Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 556

Zishu\'s fate is different from others. He didn\'t cut his neck and give his blood and life.

The guard leader just left him in the center of the array platform at random and walked down the array platform.

The old man of Zichen family pressed on a six pointed star pattern on the array platform.

"Boom..." the array platform vibrated again. At the same time, the runes on the edge of the array platform also lit up, emitting bleeding red light.

At this time, Zishu woke up.

The instinct of survival made Zishu burst out powerful energy. He wanted to escape from the array platform. When he rushed under the platform, he bumped into the blood red light curtain at the edge of the array platform, making a "Peng" sound, and his body was bounced back.

After landing, Zishu looked up and found that the semicircular light curtain shrouded the array platform, like a bubble, closed him on the array platform.

"Let me out! Let me out... I don\'t want to die!" Zishu, who was extremely frightened, shouted wildly at the people outside.

However, the soldiers in purple armor and his father, Zichen Yuxing, stood by the array platform, but they paid no attention.

"Your Highness the fourth prince, everything you do will pay a price. This happened because you didn\'t do it clean. Your 99 brothers and those who died in Zichen empire are all because of you..."

Looking at the crazy Zishu, the old man frowned and said faintly.

The old man\'s words became more and more low in Zishu\'s ears, because his consciousness became more and more blurred.

At this time, blood red fog like gas appeared on the array platform. These fog bodies are also emitted from runes.

If Yang Tian is here, his strange program will find that the runes appearing on this array are life runes, which are as rare as time runes.

There are many such runes on large ships.

Life rune is an essential Rune for creating Rune mechanism, because it needs to be used to detect or attack life.

This way of attack is to directly attack the cells of life to achieve the purpose of death.

In addition to attack, life Rune has another function, that is transformation.

Under the attack of blood red fog, Zishu\'s consciousness became more and more blurred, and finally disappeared.

In the words of human beings on earth, Zishu has lost his soul now, but his body is still alive.

Now, all I need is Zishu\'s body.

Soon, Zishu\'s body changed. His skin turned blood red and his body kept getting bigger.

Finally, it became a blood red ball.


At this time, the old man who came here with Zichen Royal Star closed his eyes and recited the spell handed down from a long time ago.

Even the old man didn\'t know the meaning of the spell.

"Boom ~"

Just then, there was another loud noise overhead.

After this loud noise, there began to be a continuous sound above the head, like digging.

You don\'t have to guess. The huge star beast outside has found here and wants to dig the ground open.

At this time, because of nervousness, sweat beads appeared on the old man\'s forehead. He immediately accelerated the speed of reciting the spell. If the spell is not completed, the little green dragon will break into here. Everything they do is in vain, and a hundred princes and princesses are dead in vain.

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

When the old man finished reading the last syllable, little Qinglong had not dug here.

Just now, I was really too nervous because little Qinglong put too much pressure on them.

"Ow ~" suddenly, a beast roared in the stone chamber.

The roaring sound was a blood red sphere in the middle of the array, a red meat ball with a diameter of about 30 meters, which was changed from Zishu\'s body.

At the same time, powerful energy waves emanate from the red sphere. This breath is not weaker than the little green dragon, even more powerful.

"Hahaha... Succeeded! Succeeded!"

Feeling the strength of the red ball, the old man laughed loudly and roared with great excitement.

"Whew ~"

Suddenly, a sound broke the air. Suddenly, a meat beard stretched out from the blood red sphere and rolled the old man.

When the old man didn\'t react, the meat beard pulled the old man into the sphere.

Then, in the huge blood red sphere, there was a \'click\' sound, which sounded like a strange animal chewing bones.

Seeing this situation, the living people in the stone chamber were surprised. They didn\'t expect that after opening the Zichen array, they would create such a monster and swallow all the elders of the Zichen family.

Then, is it your turn?

The fastest reaction was the captain of the guard. He shouted: go! He dodged away from the stone chamber.

However, the meat of the red meat ball must be faster than the captain of the guard. As soon as he got out of the stone chamber, he was pulled back, and his end was the same as the old man just now.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

The dense "wheezing" sound sounded in the stone chamber. The soldiers of Zichen empire in purple armor were all wrapped up in this huge red meat ball and swallowed it in dozens of seconds.

Finally, only Zichen Imperial Star was left.

When the red meat ball appeared, Zichen Royal Star kept staring at the huge red meat ball.

Zichen Royal Star is extremely regretful. Even if he destroys the family, he shouldn\'t start Zichen array!

Sacrificed a hundred children, but cultivated such a monster!

It seems that the monster hates the elder very much. The first one to swallow is the elder. This should be driven by Zishu\'s hatred left in the flesh

Facing this extremely powerful red meat ball, Zichen Yuxing was very nervous and afraid, for fear that the red meat ball would even swallow himself.

If so, it\'s better to give Zishu to Yang Tian early in the morning, even if he is laughed at by others.

When Yang Tian issued an ultimatum for the last time, in fact, Zichen Yuxing also had this idea, but he also understood that Yang Tian would not stop even if Zishu was handed over.

"Peng ~"

Instead of swallowing the purple star, the red meat ball broke the top and rushed out.

Outside, little green dragon has stopped.

Because it sensed the existence of powerful creatures under the ground.

Zichen palace has been turned into a huge pit with a depth of 100 meters by little green dragon. Around the pit, there are many bodies of practitioners.

In more than an hour, Xiaoqinglong killed thousands of practitioners. And more practitioners fled here in despair.

Damn these people!

Compared with the deaths of millions of people on earth, these thousands of people are nothing at all!

After feeling the strong breath coming from below, little green dragon immediately came out of the pit, opened a pair of big longans and stared at the bottom of the pit.