Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 561

"Good!" facing the challenge of Meichen sacrifice, the goddess of Xi Chen smiled and nodded.

Yang Tian opened his eyes and looked at the two people outside the ship without blinking.

The Meichen sacrifice was dressed in a white robe, while the Xichen goddess was dressed in a red skirt. Both of them were very conspicuous.

Suddenly, the figure of Meichen grand sacrifice flashed. In the void, hundreds of Meichen grand sacrifices suddenly appeared, surrounded by Xichen goddess and heifujun.

Psychic illusion!

Yang Tian still knows more about spiritual power. He understands that this effect is produced by the Meichen grand sacrifice using strong spiritual power to affect the thinking of opponents and onlookers.

Therefore, only in human vision will there be hundreds of Meichen sacrifices. In Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes, Meichen sacrifice just moved quickly from one place to another.

This is not an attack move, but an auxiliary move.

Under Yang Tian\'s curiosity, the powerful spiritual power in the original world broke out, forming a spiritual energy shield around the body.

He wanted to use this way to prevent the spiritual power of Meichen sacrifice from affecting the brain.

When the spiritual energy shield was formed outside the body, Yang Tianneng obviously felt a strange fluctuation of spiritual power through his spiritual energy shield.

In Yang Tian\'s eyes, there are still hundreds of Meichen sacrifices.

Yang Tian was very surprised. He knew that his spiritual world was very special, which could not be compared by ordinary spiritual practitioners.

However, it is incredible that Meichen sacrifice can still break through his spiritual power and affect his thinking.

If the Meichen sacrifice is willing, can it invade other people\'s brains and control other people\'s thinking

The invasion of this spiritual power is definitely not a violent way, but a skilled influence.

Just like the principle of virus software invading a computer.

Yang Tian thought quickly and suddenly smiled.

This spiritual invasion should be aimed at human thinking. What if it is a dragon?

Yang Tian used his spiritual power to simulate the thinking mode of the dragon\'s brain. This is what Yang Tian realized after turning into a dragon.

This is really effective.

In Yang Tian\'s eyes, the phantom of Meichen sacrifice disappeared.

This process of cracking makes Yang Tian have a new understanding of the use of spiritual power.

It\'s a long story, but it only took a few seconds.

At this time, Yang Tian saw the goddess Xi Chen turn slowly in place, and suddenly raised his hand.

She refers to the real Meichen sacrifice.

This is a kind of literary duel. The Meichen grand sacrifice makes a question for the goddess Xichen to solve.

In fact, if the Meichen grand sacrifice uses the spiritual power to affect the thinking of the Xichen goddess, and then attacks, the Xichen goddess is afraid to encounter big trouble.

This spiritual power can not only affect the opponent visually, but also slow down the opponent\'s action, or affect hearing and touch, and even create a truly confusing illusion.

After taking back the spiritual power, the Meichen sacrificial priest nodded, "now it\'s your turn."

The goddess of Xi Chen smiled and waved her hand.

Suddenly, the world around changed.

Originally a cosmic sky, it has become a planetary environment.

This is a planet with harsh environment, with extremely high temperature, flowing magma on the ground and erupting volcanoes not far away.

In addition to the harsh environment, there are strange creatures.

"Whew, whew..."

A wind sounded, surrounded by ghosts and shadows moving at high speed. This is a fast-moving creature with sharp claws and teeth.

Although he knew it was a fairyland, he had to dodge in the face of the attack of these strange creatures.

In the distance, the great sacrifice of the sky god and the great sacrifice of Taiyu all frowned, and an energy shield had been formed outside, and the dark shadow kept hitting their energy shield, making bursts of "poop poop".

This illusion is not only useful to people, but also affected Xiaoqinglong. When Yang Tian moves at high speed and dodges the shadow, Xiaoqinglong is also waving his claws.

What a wonderful fantasy, it\'s really the same!

Yang Tian can clearly feel the high temperature and smell a smell of sulfur. His eyes are full of high-speed moving shadows and hear the wind of these shadows in action.

A dark shadow hit again. Yang Tianzheng was ready to dodge, but he suddenly moved in his heart and gave up dodging.

With a "Chi" sound, the dark shadow passed over Yang Tian\'s shoulder, leaving a hole in Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

It hurts!

Moreover, a strange energy intruded into Yang Tian\'s body and wanted to spread out, causing extensive damage to Yang Tian\'s body.

Yang Tian\'s mind moved and dissolved this strange force with the force.

In this process, Yang Tian found that this power was similar to the power in the body of the reformed practitioner.

Yang Tian dodged a shadow\'s attack again, turned his head and found that there was a real cut in his shoulder, and blood seeped out of the wound.

Seeing this wound, Yang Tian couldn\'t tell whether it was real or fantasy.

The illusion created by this spiritual force is really terrible!

Yang Tian understood that if it were not for the pure spiritual power, other forces could not invade the big ship.

This should be a weakness of the big ship! It can resist physical attack energy and runic energy that destroys large ships, but it can\'t stop spiritual power.

Of course, people outside don\'t know this weakness. Neither Meichen grand sacrifice nor Xichen goddess knew that Yang Tian would also be affected by their spiritual energy.

Yang Tian also knows this. Of course, he can\'t let them know.

Otherwise, next, it is estimated that these two people used their spiritual power to attack Yang Tian and want to control Yang Tian\'s thinking.

To get rid of the illusion in front of you is actually simpler than just cracking the spiritual energy of the Meichen sacrifice.

As long as Yang Tian uses his powerful mental power to stop the mental power invading his brain.

In the process of being affected, Yang Tian can obviously feel the spiritual energy fluctuation of the goddess of Xichen. If Yang Tian does not deliberately control it, the spiritual forces of the green dragons in the original world will rush out, break the illusion in front of him and fight back.

"Broken ~"

Suddenly, the Meichen sacrifice gave a loud drink.

At the same time, the illusion in front of us receded like a tide and changed back to the situation in space.

Yang Tian found that he was still in the control room of the weikong ship.

But strangely, there was a wound on his right shoulder. With strong healing ability, the wound has become a red mark.

The wound can heal, but the torn clothes can\'t be repaired automatically. What\'s going on?

"Yang Tian, you scratched it yourself. In your fingernails, there is a remnant of clothes and cloth. If you don\'t believe it, take a look."

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, the strange program reminds Yang Tiandao.

Yang Tianli immediately raised his hand. Sure enough, there were fine cloth residues and some skin and blood in the nail of his left hand.

Just now, Yang Tian scratched himself!

This situation is like a person having a nightmare. He dreamed that he was cut with a knife. When he woke up, he found that he had the same knife wound as in the dream, which seemed very terrible.

Strange programs are not affected by spiritual power, and naturally can see what just happened clearly.

In fact, in the eyes of strange programs, Yang Tiangang is moving around in the empty control room. Xiao Qinglong is the same. In the process, Yang Tian also scratched himself.

Yang Tian couldn\'t help but sigh that people\'s brains will deceive themselves under special conditions!

After breaking the illusion of the goddess of Xi Chen, the great sacrifice of Meichen said, "Xi Chen, I didn\'t expect that your spiritual level has reached this level. I hope to fight with you!"

The goddess of Xi Chen smiled and said, "don\'t worry! You will realize this wish soon."

These people\'s means are too strong. If you look at it again, you may suffer from the fish in the pond. Yang Tian came to the console and pressed a rune button.

The mighty air ship started instantly, turned into a light and disappeared in tens of seconds.