Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 557

"Peng ~"

With a loud noise, the red meat ball finally broke through the ground and suspended hundreds of meters high.


As soon as the huge meat ball came out, the whole ground of zichenxing began to shake.

The real purple Chen array has just started.

Yang Tian had already returned to the big ship and looked at the situation on Zichen star in the control cabin of the big ship.

When the whole purple star began to shake and the terrain suddenly changed, Yang Tian frowned. He had a bad feeling.

"Bruce Lee, come back!" Yang Tian\'s eyes narrowed slightly, and his powerful spiritual power burst out, passing this idea to Bruce Lee.

At this time, Xiaoqinglong is confronting the red ball. After receiving the idea from Yang Tian, Xiaoqinglong gives a low roar to the red meat ball and flies quickly to the sky.

"Boom ~"

However, before breaking out of the atmosphere of zichenxing, Xiaoqinglong bumped into an energy shield that suddenly appeared, and his body was bounced back.

After stabilizing himself in the air, Xiaoqinglong turned his head and looked down.

The land of the whole zichenxing kept shaking, the sea water rolled, and the light purple fog came out of the earth\'s crust and the sea water.

In just a few minutes, this planet, as common as other livable stars, turned into a faint purple.

Originally, this is the origin of the name of Zichen star and the name of Zichen empire.

The launch of Zichen array undoubtedly exposed a great secret of Wuchen empire.

At the same time, it also exposed the weak nature of these empires.

Seeing Xiaoqinglong trapped inside, Yang Tian bit his teeth and said to the strange program, "attack with a big ship and kill the red thing."

The attack power of large ships is also very powerful.

At the prompt of the strange program, Yang Tian adjusted the direction of the weikong ship and aimed the bow at zichenxing.

The powerful rune energy begins to condense in the bow. As long as Yang Tian gives an order, this powerful rune energy will be emitted to Zichen star.

Before the attack, the strange program reminded Yang Tian that the attack of the big ship was very powerful and might cause devastating damage to zichenxing.

For Yang Tian, he doesn\'t care much about Zichen star. He cares about Xiaoqinglong. Countless such planets can\'t be compared with Xiaoqinglong.

When the earth of zichenxing was shaking, a hexagonal star giant Rune array with a diameter of several kilometers and a height of about 100 meters suddenly rose all over the planet.

The ancestors of Zichen family have long arranged on this planet. When a powerful enemy invades Zichen, they can open Zichen array and trap the enemy on the planet.

It\'s obviously not good to trap alone. The big red meat ball is a weapon.

As long as the big array is completely started, the power of this red meat ball can even reach the realm of the big star God.

In the original place of Zichen palace, the raised array platform is the tallest, and the red meat ball is suspended above the array platform.

Ordinary people living on this planet have experienced a big earthquake. Especially if the houses are built above those array platforms, the houses are directly broken by the top of the array platforms.

Fighting among practitioners is the most harmful to civilians. In just one or two hours, tens of thousands of people died and there were cries everywhere.

Xiaoqinglong looked at the huge red meat ball coldly, suddenly swooped down and hit it directly.

"Boom ~"

Before the little green dragon touched the red meat ball, he hit a powerful energy protective layer. There was a loud noise under the strong impact.

At the same time, the powerful shock wave hit all around, and tons of boulders on the ground were blown away.

In the sky, the purple clouds were blown away by the shock wave.

The whole Purple Star trembled.

Life in the realm of big star master has the ability to destroy a planet. It is estimated that this is also the origin of the name of this realm!

Under the impact of this intensity, the red meat ball just trembled and still hung quietly on the high array platform.

And Xiaoqinglong, once again, the powerful anti shock force bounced away.

The impact hurt little Qinglong. Its golden dragon horns are a little crooked, and bright red blood flows out of its roots.

After stabilizing his body in the air, Xiaoqinglong shook his head and woke up.

At this time, the energy fluctuation emitted by the red meat ball has gone beyond the realm of the big star Lord, and is still increasing.

Xiaoqinglong is not stupid. After this attack failed, he knew that he was no longer the opponent of the red meat ball and turned around to leave.

Next, Yang Tian is sure to attack here.

