Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 562

Beiyan star domain belongs to a star domain outside the sphere of influence of the superstar temple.

Without powerful forces to control here, the whole star field is extremely chaotic. Families often fight for resources.

Yang Tian set the terminal of weikong warship in the North Yanxing domain.

When the weikong ship stopped, Yang Tian immediately got out of the ship and released the black dragon spacecraft from the storage bracelet.

A moment later, the black dragon spacecraft turned into a light and disappeared into the starry sky.

Three minutes after Yang Tian left, Xi Chen goddess and Hei Fujun arrived here first.

Just after they arrived, the great sacrifice of the empty God and the great sacrifice of Taiyu also came here.

One step ahead is the first chance.

As soon as the goddess Xichen waved her hand, a large space began to collapse, just like a black hole appeared in this space and swept away towards them.

In the face of the attack of the goddess of Xi Chen, the great sacrifice of the empty God raised his hand and destroyed the rolled space energy.

It took only a few seconds for the two sides to arrive here, and then to the great sacrifice of the air God to break the attack of the goddess Xichen.

At this time, the goddess of Xi Chen had disappeared in the eyes of the great sacrifice of the empty God and others.

Then the ship moved.

Under the cover of Xichen goddess, heifujun entered the weikong ship and started the ship.

In this case, whoever arrives at the big ship first will have the big ship.

This time, goddess Xi Chen won.

The reason why they came first was naturally because the goddess of Xi Chen was very familiar with the energy fluctuation on the big ship.

The reason why the big ship can move is that it uses the two eyes of the mysterious young man as energy.


Looking at the slowly moving ship, the air God sacrifice couldn\'t help humming.

Large ships have no binding system. As long as they successfully enter and understand runes, they can basically operate large ships.

What\'s more, black Fu Jun is a master of Fu Tao.

When the big ship began to drive slowly, the great sacrifice of the air God took a palm at the big ship again.

In anger, this is the most powerful blow of the great sacrifice of the empty God.

However, as before, the weikong ship was not affected at all.

In the eyes of the six people in the superstar temple, the mighty air ship became faster and faster, and finally turned into a light and disappeared into space.

It is worth mentioning that during the acceleration of the weikong ship, more than a dozen powerful smells suddenly appeared around.

Obviously, the immortality temple was ready and sent experts to guard the goddess Xi Chen.

This is also expected by the great sacrifice of the air God. If there were only two gods, Xi Chen goddess and Hei Fujun, the great sacrifice of the air God would never miss the opportunity to kill Xi Chen goddess.

More than ten powerful breath, also the strong man in the realm of big star God, entered the big ship before the big ship became a light.

Seeing that the ship disappeared, the great sacrifice of the air God clenched his teeth and said, "let\'s go back. There\'s trouble in the temple now. Prepare for the last war!"

With these words, the figure of the great sacrifice of the empty God flashed and disappeared.

The two great priests of Guanyu Yuchen wanted to take a look and followed back.

Finally, there are only Hong Yujiu, Taiyu grand sacrifice and Meichen grand sacrifice.

"Yang Tian deliberately handed over the weikong warship to the goddess of Xichen? It\'s not decent to do so." after the air God great sacrifice, Guan Yu and Yuchen left, the Meichen great sacrifice frowned and said faintly.

Hong Yu said, "Yang Tian was originally a very outstanding talent. He doesn\'t need it himself. No wonder others."

Taiyu great sacrifice\'s face was helpless and said, "I didn\'t expect Yang Tian to get the weikong ship. It\'s incredible."


In the superstar temple, the three rarely get together to talk. After talking in the empty air for several minutes, they returned to the superstar temple.

Weikong ship control room.

Looking at the fast changing but clear starry sky outside, everyone was surprised.

"Next time I see Yang Tian again, I want to thank him." looking at the countless stars from far to near, and then left behind, the goddess of Xi Chen said with a smile.

As soon as the voice of the goddess of Zhangchen fell, Gao Yuan, who was carrying a big knife, couldn\'t help laughing and said, "Taigong and I have been optimistic about him for a long time. He is really destined to be with the goddess."

The word "fate" said by Gao Yuan was not the kind of emotional fate between men and women. The goddess Xi Chen nodded with a smile.

Then hung Taigong said, "next, we will force the superstar temple. The divine light that has not been born for a long time will come to the goddess again..."

After hung Taigong finished, the goddess of Xi Chen nodded, "the next step is much easier than getting the big ship."


According to the time on earth, yuyangtian is almost nine years old.

After a period of painful exercise, and with a very special blood forever, Yuyang day grew very strong and looked like a teenager of 13 or 14 years old.

Yuyang Nansi is still so young.

When the mother and son walk in the crowd, others will think they are sister and brother!

The North derivative region is a very chaotic star region.

Here, the Yuyang family found the hope of revival. They hoped to unify this star domain and establish the Yuyang empire.

This is the best place for revival found by the Yuyang family after tens of thousands of years of exile.

When it comes to the Yuyang clan, many people think of "assassins" and "star hunters.". In fact, the Yuyang people also have their own secret industries.

The reason why they rise to difficulties is that they have experienced countless failures in tens of thousands of years.

Whenever a large number of Yuyang people appear in a star domain, those in power will be vigilant. They all know that the Yuyang nationality is a race that revives ethnic groups and seizes territory.

This is also a matter of no choice. Livable stars with good environment have been occupied by others. Unless we go to distant stars and find a new star field suitable for human habitation and reproduction.

However, the probability is too small.

Moreover, the chance of encountering Zerg is also very large in strange star regions that human beings have not set foot in.

In these long years, in order to explore the interstellar space, the Yuyang family also paid a high price.

This is a tenacious and stubborn race. If we give up our ideals, our people will have a good life long ago.

Redstone is the most prosperous planet in the northern derivative domain.

Yuyang Nansi and his son yuyangtian came to this planet a month ago.

This time, the mother and son came with a mission. Their goal is to kill Pama, the leader of a small force in the North Yanxing domain.

Pama is a star warrior level practitioner. She has the rule of a small livable star in the northern derivative domain.

As long as Parma is killed, the North Yanxing domain, which has been calm for a period of time, will be in chaos for a while.

In this way, the Yuyang family can fish in troubled waters.

The mother and son walked in the small town composed of low stone houses and observed the surrounding situation.

This is a difficult task, which must undergo precise calculation. The first step is to be familiar with the surrounding terrain.

This small town, called Quran, has existed for thousands of years and has a population of millions. Most of them are ordinary humans, and about one third are low-level practitioners.

The mother and son were observing the situation in the town. Suddenly, a black spaceship fell from the sky and landed directly on the roof of a bungalow.

Yuyangtian looked at the ship curiously.

Since he came to Quran City, he has not seen such an overbearing way to dock the spacecraft. You know, the owner of the house is a master practitioner of planetary domain in the city.

This ship is Yang Tian\'s black dragon.

It was like fate that Yang Tian came here. Neither father nor son knew the existence of each other. It was the first time they were so close.

Yuyang Nansi just glanced at the ship and looked ahead. At this time, a young man of Yuyang nationality sent a secret signal to her.

"Xiaotian, please observe here first. Don\'t walk around. I\'ll come when I go." after receiving the code, Yuyang Nansi whispered to Yuyang Tian with a serious face in the language of the family.

Yuyangtian took his eyes back from the black dragon spacecraft and nodded.