Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 579

Remove the seal from the body!

Yu Yangnan thought and opened his eyes. She once heard the old people say that there is a seal in the body of the Yuyang people, but no one knows what kind of seal it is.

In the past long time, the Yuyang family has also paid a huge price. Please move some top strong people to break the seal in the Yuyang family.

But with no doubt exceptions, they all failed.

Most of the strong people who are invited cannot find the seal energy in the Yuyang family. Even if they do, these top strong people have nothing to do with this seal energy.

Because this requires conditions like Yang Tian.

First, we need to have strong spiritual strength; 2、 You need the help of strange programs, or you have very high attainments in runes.

"Yang Tian, can you remove the seal in the body of our Yuyang family?" Yu Yang Nan was stunned, looked at the confident look in Yang Tian\'s eyes and said in surprise.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "it\'s to remove the seal from your body, not from your Yuyang clan. Other Yuyang clansmen, find a way by yourself!"

"What about Xiaotian?" Yuyang Nansi asked again.

Yang Tian said, "if he can\'t even do this in the future, he can\'t become a top strong man."

Yang Tian finished, and Yu yangnansi was disappointed.

She didn\'t expect that Yang Tian\'s requirements for her son were so harsh.

"Well, let\'s start now! Just like before." Yang Tian said faintly.

Yuyang Nansi nodded and sat down

Using spiritual power, Yang Tian soon found the red energy in Yuyang Nansi\'s body.

As before, as soon as he found this line of sealing energy, Yang Tian turned it into a big net with spiritual power and covered it.

As before, the silk energy soon gathered together.

However, there is no energy transmission array to provide energy for it. Under Yang Tian\'s powerful spiritual power, it is unable to resist and is wrapped by Yang Tian\'s spiritual power.

Yang Tian wrapped this energy with spiritual strength and left Yuyang Nansi\'s body.

To be on the safe side, Yang Tian scattered the red seal energy and checked the body cells of Yuyang Nansi again before he put down his heart.

"Well, do you have any obvious feeling?" Yang Tian asked after removing the seal energy.

Yuyang Nansi shook his head.

Next, Yang Tian can safely improve the realm of Yuyang Nansi. He took out a Blue Star Warrior beast core from the storage bracelet and handed it to Yuyang Nansi.

If it goes well, Yuyang Nansi will soon become a practitioner of the stellar realm.

In Yang Tian\'s eyes, Yu Yangnan calmed down his nervous mood and put the animal core into his mouth.

After swallowing the animal nucleus, the energy emitted by the animal nucleus was soon absorbed by Yuyang Nansi\'s body cells.

This process was very fast. Yuyang Nansi didn\'t react.

She practices the power of Qi and pulse. There is an energy world in her body. When she practices, Yuyang Nansi uses the energy world to absorb energy. When she fights, she also calls the power of the energy world.

Now, however, the body cells in her body instantly absorbed the energy of the animal nucleus. She even had to absorb the energy in her energy world, forcing her to close the energy world with her mind.

The calm of Yuyang Nansi surprised Yang Tian very much.

This undoubtedly shows that the body cells of Yuyang nationality are different from ordinary people.

Yang Tian once again took out a silver white stellar general level beast core.

After swallowing the animal core, Yuyang Nansi\'s reaction, as before, took almost a few minutes to absorb the energy of the animal core.

Yuyang Nansi cultivates the power of Qi and pulse. Before, there was sealed energy, and the body cells absorbed very little energy. The reason for this is, of course, due to the interference of sealing energy.

Now that there is no sealed energy, her body cells seem to have been hungry for hundreds of years. As soon as there is energy, the energy world has not begun to absorb the energy of the animal nucleus, but has been directly absorbed by the body cells.

This happened twice in a row. Yuyang Nansi also felt incredible. She immediately described the situation in Yang Tian in detail.

Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing when he heard it clearly.

This is obviously a good phenomenon!

"Then, don\'t try to use the energy world to absorb the energy of the beast core. I want to see what happens to your body cells after absorbing enough energy." Yang Tian said, and then took out the Yellow Constant Star King beast core from the storage bracelet.

After swallowing the animal core, Yuyang Nansi\'s body finally reacted.

Her skin began to turn red slowly, just like the red of ordinary people drunk. After this process lasted for a few minutes, the damp red of the skin slowly faded.

At this time, Yang Tian found that Yuyang Nansi\'s skin had become much whiter and more delicate than before.

You know, the living environment of Yuyang people is very bad, and their skin is a little dark. At this time, in Yang Tian\'s eyes, Yuyang Nansi is undoubtedly more beautiful.

After absorbing the beast nucleus of the king of constant stars, although there was such a change, Yang Tian judged from the energy fluctuation emitted by Yu yangnansi that she still didn\'t advance.

Yang Tian began to feel incredible.

Like finding a treasure mountain, Yang Tian was a little excited. Then, he took out a black star main beast core from the storage bracelet.

After swallowing the main animal core of the constant star, Yuyang Nansi\'s body finally changed greatly.

First, as before, her skin turned red, and then the bones in her body made a "cluck" sound.

In Yang Tian\'s surprised eyes, Yu Yang Nansi\'s body actually began to grow. In more than ten minutes, her height surpassed Yang Tian. When she was about two meters and five meters tall, she finally stopped.

At this time, Yuyang Nansi\'s body radiated the energy fluctuation frequency of star realm practitioners.

Star Warrior!

Yuyang Nansi is wearing a white, highly elastic nightgown. When her body becomes larger, such loose clothes are tight on her, making Yuyang Nansi\'s figure appear perfectly in Yang Tian\'s eyes again.

Seeing that he had become so big, Yuyang Nansi was very surprised at first, and then panicked.

She has become a giant now. If so... Will Yang Tian want her?

Yang Tian didn\'t care. He took out a star domain master beast core from the storage bracelet and handed it to Yu yangnansi.

"No, I don\'t want to get bigger. It\'s not good..." Yuyang Nansi quickly waved his hands and refused.

When Yuyang Nansi said this, he found that his voice had changed. It has become more crisp and loud, but it is still a woman\'s unique voice.

In fact, this change of Yuyang Nansi\'s body is nothing to Yang Tian. If he wants, he can actually make himself tall.

This is a skill Yang Tian realized after he became Jackie Chan.

However, this change is of little use to human practitioners. Because when it gets bigger, its strength will not increase. On the contrary, it is easier to be hit by the opponent. It is very suitable to be about two meters tall.

The reason why Xiaoqinglong likes to fight again when he gets bigger is that after he gets bigger, he can play a more powerful force and attack power.

At the same time, the enlarged little green dragon can also give the enemy strong psychological oppression.

There is a clear difference between man and dragon in this regard.

"Swallow it." looking at Yuyang Nansi, Yang Tian said in an indisputable tone.

Yuyang Nansi didn\'t dare to disobey Yang Tian\'s order. She bent down and extended her big hand to Yang Tian. Yang Tian put the red animal core on the palm of her hand.

At this time, Yang Tian found that even if his body became bigger, Yuyang Nansi\'s skin was still so delicate and did not develop in the direction of roughness.