"Whew ~"

As soon as Xiaoqinglong turned his head, he quickly stretched out a one meter thick meat beard from the red meat ball and wrapped it around Xiaoqinglong\'s neck.

The little green dragon was in no hurry. When he opened his mouth, it was a golden dragon flame.

As soon as it was burned by the Dragon flame, the meat beard broke immediately.

As soon as Xiaoqinglong dodged, he left quickly.


Around Zichen palace is an urban area.

Due to the earthquake and the energy shock wave generated by the impact of Xiaoqinglong just now, hundreds of kilometers around have become ruins.

After flying for dozens of miles, little green dragon heard a woman\'s cry for help and a baby\'s cry in front of him.

Xiaoqinglong immediately stopped and turned to look in the direction of the cry. And he saw a young woman falling to the ground with a baby in her arms, and a huge stone on her leg.

It was chaotic at this time. The survivors fled in all directions. Even if someone passed by, they ignored the mother and son.

When Xiaoqinglong saw it, he immediately flew over without any hesitation.

When people nearby saw Xiaoqinglong appear, they were so frightened that they shouted and fled this place.

The little green dragon is huge and looks very scary. The impact just now left a trace of hostility in his eyes.

Xiaoqinglong\'s huge body blocked the light shining on the young woman. When she looked up, she was shocked and flustered: "don\'t... don\'t come here!"

The young woman was afraid, but the baby in her arms suddenly stopped crying and giggled when she saw the little green dragon.

This little guy is so cute!

The anger in Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes disappeared.

"Silk ~"

As soon as the little green dragon waved his dragon beard, he rolled up the boulder on the young woman\'s leg, rolled it up and threw it away.

In the process, a drop of blood on the little green dragon\'s horn coincidentally fell on the baby\'s forehead and soaked in it.

The young woman\'s leg was not broken. She soon got up from the ground, but her leg was numb. When she stood up, she staggered.

Seeing that the giant beast didn\'t mean to hurt herself and saved herself, the young woman thanked Xiaoqinglong: "I, my name is Hongdou. This is my son tormond, thank you!"

With that, the young woman turned and walked towards the crowd in front of her.

Little Qinglong has been staring at the baby in the young woman\'s arms. He knows that the little guy accidentally got his own dragon blood. When he grows up, his cultivation talent must be better than others. Even if you don\'t take the road of practice, your body will be very strong and energetic.

On the ship, Yang Tian saw such a situation and smiled. He liked Xiaoqinglong and had a good heart like himself.

For little green dragon, this is just an episode. In fact, it is not so kind. After saving Hongdou and tomond\'s mother and son, it changes into a mini green dragon and disappears in a flash.

There are many people in the ruins, but Xiaoqinglong can\'t save them all.

"Chi ~"

At this time, Yang Tian had pressed the switch of the weapon, and an invisible Rune energy rushed towards the huge red meat ball.

After the little green dragon left, the smell of the red meat ball increased again, changing from red to purple.

The purple Chen Imperial Star has appeared under the array platform and is reading a spell.

As the head of a country, he has the power to control the meat ball.

"Boom ~"

However, before Zichen Imperial Star finished reading the spell, a powerful energy fell from the sky and landed on the array platform.

Bombarded by the rune energy, the array platform, together with the red meat ball, was blown to pieces at once.

The body of the nearest Zichen Imperial Star was transformed into a particle state by a strong shock wave.

Zichen array was destroyed by Yang Tian before it was fully started.

Because this is a rune energy attack, the shock wave of this explosion is not as powerful as the shock wave generated by the little green dragon\'s impact on the red meat ball just now.

Therefore, the damage to those ordinary people around is also relatively small.

Hongdou and thomond\'s mother and son, who were saved by little green dragon, were blown away again. However, with dragon blood, their luck seemed to be better. They fell into a small pool. Soon, red beans picked up their son from the water


The Zichen array was destroyed. Xiaoqinglong rushed out of the Zichen star and returned to the big ship.

Looking at the little green dragon on his shoulder, Yang Tian said with a smile: "little dragon, well done! We have to leave here immediately. It is estimated that the people in the superstar temple will come..."