Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 580

Yuyang Nansi looked at Yang Tian with a resentful look, took off his clothes and sat on the ground naked.

There was no one else around, and Yuyang Nansi didn\'t worry about being seen by others.

After swallowing the animal core of the master level of the star domain into his belly, Yuyang Nansi closed his eyes.

This time, after absorbing the energy of the beast\'s nucleus, her body did not change.

"I feel... It\'s a little short of energy." after absorbing the energy of the animal core, Yuyang Nansi opened his eyes and said to Yang Tian.

Yang Tian took out another animal core of the main stage of the stellar domain.

Yang Tian\'s number of animal cores, even the empty God sacrifice in the superstar temple, is estimated to be unmatched by him. Yang Tian even treats animal cores as snacks. He eats dozens of them a day, which takes several years to finish.

Others think it\'s amazing that they have one or two stellar animal cores, but Yang Tian can take them out casually.

Until now, Yuyang Nansi didn\'t know how many animal cores Yang Tian had. She wondered whether Yang Tian had the treasure left by ancient practitioners.

After swallowing a major animal core in the stellar domain again, Yuyang Nansi\'s skin turned red again, and the bones in his body sounded a "cluck" sound.

As Yang Tian expected, Yuyang Nansi\'s body began to grow again.

Her body grew from about 2.5 meters to nearly 4 meters.

At this time, Yuyang Nansi was a real giant compared with ordinary people.

This growth lasted much longer than before. It took about twenty minutes. Yuyang Nansi sitting on the ground is much higher than Yang Tian.

After this growth, the realm of Yuyang Nansi was upgraded from Star Warrior level to star general level.

Looking at Yuyang Nansi\'s tall figure, it is estimated that the combat power is even stronger than that of ordinary practitioners at the level of star general.

"How do you feel? Do you think you\'ve become much stronger?" Yang Tian asked with a smile after Yuyang Nansi\'s body stopped growing.


Unexpectedly, when Yang Tian asked, Yuyang Nansi covered his face and suddenly cried.

The body has become so big. How can I see people when I go out in the future! In other people\'s eyes, it\'s not a monster

Not only for this reason, Yuyang Nansi feels that Yang Tian doesn\'t care about her body, which shows that Yang Tian doesn\'t care about her.

Yang Tian looked at Yu yangnansi crying, smiled and comforted: "what are you crying for? When your realm has been improved to a certain extent, you can change back..."

Yang Tian is a practitioner in the realm of big star Lord. His understanding of body cells is unimaginable for Yuyang Nansi. He described in detail the situation that cells can change with ideas catalyzed by energy.

"Really?" Yang Tian said, and Yu yangnansi looked at Yang Tian with puzzled eyes.

Yang Tian nodded very definitely.

Yuyang Nansi now can only choose to believe Yang Tian and answer Yang Tian\'s previous question: "yes, I feel full of strength. It\'s like... It\'s like a fist can pierce the planet."

Yuyang Nansi finished and waved his fist.

When Yuyang Nansi waved his fist, there was a harsh wind.

Yang Tian smiled and said, "then you can try."

Yuyang Nansi nodded and stood up.

Yuyang Nansi, whose body has become bigger, stood up and his face was shy, because this private part should be more obvious after his body has become bigger

Yang Tian, after Yu yangnansi stood up, slowly retreated back to leave room for Yu yangnansi to play.

Yang Tian wants to know how powerful Yuyang Nansi is now.

After pinching for a while, she saw that Yang Tian had been far away from her for tens of meters before she took action.

"Peng ~"

In Yang Tian\'s expectant eyes, Yuyang Nansi kicked his feet on the ground and catapulted into the air for tens of meters.

Her body turned around in the air and struck down on the gravitational attraction of the planet, then hit it on the ground.

"Boom ~"

A loud noise.

It\'s like a high explosive bomb exploding underground.

With Yuyang Nansi\'s body as the center, a large mass of sand and stone rose. The ground trembled violently.

When the sand and stone dispersed with the air flow, what appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes was a big pit. Now he was standing on the edge of the pit.

The pit has a diameter of about 50 meters and a depth of more than 20 meters.

Yang Tian calculated that from the hardness of the planet\'s rocks, the power of Yuyang Nansi has indeed exceeded that of ordinary stellar war general practitioners.

Yuyang Nansi was standing in the pit now, covered with sand and stones. She shook her body and shook the sand and stones off her body.

Seeing Yang Tianzheng smiling at himself, Yu yangnansi was trying to jump out of the pit. Yang Tian smiled and said, you stay in the pit now so as not to be seen by others.

The news just now will certainly attract many people to visit nearby. Yang Tian doesn\'t want his woman to be seen by others.

Yuyang Nansi nodded

Yang Tian said again, "can you feel your body and absorb more energy?"

Yuyang Nansi nodded directly, "I feel my body is more eager for energy."

Yang Tian smiled and took out two golden superstar warrior level animal cores directly from the storage bracelet.

Yang Tian looked at the two animal cores in his hand and threw them to Yu yangnansi.

Yuyang Nansi reached out and grabbed the two animal cores in his hand.

Controlling a strong desire to devour, Yunan Si swallowed only one animal core.


After swallowing the animal\'s core, Yuyang Nansi\'s body grew up again.

This time, her height increased more than four times, and a pit of more than 20 meters appeared on her head before she stopped.

From the perspective of Yuyang Nansi, Yang Tian has become very small.

"Yang Tian, I feel that there are more memories in my mind." Yu yangnansi opened his eyes, looked at Yang Tian standing at the edge of the pit and said in a surprised tone.

Obviously, this is the inheritance and memory of the Yuyang family.

When the state reaches a certain level, the brain is developed and the inheritance memory will awaken.

We should know that inheritance memory is not only owned by animals, but also by humans.

It\'s just that exotic animals wake up earlier than humans.

Yang Tiandu has reached the realm of the great star Lord through practice. However, the inheritance and memory of human beings on earth has not been awakened.

Just awakened more about the inheritance and memory of the dragon family.

"If you feel it carefully, you may know how to change back." Yang Tian thought and smiled.

Yuyang Nansi nodded his head, turned his eyes and looked into the distance.

Someone has come here and rushed here.

Yuyang Nansi only looked at it and lowered his head. For fear that she will be seen by others.

The visitors are two middle-aged men, neither of whom is from the Yuyang family.

Yang Tian looked at them and said faintly, "leave here. This is not where you should come."

Yang Tian sent this sentence with spiritual power. They heard it and felt like thunder.

However, they didn\'t listen to Yang Tian\'s warning. They just stopped for a while and then ran here.

In the eyes of these two people, something must happen ahead and may benefit.

Yang Tian was very unhappy. He raised his left hand and gave two sharp fingers to the flashing figures of the two people.


Two bursts sounded in succession.

The two Star Warrior practitioners who did not listen to the warning were smashed by Yang Tian with his fingers.

The people killed by Yang Tian are basically impossible to live.

If a practitioner of the great star master realm wants to kill a practitioner of the star realm, he can do it simply with his fingers.