Tian\'s spiritual power, the spacecraft landed in a jungle without any damage.

Not far from this jungle is a manor.

Kaihong, the master of Hengxing, lives in this manor.

When a spaceship broke in, kaihong knew it at the first time and sent hundreds of his men around Yang Tian\'s black dragon spaceship.

Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong have restrained their breath. Otherwise, it is estimated that as soon as Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong arrive here, kaihong will run away through the transmission array.

He noticed that a large number of practitioners gathered around him. In the cockpit, Yang Tian smiled and said to Yu Yangnan, "it\'s up to you now. Kill kaihong."

With that, Yang Tian turned his head again and said to Xiaoqinglong, "Xiaolong, don\'t let kaihong run away."

The Little Green Dragon nodded, turned into a green shadow and left the black dragon spacecraft.

This battle is an actual battle arranged by Yang Tian for Yuyang Nansi. Xiaoqinglong just needs to ensure that kaihong can\'t run.

After getting off the black dragon spacecraft, Yuyang Nansi became bigger and put on the red armor prepared by Yang Tian for him.

The practitioners gathered around were very surprised to see such a huge woman.

After growing to more than 20 meters high, Yuyang Nansi\'s head came out of the forest. A large section of the forest had a wide view.

In her hand, a big black knife appeared.

This knife is also prepared by Yang Tian for Yuyang Nansi.

Yang Tian also got out of the spaceship at this time, sat on the top of the black dragon spaceship and looked at all this curiously.

Although surprised and frightened, more than 100 practitioners in the planetary realm, led by one of the Star Warrior practitioners, rushed towards Yuyang Nansi.

"Boom, boom..."

Yuyang Nansi took a big knife and walked towards kaihong\'s manor in front. The ground trembled.

All the trees in front of Yuyang Nansi were directly broken by Yuyang Nansi\'s huge body.

"Kill ~"

Suddenly, a loud cry sounded.

A practitioner jumped up high with a knife and stabbed Yu Yang Nansi in the abdomen.

The armor on Yuyang Nansi looks weak in the abdomen.

"Chi ~"

Yuyang Nansi lifted the knife, and the shadow of the knife passed through the practitioner\'s body.

This knife directly cut the practitioner into two sections.

Don\'t think that Yu Yang\'s Nansi is slow because of her huge body. In fact, she is a little faster than other practitioners in the same realm.

A practitioner was killed, and another planetary realm rushed over.

The man attacked Yuyang Nansi from behind. He jumped up high and stabbed Yuyang Nansi in the head.

Yuyang Nansi didn\'t wear a helmet.

Hearing the wind behind his neck, Yuyang Nansi\'s body didn\'t move, but his neck turned an incredible 180 degrees, and Zhang opened his mouth and vomited.

A red flame came out of Yuyang Nansi\'s mouth.

The practitioner of the planetary realm was immediately wrapped in this red flame and gave a "Zi" sound. He was burned into black coke and fell to the ground.

This is a kind of war skill possessed by Yuyang Nansi after receiving the inheritance and memory of Yuyang nationality. However, compared with the flame of little green dragon, the temperature of this red flame is much lower.

"Pengpeng is..."

At this time, more practitioners rushed over and chopped around Yuyang Nansi, making a dense sound of energy collision.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian smiled again.

The runes on the armor of Yuyang Nansi are strange programming and control Yang Tiantian\'s body. It is depicted by the big Rune pen.

This armor is already the top armor in the universe. Ordinary practitioners can\'t destroy it.

This armor is powered by a super star warrior beast core. This armor can be protected for a long time.

Facing the attack of hundreds of people, Yuyang Nansi waved his knife with both hands and gave a "Chi" sound.

The huge black knife formed a flash shadow. In an instant, it cut more than ten people in half.

Seeing that the huge woman in front of her was so fierce and could not break her armor defense, some people were afraid to fight again, so they turned and ran away.

Some took the lead, and more people joined the ranks of the escapees.

The leading practitioner of the stellar realm killed several fleeing men in a row, but he couldn\'t stop them from fleeing. Finally, he had to escape into the jungle.

Kaihong\'s men dare not go back to the manor, because after going back, he will also be killed by the angry kaihong.

Not far away, in kaihong\'s manor.

Kaihong is standing on the tallest building of the manor with 14 men of Xingxing realm, looking at Yuyang Nansi expressionless.

Kaihong is a middle-aged man\'s face, with short silver hair and a tall body, wearing a beautifully decorated black armor.

Yuyang Nansi was so powerful that he didn\'t panic kaihong.

In the northern Yanxing domain, kaihong is an old man. He has experienced no less than a thousand battles and has long been used to this scene.

When hundreds of manor guards fled, kaihong said coldly, "Mi Chen, ancient star lance, you go and clean up those cowards."


As soon as kaihong\'s voice fell, the two practitioners behind him spoke out.

After bowing to kaihong, the two men flashed away.

At this time, Yuyang Nansi walked very fast and approached the manor.

In the process of fast walking, the momentum caused by Yuyang Nansi is very large. Even if you stay in the rooms of those buildings in the manor, you can hear the roar outside and the floor is shaking.

Ordinary people in the manor were so frightened that they opened the back door of the manor and fled towards the jungle.

Kaihong ignored these ordinary humans.

"Array arrangement, I want this monster to taste the power of the rune array! Start the transmission array disk. If the rune array can\'t trap her, we\'ll leave immediately."

After giving orders, the twelve men behind kaihong immediately dispersed and went to make preparations.

The practitioners who live in the Beiyan region have no sense of security. They all have their own means to protect their lives, such as setting up a rune array around their residence and a transmission array that can be started at any time at home.

Xiaoqinglong had already entered the manor.

When a kaihong\'s hand went down to start the transmission array, Xiaoqinglong followed him and entered a secret room underground.

After coming to the secret room, kaihong\'s men immediately put a star crystal into the energy chamber of the array disk.

With energy, the transmission array disk lights up blue light at once.

Seeing that the array disk started, the talent left the secret room.

After he left, the little green dragon flashed out and destroyed the key runes on the array disk with its sharp dragon claws. Therefore, the transmission array disk was extinguished and lost its transmission ability.

"Boom ~"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside.

It was Yuyang Nansi who jumped into the manor from the outside.

It sounds like dozens of tons of heavy objects falling from a height of 100 meters and hitting the ground.